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To: Liberty Primary Fleet Superiors CC: LSF - Printable Version

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To: Liberty Primary Fleet Superiors CC: LSF - squeek - 08-10-2011


Incoming Transmission Feed
<div align="right][color=#FF0000]::::::::

Som TP:00102
ET: 1230
Gh:SBJT 1023
He-TIRP: 16


Today at 08:15:20 Standard Manhattan Time (+2) we received reports of an unknown vessel operating in Alaska. Juenau Shipyard reported the vessels tag as one of the TAZ zoners, snubcraft. We caught the individual at hand just as they were making their way through Zone 21 and attempting to enter the trade network.

Som TP:00102
ET: 1230
Gh:SBJT 1023
He-TIRP: 16

[Image: screen628.jpg]

When encountered, the individual did not give any information as to their reason to be in a restricted area, even more, seeming to joke about it instead. The Zoners of Freeport XI are well known to get their share of undesirable individuals, so having one of them sneaking around in our back yard, so to speak, is to be avoided as far as we were informed.

What troubled us the most was the sheer attitude of this person, who did seem to know what they had done, but outright refused to take this more seriously. First we have the [collectors] roaming around like they own the place, now this.

Hopefully this information can be used the next time Navy personnel are accused of breaching the no-fire zones.

Som TP:00102
ET: 1230
Gh:SBJT 1023
He-TIRP: 16

[Image: unledzuf.png]

We shut off all communication with the target not to fall for further acts of provocation.

Tim F. Gennard
Commander of the South Bend

To: Liberty Primary Fleet Superiors CC: LSF - Jihadjoe - 08-10-2011


COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Fleet Admiral David Hale
TARGET ID: Commander Tim F. Gennard
SUBJECT: TAZ in the Zone

Hale here.

Many thanks for the information, Commander. I have sent a message on to the secretary of state for defense, and to the TAZ for an explanation of this. There will doubtless be some repercussions from this incident. You may be called to give a statement on court regarding the incident, however the evidence provided should be enough to reach a settlement without court proceedings.

It's heartening to see that there are at least some people left in the universe who can resist a pretty face. Good work Commander.

Hale out.

[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****