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Adding Skype/Xfire to Forum Profiles - Printable Version

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Adding Skype/Xfire to Forum Profiles - DBoy1612 - 02-24-2008

So alright, I'm browsing the RM forums, making the usual changes and updates. When I noticed something, on the RM forums, I added custom information to profile page and to the sidebar profile (sidebar profile being the little bit of information on the left side of everyones post). So I thought, why don't we have it here? I know it's possible, the old Black Squadron forums ran the latest version of IPB, and I'm the one who added in all the extra information.

Here, example. First on the left being the sidebar profile, on the right being the main profile page.

[Image: Sidebar.jpg] [Image: Profileview-1.jpg]

If we had that here, there wouldn't be a need for all these "What's your Xfire?" or "Do you have Skype?" topics, it can all just be there in the forum profiles. Saves having to search through several pages just to find one persons contact details for a certain IM program. Hell, could even add timezones as well! That would help a lot with planning events and trying to get everyone there, instead of having to go repeatedly ask someone for what timezone their in.

It's easy to install in the Admin CP of IPB, only a few clicks here and there and you're done! (I can write a tutorial for it all if anyone wants) - For members? It will be one of the things listed when you sign up on the forums, and can be edited on the "My Controls" page, I believe in profile information.

I dunno, thought it was a good idea. It's the little things that can help a lot. Watcha think? ^_^

Adding Skype/Xfire to Forum Profiles - Wo3dy - 02-24-2008

sounds good, maybe possible to add skype information 2?

Adding Skype/Xfire to Forum Profiles - Boss - 02-24-2008

Sounds good to me. I'd go for it in a heartbeat.

Adding Skype/Xfire to Forum Profiles - Etaphreven - 02-24-2008

Yeah, definetly a good idea. I say go for it.

Adding Skype/Xfire to Forum Profiles - Crimson-Hawk - 02-24-2008

Definitely sounds great.

Adding Skype/Xfire to Forum Profiles - uspatriotsf - 02-24-2008

Splendid idea D. Simply splendid. As long as it wouldn't be too much to implement I think it would be a great addition.

Adding Skype/Xfire to Forum Profiles - Equinox - 02-24-2008

Xfire profile field for IPB 2.1.X.

Skype profile field for IPB 2.1.X.

Adding Skype/Xfire to Forum Profiles - DBoy1612 - 02-24-2008

' Wrote:Xfire profile field for IPB 2.1.X.

Skype profile field for IPB 2.1.X.

Ah ya, I believe those actually add it to the communication box instead of other information. Thanks for that, going to try it on my own forums and see what it does. ^_^

Adding Skype/Xfire to Forum Profiles - DBoy1612 - 03-06-2008

Guessing my little idea didn't get past clearance?

Adding Skype/Xfire to Forum Profiles - majkp - 03-06-2008

I think it only missed Igiss' attention, as only he can do it..