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Guard Rep - Ntei - 08-13-2011


Guard Rep - Knjaz - 08-13-2011

imo, remove it. Doesn't make much sense when we have ship sales (although, it somehow helps the market, since it's often not 10% discount, but the ship repping process that makes many of us go to the open market)
EDIT: Although, then Guard systems won't be that safe anymore....

Guard Rep - Charos - 08-13-2011

Guard rep is there for a reason and it is just fine. Voted no.

Guard Rep - rwx - 08-13-2011

Guard IDs will be removed in .86
So don't complain and wait <strike>the few years</strike> until it's released.

Guard Rep - Tachyon - 08-13-2011

Guard rep is there for good and the fact it's relatively <strike>time consuming</strike> easy to get too. I voted no.

Guard Rep - .:Mongoose:. - 08-13-2011

' Wrote:Guard rep was implemented to attempt to control the cap population. However, if anyone wants to get a cap, 20 missions will not stop them.

Also, they will be removed in the next mod, so np.

Useless poll is useless.

So if they are being removed does that mean you can buy a Cap with any ID?

Guard Rep - Markus_Janus - 08-13-2011

It means you can buy a cap with any ID that says you can have a cap.:yahoo:

Guard Rep - Anonymous User - 08-13-2011

Why you are all that Sure that they'll be removed?

Just had a chatter with zelot yesterday and he said that he got no idea about that.

Guard Rep - Decerebrated.Individual - 08-13-2011

' Wrote:Guard rep was implemented to attempt to control the cap population. However, if anyone wants to get a cap, 20 missions will not stop them.

Also, they will be removed in the next mod, so np.

Useless poll is useless.

He didnt ask what guard rep is for, he asked if people want it to be easier to get.

He asked about guard rep, not about guard IDs. As far as I know the ID are removed but the repping stays.

' Wrote:Why you are all that Sure that they'll be removed?

Just had a chatter with zelot yesterday and he said that he got no idea about that.

Dusty Lens said they would be removed (after saying that they are too much work to remove before he said that) before he left leaving behind a number of messes. Maybe Zelot doesnt know about what Dusty said or Dusty changed his opinion again.

In my opinion:
-Standard IDs should automatically rep you guard rep green and the guard rep of all other factions red, except maybe those that you wouldnt mind hanging our in your guard system.

-If that isnt done, make fighter guns and missiles be buyable without having to have green guard rep. There are some bases that only sell cannonball missiles and some other fighter gear only if your guard is full green, making people buy them elsewhere on bases where they shouldnt really be because its much faster.

-Players should be discouraged from using guard IFFs because it would improve the red/green/white coding and give a more IRP feeling.

-There should be some missions to serve not only as repping tools, but also as possibilities for co-op play. For example LN missions against rheinalnd NPC caps in Texas (maybe also sendign you to Bering and Hudson) and their equivalent in other factions.

Guard Rep - Anonymous User - 08-13-2011

' Wrote:Dusty Lens said they would be removed (after saying that they are too much work to remove before he said that) before he left leaving behind a number of messes. Maybe Zelot doesnt know about what Dusty said or Dusty changed his opinion again.

dustys stuff is invalid now.

zelot is starting from zero.

Guard IDs removed? hell no... if so it would be a step in wrong direction again
makin' caps more and more easy to get *facepalm*

was already stupid enuf to allow using BSes without BS Scanner...

sure. make them cheaper and easyer to get and... why not same price as snubs? -.-

Welcome to Discovery Capspam 24/7

guardrep/id should stay and also it should be waaaaaaay harder to get.