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sensors - JSDisc - 08-13-2011

in a few words, Light fighters are the scouts of this game. They're manuverable, sleek, few weapon slots etc...
but they don't have any extra sensor range or speed, so there is really no point in buying them; well, few people do. they usually go for HFs.
my point is that every ship type has a different sensor type. my proposal.
LF max sen range: 15k
HF " " ": 13k
VHF " " ": 10k
Gunship " " ":9k
Gunboat " " ": 9k
Cruiser " " ": 11k
Battle-cruiser " " ": 11k
Battleship/dreadnought " " ": 14k
Freighter " " ": 8k
Transport " " ": 6-9k (depending on if its Civ(9k) or House (6k)
Battle-transport/armoured transport " " ": 10k
Liner " " ": 8k
House specific liners (eg Bret royal liner): 11k
I would say this can be balanced any way possible but it would make the game realistic

sensors - SnakThree - 08-13-2011

LFs are said to get their cruise speed increased in next Discovery release.

sensors - Toaster - 08-13-2011

Light Fighters and Freighters will get a cruise speed boost in .86. 450 m/s as far as I know.

Edit: Damn you, green reptile!

sensors - Anonymous User - 08-13-2011

' Wrote:Light Fighters and Freighters will get a cruise speed boost in .86. 400 m/s as far as I know.

fixd for ya

sensors - JSDisc - 08-13-2011

yes but even with that, I think sensors should be upgraded (or downgraded)
PS why are freighters having a cruise of 450? they should be at the same speed or just slightly faster ten HFs or VHFs

sensors - SnakThree - 08-13-2011

Because they have more powerful engines.

sensors - JSDisc - 08-13-2011

' Wrote:Because they have more powerful engines.
HFs and VHFs have powerful engines too. :(how will we catch up to a freighter now. freights are supposed to rely on other ships for protection.

sensors - Zukeenee - 08-14-2011

Well, setting aside the cruise-speed discussion, I'd be in favor of something like this. I like seeing more variety in ship-classes, and sensor distance has remained largely untouched in Disco.

Would be cool.

sensors - jxie93 - 08-15-2011

Introduce sensor equipment (maybe make them class specific) to increase sensor range. Not scanners, because scanners don't improve default range as every ship's is set to 10K which is just boring.

sensors - Markus_Janus - 08-15-2011

Why on earth would a LF have greater range for it's sensors than a BS with a sensor suite larger than the whole LF?