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Ingame /rules and /help system - Printable Version

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Ingame /rules and /help system - Decerebrated.Individual - 08-15-2011

Ok so a few days ago I asked if people thought it was a good idea to make some FLHook commands like /rules that tell you the ruels without having to look up the forums or carrying that cargo item around.
And also commands like /help_reputation that tell you how to adjust your rep without you having to explain the who thing to every noob again and again and again. How to set up the IFF isnt even explained on the forum in a well visible place.

Anyhow, people thought it was a godo idea, and Cannon said he always wanted to do that but never had time.

So, I tried to get at least part of the work done.

I was told its possible to open a textbox like the /showinfo which has 65 character per line, and automatically puts a scroll down bar when the text gets longer than 15 lines (13 lines are on the screen at once if there is a "ok" button to close the textbox.)

This textbox is much nicer than just throwing text into the chat history, because its wider and you can scroll without new messages movign your text around.

I wrote some texts with explanations, which is basically the stuff I am used to explaining to a noob every other time I see one.

I made the texts 65 characters per line to get an idea of the appearance the text would have in the textbox.

It would work like this:

The welcome message when you log on tells you that you can read the rules by tpying /rules and get some help by typing /gettingstarted.

Then when you type /gettingstarted, the thing tells you some stuff and more /help_subject commands which help you on certain subjects. The subjects will be some useful explanation on the interface, and focus mainly about how to stay within RP.

I know, there aint nobody in hell gonna read all that stuff before playing.

The aim is not to make them read it all before playing, but to be able to reference people to explanations very easily, without having to spend 30 minutes explaining it to them by yourself.

If you like explaining stuff yourself, you are still free to do it. This is only meant as an additional help.

I know some people still wont read it, this is to make it easier for people who are willing to learn, not for those who dont want to obey rules.

Below are the texts as they will be called by the command written in the line above it (the one with ====== in it).

I tried to be as short as possible. Text longer than 50 lines will look like a wall of text. I know it looks like a lot.

But the thing is, yeah you need to know all that to play here. Its really long. Thats all you need to know to play here. Thats how this mod is. I didnt make it to be like that.

I didnt make a card for the /help_history command yet. Maybe I'll do it next or if anyone else watns to do it he can post it here, with 65 lines per character and as short as possible.

I may edit the texts to make them shorter.

If someone has any suggestions, finds mistakes, or as useful comments please post.

Please dont post things like "lol people who dont wanna play right wont play right anyway" like people tend to do here in every thread that conerns helping new people. Everybody knows that, and its not helpful.

What I would really like is that someone (Cannon?) gives me an example of work/code needed to put one of those textboxes into an infocard like the /showinfo. Hopefully with that I can do the same for the other texts.

I will post the rules part after this post cause I dunno if it will bust the maximum length.


Welcome to Discovery Freelancer 24/7 RP server!
-Type /gettingstarted for help and advice on how to play here.
-Type /rules to read the server rules
-Type /help for a complete list of console commands.
Server administrators are: Athenian, Cannon, Dieder, Doc Holliday, FellowHoodlum, Igiss, JihadJoe, Majkp, Malexa, and Zelot.
The Angels are here to answer your questions and direct player to official factions that may interest them.

/gettingstarted ===(28 lines)=================

Welcome to the Discovery Freelancer 24/7 RP server!

This Freelancer Mod continues the story of the orriginal single
player campaign of Freelancer, 17 years after it happened, in the
year 817.

This is a role playing server, which means that players should
communicate and behave towards other players in a way that a
character living in the Sirius sector would, and not speak like a
person playing a computer game.

Role playing greatly increases the game experience and will keep
it interesting for a long time, even if it may be a bit difficult
in the beginning for people who are not familiar with the
Discovery Freelancer Universe.

Please take the time to read the rules which are output by typing
the appropriate commands. Knowledge of the server rules is mandatory
for every player.

The /help commands below will provide help for various aspects of
the game. You may not want to read all of the help now, but
remember that it will give you very useful information that you
may need later.

Type /rules to read the server rules

Type /help_chat to learn how to communicate with players
Type /help_roleplay to read some guidelines on role play
Type /help_names for guidelines for naming a ship/character
Type /help_factions to learn how to join a faction
Type /help_reputation for help adjusting your reputation and IFF
Type /help_capship to read help and guidelines on larger ships
Type /help_history to read the history of the Sirius sector

/help_chat ====(34 lines)==================

Pressing the "y" key opens the chat history window. There you can
read previous messages, see who is online, and select
communication channels.

There are 4 chat modes:

1. Local chat (darker blue):
Visible to all players who are within 15k distance.
Used by typing /l or /local in front of of your message
Is default when "system chat" is selected in the chat window.
Only speak in role play in local chat, except in emergencies.

2. System chat (light blue):
Visible to everyone in the system
Used by typing /s or /system in front of your message
Only speak in role play in systen chat

3. Group chat (pink):
Visible to those who are in your group
Type /g in front of your message or select it in the chat window

4. Personal Message (green):
Visible to only one person
Select the person you want to pm in the player list
Type /r to PM the last person who PMed you
Type /t to PM the ship you are targeting

Do not speak Out of Character (OOC) in local or system chat, as
this will destroy the role playing atmosphere to the players who
read your message.

When you are speaking OOC, it is recommend to mark it with // so
that people understand that it's not role play.

Type /help_roleplay to read some guidelines on role play

/help_names ====(40 lines)==================

Try to choose a name that fits your faction and the nature of the
ship/character well, and avoid choosing names which are clear
references to other science fiction universes like Star Trek. A
poorly chosen name which seems unrealistic for your faction will
also affect how other players treat you.

Use capital letters in the correct places, a period is the
recommended word separator, and also avoid useless special
characters and numbers.

For a single seated ship, it is recommended to name it after the
pilot using the format Firstname.Lastname.
Examples: John.Doe or Juergen.Hotzenplotz

A callsign type name or pseudonym is also acceptable
Examples: Maniac, Cougar, LSF-Gamma-3

For a ship which is operated by a crew, it is recommended to use
a worthy ship name instead of the name of the captain.
Examples: Saratoga, The.Lusty.Wench, Hakudo.Maru

Type /help_roleplay for some advice on how to role play as
captains of large ships.

You may also add identifier tags to your name to show your
Examples: LN-John.Smith, Order-Cougar, Samura-Hakudo.Maru

Do not use the tag of an official faction (for example [LN] and
Order|) without being an official member. Instead use tags that
correspond to the NPC name's tags of that faction (for example
LN- and Order-), which may be used by anyone.

You can rename an existing character by typing /renameme NEWNAME.
You will not be able to rename again for a period of 2 weeks, to
prevent abuse. The period starts 5 minutes after your name
change, to allow you to correct yourself if you made a mistake.

Type /help_chat to learn how to communicate with players
Type /help_roleplay to read some guidelines on role play
Type /help_factions to learn how to join a faction

/help_factions ====(43 lines)==================

There are over 50 factions which your character can join. Each
faction has own function, allies, enemies, ships, equipment,
zones of influence (ZOI), and opinions about the law.

A faction will become visible in your reputation list (press F9
or the upper right icon that looks like a man to view the list)
once your character has met at least one player or non player
character (NPC) belonging to that faction.

The list will show you what your reputation with a faction is,
tell you about its general role play status, and who their
enemies and allies are.

The ID (visible when scanning a player's hold, obtainable at
bases belonging to the faction) will tell you which actions are
allowed for members of that faction, and what ship classes and
cargo sizes they may use.

In order to join a faction, you must first get your reputation
with them to full green status. Once your reputation is full
green (9 bars), you will be able to buy their ID.

Your reputation also controls which Identify Friend or Foe
signal (IFF) your ship is sending. Type /help_reputation to learn
how to control your reputation and IFF.
Every faction has a corresponding guard faction and guard system,
with which you will have to be come friendly in the same way to
gain access to the heavier weaponry.

Be sure that you ID, IFF, ship, and equipment are compatible.
For example, don't use the guns of a pirate faction if your
character is lawful.
You can find a table for allowed equipment/ID combinations
in the '€œTechnology Chart'€ on

The /restart command lets you start a new character in different
locations more easily. If you want to explore before deciding on
a certain affiliation, it is recommended to use /restart
Freelancer, since they are not retrained to a certain zone of
influence and are neutral to most other factions.

Type /help_reputation to learn to change your repuation and IFF
Type /help_roleplay to read some guidelines on role play
Type /showrestarts to see starting points for new characters

/help_reputation ====(46 lines)=================

Your reputation controls how non player characters (NPCs) behave
towards you. It also controls your "Identify Friend of Foe"
(IFF) signal, which is what other players see as the affilitation
of your ship/character.

You can increase or decrease your reputation with a faction by:

-Destroying their NPC ships or containers
-Doing missions
-Bribing people in bars

Any increase in reputation with a faction will decrease your
reputation with their enemies, and increase your reputation with
their allies.

You will only be offered bribes for factions with which your
reputation is neutral (white) or hostile (red).
If it is green while you enter the bar, you will not be offered
bribes for that faction.

However you can take several bribes for the same faction if your
reputation was less than friendly at the moment you entered the
bar. This allows you to raise your reputation by more than a
single bribe would.

An example for where this is useful is at the Freelancer base in
the Coronado system, to get a Freelancer IFF.

The first faction with which you get full green reputation will
start flashing yellow/green. Once a faction starts flashing, it
means that you are now affiliated with them and your ship is now
using their IFF to show its affilitation to other ships.

Once you have gained the IFF of a faction, you will keep it
unless your reputation with it drops back to neutral. If you want
to drop the IFF you have, you may use the /droprep command. It
immediately lowers your reputation of your current affiliation,
so that the next friendliest will become your affiliation.

Some IDs force the reputations with enemy factions to hostile so
that they can not be changed. If you are trying to join a
faction, it is recommended to use the recruit ID while working on
your reputation.

Type /help_names for guidelines for naming a ship/character
Type /help_roleplay to read some guidelines on role play
Type /showrestarts to see starting points for new characters

/help_roleplay ======(44 lines)==============

Role playing is fun and easy, if you stick to certain conventions.

-When you are speaking in system or local chat, always speak like
a character on your ship would, not like a person playing a
computer game. Try to also do this when asking for help and
advice, if possible.

-Do not use l33t speak, abbreviations like '€œu'€ for "you", words
like "noob", or emoticons in role play. Everything you say in
role play should sound like your character would say it.

-If you are forced to speak out of character, use PM or group
chat and mark it with // in front of your message.

-If you are unsure how to role play because you dont know the
game well, just talk like a freelancer who has just bought his
first starflier, and who is now looking for ways to make money,
or for adventure. Make up your character's personality and
background as you go along.

-Your character may be rude and ruthless to another character,
but try not to offend or anger the player behind the character
with your role play. Also keep in mind that this game is PG-13.

-Do not try to import things that don't exist in the Sirius
sector into role play, for example things from movies like Star
Wars or Star Trek. You may copy the personalities of existing
characters, but dont copy their names and biography.

-If you want to join a faction, be sure to know all the
information written about them in the reputation list and their
IDs. Talking to people in the bars, talking to players who are
already in the faction, and reading the forums on will help you find ideas for your role play.

-If you wish, you may post biographies and stories about your
character, including pictures, screenshots, or videos that you
recorded ingame on There your character may
also post bounties on other people's head, apply to join
official factions, buy or sell ships, and use the Siruis-wide
communication channel.

Type /help_names for guidelines for naming a ship/character
Type /help_factions to learn how to join a faction
Type /help_capship to read help and guidelines on larger ships

/help_capship =======(73 lines)================

The Discovery mod offers many new ships, including capitol ships
and transports which are much larger and more powerful than those
of the orriginal Freelancer game.

The only restriction to fly them is:

-your ID must allow you to fly the ship class (for example
gunboat, transport, or battleship). Read your ID for allowed
ship classes

-the faction that builds the ship must be willing to sell it to
someone of your faction. If the ship is built by the same
faction as your ID, you may use it. If the ship is not built by
your own faction, check the "Technology Chart" at You may need permission from the faction
leaders for some combinations, while other combinations are only
possible if you provide a solid role play justification for your
desired ID/ship combination to the server administrators on the

A larger cargo hold for your freighter will help you make money
more efficiently, while a capitol class combat ship may give your
battlegroup tactical superioriry, if used wisely.

However you should be aware that having larger ships does not
bring advantages only. A larger cargo hold will be a more
attractive and easier target for pirates. A large combat ship
may be able to take and deal out more damage, but it is also
slower and easier to hit, making it more vulnerable than an
agile fighter. A skilled pilot in an agile fighter will be able
to survive a lot of situations much easier than a slow capitol
ship which is unable to avoid enemy fire.

Many players make the mistake of thinking that owning a large
ship places them above other players. Remember that everyone is
here to have fun, so avoid bossing other players around. Your
main character may be the captain of a large crew, but that does
not make him the captain of other allied ships, even if they are
much smaller.

Raising enough money to buy your ship will have taken some time
and work. Don't ruin it by chosing a name that does not fit
the role play status of your ship, by having poorly thought
through role play, or by breaking rules propped to capitol ships.

Know your faction role play, ID permissions, and rules well, or
you may lose some of equipment, credits, or even your ship if
you are not able to meet minimum requirements.

For communicating in role play with a ship that has multiple crew
members, it is best to first think of the name captain, the
communications officer, and a base crew. You may then write the
name of the character that is speaking in front of your message.

For example, if you want to role play as Trent, captain of the
freighter "Juni's.Joy", you can do this by typing the name of the
character speaking in your message:

Juni's.Joy: Trent: This is the captain of the Juni's Joy
speaking. Smugglers? Us? Never!

If Trent is busy below deck, other crew members may speak instead
of him:

Juni's.Joy: Lucy: I'll have to ask the captain before I can cut
our engines and drop the cargo. But unfortunately he's very busy
at the moment.

Role playing multiple characters of the crew is not mandatory,
but can be entertaining at times.

Type /help_names for guidelines for naming a ship/character
Type /help_roleplay to read some guidelines on role play
Type /help_factions to learn how to join a faction

Ingame /rules and /help system - Decerebrated.Individual - 08-15-2011

Ok the challenge is to get the rules across in a format that wont keep people from readind and understanding enough of them to play without disrupting the game.

For this purpose, I made a "Short version" which includes all that is necessary to know to play without getting scantioned.

Its still pretty long, but it cant be made any shorter without changing the rules. I tried to get some community concensus on how far they can be changed, and this is as far as I got people to agree.

The "Short Version" will also serve as an index to type /rule1 to /rule12, which will give you the full rules with some more detail and listing all the exceptions (most of them concernign invite only and official factions)

I came to the conclusion that the rules had to be renumbered for several reasons:

-the current numbering put rules about admins first, which is totally useless to know for new people
-some rules were removed leaving gaps in the numbering. So the will have to be renumbered sooner or later anyway
-the order didnt always make sense. FOr example the 1: this is a role playing server and then telling stuff that concerns admins but not rp. I guess this was because of historic reasons and some rules were added later.

The content of the rules is as they are now, jsut renumbered and reworded (mainly following things cannon and agmen said)

If you find any mistakes or deviations, please tell and I will correct it.

/rules ===(65 lines)=======================

You must know and obey these rules if you want to play here.

Type /rules1 to /rules12 to get more detail and learn about
exceptions to rules.

Before you accuse someone of rule violations or post a rule
violation report on the forums, be sure to have read all of the
full rules including exceptions.

1. Everything said in system or local chat must be role play. To
role play means that you talk and act like a character living
in the Freelancer Discovery universe, not like a person
playing a computer game. If you need to talk out of role play
to someone, use personal message or group chat. If you are not
willig to role play, please choose another server, as role
play is mandatory here.

2. Use only the English language. Words like "lol", emoticons
like:), or not spelling out words like "u r noob" should not
be used in role play. Your character's name or his/her
ship's name should not hurt the role play environment.

3. Don't swear. Insults and taunts are only allowed against role
play characters, not against players.

4. Only do actions and use guns and ships which are allowed for
the ID you are using. Do not leave the zone of influence of
your faction.

5. Do not attack anyone without speaking to him in role play
first. Do not attack any civilian below level 30. Only claim
bounties if they are posted on the forum in the role play
section. Self-defense is always allowed.

6 Traders and miners may only be destroyed if they refuse to
obey a credit, cargo, or role play demand. Combat ships larger
than gunboats may not attack miners, freighters, transports,
and liners.

7. If you die or dock during a fight while your enemy is in
radar range, you may not return to the system you were in or
engage your attacker(s) in any other system for 4 hours. The
rule applies for all of your ships.

8. Do not disconnect or log off in space to escape. If you
disconnect to avoid loss of cargo or death, you will be
sanctioned by administrators for more than your cargo worth.

9. Don't put an official faction tag in your name unless you have
been given permission by the official faction. If you want to
join an official faction, ask a member of that faction for
instructions on how to join.

10.Read the full server rules. Before you tell anyone that he
is breaking a rule and threaten him or her with a rule
violation report (and before you report him), read the full
rules using the /rule1 to /rule12 commands and make sure he
isn't covered by any of the exceptions granted in the full
list of rules.

11.Don't cheat. Using non-Discovery mods to gain speed or other
advantages, as well as creating multiple new characters for
their starting worth is considered cheating.

12.Violating any of these rules may result in loss of your
credits or equipment or a ban through administrators.

/rules1 ===============================

1. Discovery Freelancer 24/7 RP (Discovery RP) is a role playing
Out-of-character (OOC) chat must not be used in system or
local chat.

Out of character chat, if used in the permitted situations,
should be marked by typing // in front of your message.

Admins are free to communicate with any player OOC at any

Type /rules2 and /rules3 to read rules on role play.
Type /help_roleplay to see some guidelines for role playing.
Type /help_capship to see some guidelines for RPing larger ships.

/rules2 ================================

2.1 All messages in system or local chat must be in understandable
English. Use of some foreign words in role play is allowed,
but the content of the message should still be understandable
to english-only speakers. Do not use l33t-speak or emoticons
in role play.

2.2 Names of new characters should be set up with role-playing
nature of our server in mind. This means that:

- Names should contain no swear words.
- Player nationality must not be shown in character names.
- Names with excessive use of random symbols, capital letters,
numbers, symbols, leet speak, emoticons should not be used.

/rules3 =============================

3. Using coarse language, posting abusive, hateful, racist
content in chat, public or private is prohibited under any

Any kind of flaming, threatening or insulting language
directed at other members, factions or server administrators
in chat, public or private, is prohibited on server and on

Role Play-related threats are allowed.

Players should respect the PG-13 rating of the game.

/rules4 =================================

4.1 Every player must have an ID equipped on his or her ship.

4.2 A character's ID, reputation and conduct must match his
character's actions. For instance a character may not dock on
a base belonging to the persons whom they are attacking or
being attacked by.
A character should not attack other characters belonging to
his own faction, or allies of his faction, without very good

4.3 Ship and equipment used must match tag and ID as closely as
An offitial technology use chart for allowed ID/ship/equipment
combinations can be found at
All characters using mismatched ID/Ship/Weapon combinations
must possess either an Admin granted Terrorist ID or a Special
Operative ID.

4.4 Carrying any unmounted IDs in player ship is prohibited.
Transferring or trading IDs is also prohibited.

4.5 Buying an ID does not automatically mean that player becomes
part of appropriate player faction.
The following IDs are not allowed for use unless the character
is an accepted member of the official player faction that owns
the ID :
Coalition ID, Keeper ID, Wild ID, Colonial Remnant ID,
Hellfire Legion ID, Interspace Neuralnet Division ID.

/rules5 ===============================

5.1 All attacks must be the result of some form of role play.
Saying "Engaging" is not sufficient. An attack is any hostile
action that drains shields to less than 50%. Being hit with a
CD is not considered an attack. If a player is attacked he has
a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking.
Although role play is required prior to attack, it is not
required to announce your attack.

5.2 Characters that are level 29 and below may only be attacked
if at least one of the following conditions is met:

-They do not have a civilian ID. Recruit IDs should be
respected if the person is using it appropriately.

-They attack you first by draining your shields to 50% or
disrupt your cruise engines.

-They are at the scene of a battle between yourself and
someone else and refuse to leave when told to leave.
Civilians should leave the area when combat takes place or
accept the risk of being attacked if remaining.
Onlookers are fair targets.
-Civilians who possess a CODENAME weapon may be attacked
within roleplay at any level according to the piracy

5.3 All bounties must be posted on the forum. If you attack
another player to claim a bounty and the bounty is not posted
on the forum, you are open to a PvP abuse sanction.

Mercenaries, freelancers and bounty hunters may be hired on
the spot in game to assist with a combat without a forum post.
The other parties involved in the combat must be made aware
of this.

/rules6 ==================================

6.1 Aggressors are not allowed to destroy a trade vessel prior
to issuing a demand and allowing sufficient time to respond.
Demands may be cargo, credits, leaving the system, or a RP
demand. "Halt" is not a demand.

6.2 Attacking freighters, transports, liners or demanding cargo
from the same is not allowed for cruisers and battleships.

Exceptions to this rule are:
a) Official faction tagged house ships in their respective
house space ONLY.
b) Terrorist, Nomad, and Wild players;
c) LSF or Liberty Navy Guard vessels operating within Zone 21
or Alaska;
d) Order Guard vessels operating within Alaska or Omicron
e) Blood Dragon Guard vessels within Chugoku;
f) Corsair Guard vessels within Omicron Gamma;
g) Outcast Guard vessels within Omicron Alpha;
h) Guard ID players in their -own- associated Guard system.
i) Special OP players within the guidelines of their approved
Traders whom are attacked in these areas may be pursued and
destroyed beyond them.

6.3 For purposes of the server rules, the following ship classes
are defined:

a) All light fighters, heavy fighters, very heavy fighters,
super heavy fighters, and bombers are considered fighters;
b) Trader ships with cargo hold less than 650 units are
considered freighters;
c) Trader ships with cargo hold more than 650 units are
considered transports;
d) Liners are named as such. Yachts are -not- Liners, they are
e) Gunboats, cruisers (including destroyers and
battlecruisers), battleships (including dreadnoughts and
juggernauts) are considered capital ships.

/rules7 =================================

7.1 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not enter the
system where the fight took place with any of the characters
on his/her account(s) until four hours have passed from the
time of his/her destruction. If the player respawns in the
same system, he/she must leave the system within 10 minutes
of his destruction without attacking anyone, except in self-
defense. Other players are not allowed to attack one who is
leaving. Traders may re-enter a system they were killed in
for the purpose of trading. Resuming mining in the system
is not permitted.

7.2 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not attack the
enemy (player or players involved in the death) with any of
the characters on his/her account(s) for 4 hours.

7.3 Docking with a station or planet during a PvP fight while
the enemy is in radar range is counted as PvP death, and
rules 7.1 and 7.2 apply accordingly. Self-killing during a
PvP fight, or to avoid a PvP fight, is counted as a normal
PvP death.

/rules8 ==============================

8. Disconnecting from the server in a PvP fight to escape, as
well as in any other situation that involves player
interaction, is not allowed.

If you lose server connection during a player interaction, you
should get back in game quickly to continue the interaction,
with the other player's permission. If that is not possible,
then post on the forums and PM the players involved.

/rules9 =============================

9.1 All rules and regulations concerning faction creation
procedure and home system claiming are listed in the thread
"Faction Creation Rules" at

9.2 Factions and Guard IDed players are free to tax, fine,
pirate, and destroy any players who enter their respective
guard systems.

9.3 If a faction has only 1-4 active members, its status is
changed to suspended. Suspended faction has 4 weeks to regain
lost numbers, otherwise its existence comes to an end.

9.4 Administrators reserve the right to limit recruiting for
certain factions for a certain period of time to keep server
factions balanced.

9.5 Official player factions have additional rights and
responsibilities. They can be found on

/rules10 ==============================

10.1 Threatening other players with reports and sanctions to
blackmail them, accusing them of a non-existing rule violation
to gain an ingame advantage, or attempting to pose as an Admin
or as an "Admin's friend" is not allowed.

10.2 Only rule violation reports which contain solid evidence in
the form of screen shoots or videos, and which are posted in
the correct sub-forum using the correct template will be
processed by admins.

/rules11 ================================

11.1 Following actions are considered cheating on server:

- Using non-Discovery mods, speed-related and loot
- related mods especially, as well as using modifications that
improve stats of items and ships
- Changing account information and using any kinds of software
that changes normal gameplay
- Using any equipment not included for sale/looting in
Discovery mod, cloaks for example
- Using equipment that exceeds ship specs
- Cloning, e.g. creating new characters to collect starting
- Single player using two or more computers to fly their own
Keep in mind that maximum allowed cruise speed in Discovery
is 350, with higher speed possible only when catching up with
a group.

11.2 Threats or attempts to hack server, both successful and
unsuccessful, will result in banning server account forever,
as well as blocking access to server and to forums, and may
result in legal prosecution.

/rules12 ==============================

12.1 Server administrators will impose sanctions on players for
violating server rules and for any actions that harm server

Server administrators are: Majk, Korrd, Fellow Hoodlum,
Malexa, Laowai, JihadJoe, Cannon, Athenian, Zelot,
Doc Holliday

12.2 Administrators are obliged:

- To ensure the work of Discovery Freelancer server
- To be fair and treat all players equally, independent of
their level and faction alignment;
- Not to mix server roleplaying with server administration in
any way
- Not to ignore any cases of server rules violations that are

12.3 Administrators have a right (in addition to stated in 12.1):
- To close the server for maintenance with or without prior
- To interfere in server events and wars in cases of server
rules violations
- To approve or disapprove system claims of factions
- To make final decisions about terms of wars (taking into
account opinions of all sides of conflict)
- To give out certain administrator privileges to other

12.4 Possible sanctions for rule violations are:
- Removal of certain equipment from player ship
- Removal of credits from character, % or fixed sum
- Placing inside a prison system;
- Deleting character
- Banning account on forums and/or in-game
- Banning IPs
- Moving player ships
- Renaming player ships.

12.5 Player who is violating a server rule can be warned in the
game or on forums. If the player does not ignore the
warning, does not repeat the violation, and tries to reduce
the negative consequences of what he/she did, this player
would not be sanctioned. Warning is optional. In case of a
violation, especially a serious one, sanction can be applied