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International Outcast Broadcast - Printable Version

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International Outcast Broadcast - maximus995 - 08-16-2011

[Image: footba3r.png]

*all Outcast Tv's, cockpit screens, COmputers are disrupted to display the following message*

*Maximus is seen looking outside the Window of the family villa*

Good evening, Malta. Allow me first to apologize for this interruption. I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of every day routine- the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the spirit of commemoration, thereby those important events of the past usually associated with someone's death or the end of some awful bloody struggle, a celebration of a nice holiday, I thought we could mark july the 23 th, a day that is sadly no longer remembered, by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat. This was the day that leadership was passed on from Doc.jameson to Brand Garisson. A day that marks a change in the Outcast nation leadership. There are of course those who take advantage of it. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and terrorists will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with the Nation, isn't there? ignorance and restlessness, terrorism and hostileness. And where once you had the freedom to fly to do and speak as you saw fit, you now have IMG, CR, corsairs and terrorits coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? how did it get so far? who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease, a change of leadership. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now Rebel Leader, Raoul Silvesta. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your blind and silent support. Today I seek to end that silence. My hope is to remind the Maltese that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words, they are perspectives. So if you've seen nothing, if the crimes of these terrorists remain unknown to you then I would suggest you allow them to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me in the fight for Malta, outside the docks of Malta, and together we shall give these terrorists a message that shall never, ever be forgot.

*Maximus Dissapears ofscreen and a slave rushes in and starts reading a piece of paper*

My master has orderd me to give the following rewards to people actively aiding in striking down these terrorists
  • The first Outcast to kill an =MR will receive a yet unknow price
  • The second and Third Outcast to kill a =MR terrorist will receive 15 Million
  • The Fourth will receive 12.5 million
  • The fifth will receive 8 Outcast gunboat turrets
[Image: DeCastillofamilyshield.png]

[Image: footbar.png]

//oorply: although your own post here Rebel Broadcast has many mistakes in it, contradicts OC RPfestyle numerous times and doesnt even makes sence sometimes, i applaud your attempt, an Idea is a most powerfull thing and can make for a intresting Addition to the OC's if done well. i hope you rethink some of the "errors" (in my eyes and the eyes of multiple other players) and build up a strong foundation for a lasting RP idea, good luck

Sincerly, Maximus

International Outcast Broadcast - maximus995 - 08-17-2011

*Reboosting Media Signal*

International Outcast Broadcast - Malacore - 08-18-2011

***Incoming Transmission***
***Encryption: High***
***Transmission source: Unknown***
***Name: Raoul Silvesta***

Any attacks on any of my =MR members will result in serious repercussions... And as for you Maximus, you're attempts at trying to ''Buy'' our deaths will result in you're own death.

I find it quite interesting the choice of words you chose to describe the people of Malta ''rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now Rebel Leader, Raoul Silvesta.'' People have turned to me because they know the 101st can't do anything for them anymore =MR does promise order within Malta and we will bring peace to our lands. The 101st are nothing but a faint power slowly losing the onslaught of this rebellion and soon Maximus, you will too.

***Transmission ended, Signal lost***

International Outcast Broadcast - maximus995 - 08-20-2011

[Image: footba3r.png]

Quote:Any attacks on any of my =MR members will result in serious repercussions... And as for you Maximus, you're attempts at trying to ''Buy'' our deaths will result in you're own death.

I find it quite interesting the choice of words you chose to describe the people of Malta ''rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now Rebel Leader, Raoul Silvesta.'' People have turned to me because they know the 101st can't do anything for them anymore =MR does promise order within Malta and we will bring peace to our lands. The 101st are nothing but a faint power slowly losing the onslaught of this rebellion and soon Maximus, you will too.

My brothers....
My sisters....
My brethern!

Malta, that which we stand for, and all we hold dear, faces a grave and terrible threat. This violent and unparalleled assault on our security will not go undefended... or unpunished. Our enemy,The =MR- is an insidious one, even now seeking to divide us and destroy the very foundation of our great nation with lies and deceat. But we must remain steadfast. We must remain determined. But most of all, we must remain united. Those caught in violation of Outcast laws will be considered in league with our enemy and prosecuted as a terrorist without leniency or exception. We, The De Castillo Family give you our most solemn vow: that justice will be swift, it will be righteous, and it will be without mercy.

Why should we believe The De Castillo family you ask? we have a family member who is a member of the 101st you say? Yes that is true my brethern, But have we not always strifed for the welbeeing of the Maltan people? Have we not always tried to spread the orange dream and make our people ever more glorious? We are true Maltese, born on this very rock, Just like all of you we call this piece in space Home, deep inside all of you know you can trust us.

As for the =MR- rumours have come to our attention from our spies, Rumours about collaboration with our enemies, the =CR=, the IMG, the order... How can they say they only want whats best for Malta when they work with such vile people, they do not have our intrests at heart, now if the =MR- was to negotiate the surrender of the =CR= and the IMG and have them join our ranks that would be acceptable, but our politics are our politics and CANNOT be changed. instead the =MR- simply hands over the Maltese Nation on a serving dish to our most ancient of enemies. we have yet to get our hands on some hard prove, but rest assure my brothers, my sisters, that one day we will unveal what kind of pestilence this =MR- really are...

Keep faith Maltese, united we stand, divided we fall

[Image: DeCastillofamilyshield.png]

[Image: footbar.png]

International Outcast Broadcast - Abuzar - 08-20-2011

***Establishing network ***
***Network established***
***Encryption level : RED***

so n0w the maximus castillo what ever he is dont knows how to Rp
o0rp killing without role call has once been negotiated . . .n0w the maximus
castill0 provoked a war against MR
N0w you will see what happens with those who will help 101st. . . .

***End transmission***

International Outcast Broadcast - Abuzar - 08-21-2011

***establishing network***

Receiptents: 101st

greets 101st

i am here to teach you a little lesson. . . .a lesson of brave soldiers. . . .which 101st is n0t . . .to all members. . . 101st are scared of =MR

Buying what?
for their own safety . . .n0t for the safety of malta . . .for their own lives. . . buying caps. Mean capital ships for little fighters . . . .i dont even expect this . . .so cowards they are. . . Caps vs fighters . . . *laughs*
cowardness appears from this clearly . . . So far we are a little group of revolutioners n0t even scared from 101st . . .we hunt in their home . . Even in fleet or single. . .they ran from us like coward soldiers . . .fight like us , the way a soldier fights . . . One m0re news for you i am the one who hunted 101st the fleet leader in tau 23 . . . Who got a cruiser and some fighters under his command i hunted him 1vs 1 in the middle of your fleet . . . . this shows you should be some coward soldiers. . . .*Rest in Peace*. . . . bringing caps for your escorts . . .

*laughs on the name of ghost of Razgriz*
you should be rabbits. . .

I am here to challange 101st . . . Fight like brave soldiers . . . C0me out of your hoods we the revolutiners are waiting for you. . . .*Death is your Destiny* . . .

Guardian Out
*A Massive Gun Fire For War Signal*

***End Transmission***

International Outcast Broadcast - Patrician - 08-21-2011

Signal detected....transmission begins....

Scared of you?! Oh Senor, you are amusing. Exactly how have we 'bought' soldiers? I am unaware of going shopping. And of course you want to fight us in Tau 23; you have whored yourselves to the Colonials and the IMG. You have knelt down to the enemies of the Nacion and say that WE are the traitors. You are not revolutionaries, you are petulant children. You declare yourselves neutral to the very people that want to bring down our country and say that YOU are the true Outcasts. The only thing you are outcast from is dignity. So make your pretty little speeches and wear your Che Guevara T-Shirts and leave the safety of our way of life to the true Outcasts.

Oh, and Senor? Show me proof we brought capital vessels to stamp on worms.

Garrison, Brandon Adm.
101st Ghosts of Razgriz

...transmission ends...

International Outcast Broadcast - Malacore - 08-21-2011

***Incoming Transmission***
***Encryption: High***
***Transmission source: Unknown***
***Name: Raoul Silvesta***

We will never kneel down to the enemies of the Outcast, and Maximus as for you and your ''Rumors'' Oh how false and hilarious they can be... We do not work with the =CR= or the IMG, for that matter we do not work with enemies of the Outcast and to be quite frank if any member of =MR has been seen working with them... Well, lets just say I'll deal with them personally.

As for you Garrison, we haven't declared ourselves neutral with anyone or any Faction, we will still fight forever to defend Malta and in the Hypothetical event that Malta comes under attack by any faction and both the =MR and the 101st are within range, we will break attack off the 101st to repel the despicable invaders, we are revolutionaries... As for the matter of ''True Outcasts'' Well what is a true Outcast but someone born on the soil of Malta, someone whom has dedicated their life in the defense of Malta, would that cover the ''True Outcast'' quota? I personally believe it would as and i recall every member of =MR is that, we will defend Malta from any and all threats, and that includes the 101st...

Listen to me brother and sisters alike! The 101st Promise you're protect and yet they CANNOT give you it, the =MR will protect Malta from ALL threats. You cannot trust the lies being fed to you by the 101st, or by Maximus... We WILL bring a new era to Malta! A better one, a fair and equal one!

***Transmission ended, Signal lost***

International Outcast Broadcast - Adain - 08-21-2011

***Incoming Transmission***

***Location: Encrypted***

**Unbinding Message for Current Bandwidth**

*slight cough* Well, this is interesting. You "Minions of the Colonials" have broken 101st Encryptions....Thats very odd. *mumbles* Have to check with Jorge on that. *More Directly* Anyways, Senor Silvesta, or....traitor...perhaps even whoremonger, you should have the decency to leave our matters to us. Since you obviously will not be killing any MR designated ships, please return your hackers to doing what they do best: Programming cleaning droids on the Freeport. Progoganda on Ghost Channels is fruitless. And let our oh-so-capable pilots bring news of your followers' deaths. Si? Gracias y buenos noches.

Captain Erylian Out.

**Signal Lost**

***"Shredding" Leftover Voice Patterns***

International Outcast Broadcast - Malacore - 08-21-2011

***Incoming Transmission***
***Encryption: High***
***Transmission source: Unknown***
***Name: Raoul Silvesta***

Haha! You make me laugh you fool, are you some what 'Slow' or can you just not read? "Minions of the Colonials" That's what makes me laugh, seeing as the =MR have already been in a fair few fights with the colonials, I see no reason why anyone came to the conclusion that we are their ''Minions''. As for any of the MR members i will shoot them if i ever see them working with the =CR= or IMG or any other enemy of the Outcast... And i wont hesitate. as for the comments about our hackers, well... That also makes me laugh seeing as if they are only capable of ''Programming cleaning droids'' then how was we able to hack the secure network that Maximus and the 101st have up?

If you want to make threats to the =MR then by all means do so, but it will be the 101st receiving news of their own dead.

***Transmission ended, Signal lost***