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BHG| recruitment - Bounty Hunters Guild Council - 08-17-2011

[Image: bhglogo.png]

Faction Information

We went to the trouble of writing these. Read them first.
A full description of the faction can be found Here

The Guild operates throughout Sirius, and its profits finance critical Guild Core activities in the Edgeworlds. The Bounty Hunters Guild is the traditional house / border world hunter organisation. We hunt bounties, assist lawful forces, provide security services, escort (trade) ships and do some spy work on the side. (Don'€™t tell anyone)

We primarily employ demobilised soldiers from all corners of Sirius, bankrupted businessmen, retired policemen, war veterans, former convicts, illegal immigrants and the dregs of society who are unfit, unwilling or ineligible to serve or who are normally left doing the jobs considered too dirty for anyone else.

The amnesty conditions that the Guild has negotiated with governments mean that becoming a hunter provides an opportunity to end an old life and begin a new one.

Recruitment Procedure

There are several paths to becoming a hunter.

1) A former member of one of the established organised pirate or criminal factions from anywhere in Sirius who is serving time in a correctional institution and is seeking to benefit from amnesty conditions.

2) A former member or retiree of the armed forces or police organisations of Bretonia, Rheinland or Liberty, discharged either honorably or dishonorably.

3) A former trader or member of any established trading consortium from anywhere in Sirius who has suffered a major financial loss.

4) A former mercenary or member of any mercenary or security organisation.

5) A civilian who has become involved in criminal activities or has no prospect of any future worth living.

6) An independant bounty hunter who wishes to profit from being in the organisation.

Notifying the Guild:

Your Notification should include:
  • Your name.
  • Describe your past history and reasons for joining the Guild with visual evidence where necessary.

The Guild and Guild Core are two seperate branches of the same organization, with slightly different communications protocols.

Applications for membership in the Bounty Hunters Guild should be in yellow and must use the template provided below.

After reviewing your application, you will be sent a test to establish your competence to become a member of the faction. You must PASS this test to be admitted.

Please provide Skype details here or via PM for inclusion to the BHG chat.

If you don't follow these simple instructions, your application will be refused automatically.

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Upon joining

  • You can get a fully setup manta if required. Loans are also availble
  • You can hunt on all boards the and jobs the Guild is registered for. I lurk the bounty board quite often, so you get the latest bounties.
  • You get wingmen to help you and hunting parties are formed on occasion to reel in the cash.
  • We have several skypes. Not all are mandatory. We have a lulzy main skype, and a non-spam house hunter one for people who have too many skypes with spam already.
  • We have some shared ships we give out to people who are desevant to fly em.
  • You can join APM (the Guild'€™s private construction company. A trading faction) internally
  • You will be shot at by lulwuts in cap 8 gunboats, cruisers and even battleships who can'€™t even speak english. It'€™s all in a day'€™s work.
  • You get free membership into the 22nd Serpent Squadron. You will get acces to a shared Sea Serpent for extreme lulz.


Rules and guidelines members must adhere to:

1: Sufficient rp. I don'€™t expect people to write novels when a target is spamming his cruise button, but don't go "Engaging pirate" and start shooting. RP your hunter as a real Bounty Hunter. Remember, hunters are usually far from nice people. Feel free to RP your hunter as a shady crook etc.

2: Fairplay. Don't send 3 Gunboats after a lone bomber. Don't use 4 Fighters to down a lone Fighter. Keep in mind that the guy who is absorbing your fire wants to have fun as well.

3: Keep an eye on the emergency Skype chat. A lot of our guys get attacked by overwhelming forces. When someone asks for help, and you can offer it, do so. You'd like some backup as well when you have 3 CAU 8 Kusari Explorers with Zoner turrets shooting at you, yes?

4: Treat your fellow faction members and other disco players with respect. No screaming abuse, calling names etc. If you're being a jerk, you're out of the faction in no time.

5: We get some players who are rather new to disco. Continuing Athenian's philosophy, I have no issues with letting them join. But read the freaking rules before applying. And better yet, make an indie hunter a fly it for a while. See how stuff works. The application test will test knowledge of the rules, but if you break rules ingame, you'€™re still out. New player or not.

6: No, we don't fly caps. Orca is the biggest ship you'll get to fly. Having at least 1 snub and using it is mandatory. Don't spam gbs. just.... don't. remember, for every gb launcing into space, a baby seal is clubbed to death and eaten. By other baby seals. It s sickening. So prevent this from happening by flying snubs


BHG| recruitment - henry - 08-24-2011

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--CommID: Murdoc:Nicchols
-Ship Details: Bottlenose

[Image: Anhang180x135.jpg]

Name: Nicchols, Murdoc
Age: 37
Born: Bretonia, New London
Murdoc Nicchols was born on Planet New London, his parents are Arthur Nicchols and Marie Bendsworth. Arthur Nicchols is known in Chelsea as a bartender in a little but tiny bar, wich exists about 5 generations.
As the only heritage of Arthur, Murdoc decided in early years that he surely would not continue his fathers' business. He wanted to be the first "rebel" of the family and skipped school mostly twice a week.
With the age of 14, Murdoc started practicing Bass with the idea of playing in a band. He saw that he had got the talent, so he invested more time into his new hobby; school moved slowly back out of his mind.
After one year of practicing hardly, he signed in for a Band, leader was Jeremiah "Jared" Hopkins and on the guitar was Yakumi "Yuki" Nagamo. The band never had big success, just some smaller gigs.
However, Murdoc and his band members have sliden into the dark drug scene of Chelsea, whereas Murdoc mostly didn't consumed many drugs, he became alcoholic.
After being a couple of years in New Londons' drug scene, the Bretonian Police started a strike against this fast growing up culture.
Because the situation of those three became too dangerous and many of their friends were even cought by the Police, Murdoc and his friends decided to leave the Planet.
They took all the money they had, even Murdoc took a few credits from his father, and invested it into a Clydesdale.
They did diffrent jobs, traded and fought, explored and traveled through the Bretonian space of Sirius. After they made a few million credits, they bought themselves a heavy bomber and explored the Omegas.
In their early years as a small Bounty hunting trio in a GMG Bomber, they made much new contacts and friends, but also enemies, mostly Corsairs and Red Hessains.
Because of his fighting skills, it revealed that Murdoc became the Captain of his crew. Rumors say that Murdoc Nicchols, even if he's inebriated, hits his aim in 9 of 10 shots.
The crew made a lot of money in Omega-41, mostly on Freeport 5. As a result of their earns and their good Reputation to the Bounty Hunters Guild, the crew bought themselves a Bottlenose in Omega-56 on Capetown Station.
With this strong ship, they explored even Nomad systems and went all the way through Sirius. As soon as they passed Alaska, they come to an end in New York, Manhattan, the Planet where anything is possible.
In the bar they read an advertisement of the Bounty Hunters Guild, wich made Murdoc thinking. He wanted to sign in for the Guild, because every single pilot he meets thinks he's in it through.
So he sends this message to sign in for the BHG, with the mind of having more sense in flying through space and contributing his part to an higher organization.


Real name: Henry
Age: 16
Born: Germany
I am a casual Freelancer Role Player, who plays on Discovery RP 24/7 since a year. Before i started playing Freelancer on Discovery, i played on HHC for a year. All in all i am playing Freelancer since 5 years. You could say i've grown up with it, and i personally think it's for it's age the best Open-world space-shooter/role play game, and the Discovery mod is one of the best adds to it.
I think I can communicate very well in English, especially for my age. I have a Skype account and TS3 (if it's used).
I think I am good in teamplaying and can be a good member of the BHG.
By the way, this would be my first Server Faction (there's always a first time ;))


Cpt. Murdoc Nicchols

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BHG| recruitment - Dashiell - 08-27-2011

Your application has been processed . welcome to the Guild, hunter.

Laura Lovelace

BHG| recruitment - Aethermole - 10-10-2011

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--CommID: James Glibertson--
-Ship Details: Manta or Hammerhead

Yeah, I want to apply for the Hunter'€™s guild.

Oh, and '€˜afternoon or whatever. Anyway, you see, getting thrown in the slammer twice in a row teaches you some things. One of those is that the LPI works you to the bone. The other thing is shooting up people isn'€™t a good way to prevent yourself from the former. That is, if you'€™re shooting the wrong people.

This'€™d usually be an indicator to join a mercenary company or something, including the guild. The issue with that at the moment is I'€™m stuck in this place for a while, being a repeat offender and all. However, according to information you all give out, it'€™s possible to be granted amnesty for all those cases that individual'€™s end up in.

Suffice to say, sounds a scores better than working at the lines in a prison ship. I can earn a mint while I'€™m at it, do something that I rather enjoy (that being shooting the hell out of stuff), and get let off the hook for prior instances of such.

Don'€™t have a clue if you wanted a short summary of what'€™s happened in my life (they call it a biography or something), feel free to skip it, ain'€™t that much important stuff in it anyway.

Name: James Roberts Gilbertson
Age: 22
Born: Planet California, California
With that out of the way, lets get on to it then. As the thing says, I was born on Planet California. As a kid, I was a good lil'€™ lad, did my studies well and everything, got some part time work to make some money on the side. Around that time, when I was 17, this uppity bastard decided to pick on me. That was a bad idea, about six weeks later, it was still ongoing, so I managed to import a rheinland sidearm with the money I had made. Managed to arrange a meeting between me and him, with this opportunity, I shot him in both of the legs, and left him there to die.

Unfortunately, despite not being smart enough to carry around a gun for such situations, he was rather resilient, survived the incident, and reported me to the police. That landed me in the correctional institute for three years, for attempted murder. However, shooting him had blown away my mind (not in a literal sense) in addition to a chunk of the guy'€™s legs (literally). The sheer force of destruction made it really seem so much more appealing than anything else that I had involved myself in.

And so, upon being released, I earned enough for a ship, and begun to terrorise those unfortunate traders under the guise of a pirate (more accurately, a Liberty Rogue). And, '€˜bout six months ago, while shooting holes up and down a transport, a LPI patrol pulled out of the lane, did a good number on my ship and dragged me back to Texas under various minor charges relating to property damage and the attempted murder of the trader on the scene. There'€™s a bit of detail left out, but that pretty much sums up to this point.

So yeah, I'm submitting an application to the Bounty Hunter's Guild.


James Glibertson

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BHG| recruitment - Dashiell - 10-14-2011

Mr Gibertson,

You application has been approved. Welcome to the Guild.

Laura Lovelace

BHG| recruitment - Pepe - 10-15-2011

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[Image: intercomflbhg1.png]

Screen shows data:
CommID: Pepe
Ship Details: BHG Bomber
(my dear yellow can-opener)
and Bottlenose

I was born on Malta, but I've never liked it's weather. Some guys from 101st helped me a lot to hate that place (bastards and dogs, no harts at all, attack like damn hyenas, let them be damned, *starts swearing, than started to cough*). Khhh-kh... Huh... Sorry... So, I moved to Manchester and later to good old rusty Rostock. Now I feel it's like The BHG Kindergarten, so I have to move alon' again.

I already work as independant hunter with chars Pepe.Solo (bomber) and Joshua.Hammer (bottlenose), but I really hate doing it all alone. I mean, pirates are never alone, ain't them? Only good ones, wich I intercept with a respect.

So, if you be so kind to let my sorry old ass in BHG, I'd appreciate it. I will change my char's names to:

BHG|-Pepe. (vhf)
BHG|-Pepe (bomber)
BHG|=Pepe (gb)

For daily communication feel free to use this CommID and SkypeID: pepe.discovery



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BHG| recruitment - Nicolas - 11-02-2011

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--CommID: Joachim Wagner--
-Ship Details: Manta, Bounty Hunter Bomber

Guten Tag meine Herren

I assume my accent already revealed my ancestry. Ja, I am a Rheinland citizen, not to mention that I`m sick of the place.

I was born in a very old, but completly unimportant Familie of Rheinland. The Wagners origin from Planet Stuttgart and can be described very simple with one word: lowlifes. We are angry beings looked down at by most people. Most of our clan work as day laborers doing jobs for everyone willing to pay. The more intelligent ones of the family realize that the only way to break that circle is violence or leaving Rheinland, as many of my uncles did.

Rising up with 3 brothers and being the youngest of them, teaches you how to fight. That`s the only reason I survived while most of my brothers and my parents died to our clans angry psyche.
After a fight with my father about nonsence left-wing ideological ideas my eldest brother, Niklas, went berserk. He grabbed his blaster, shot him down and ran off to the Hessians.

The second oldest of us, Hannes, was blinded by feelings for revenge. He joined the Rheinwehr in order to track down and kill Niklas. He gave his life in a *laughs sarcasticaly* "glorious" battle against the Libertorians. He never saw any Hessians in open space.

The third oldest, Alexander, always was the pet of our parents. He was good at school, obeyed all their rules and never harmed anybody, in short: a chicken-hearted Dummkopf. When my father was killed and my brother left for the Military he took the leading place within the family, he did day labour, but never was man enough to stand up when he wasn`t payed, first time he did so, he was found one month later decomposing in the sewer system.

All of that was too much for my mum, that old witch, he took a string and sure did look a little funny hanging from the blanket like a bulb.

By that time I already was 20 and had made myself a name in the streets of Stuttgart, where I was out every night beating the hell out of some jerks owing others money or whatever. I didn`t care as long as I got my paycheck. Problem was, the Polizei didn`t like that behaviour so I spent some time in prison where I heard about you the first time. I gathered all my money to leave that cursed planet and house to start a new life. And here I stand now, asking you to allow me to do the same things I am used to with better equipment in open space.

I can be reached via my Sk3pe adress: hans.gukel

Joachim wagner

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BHG| recruitment - Kriss92 - 11-08-2011

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--CommID: Nick.Elias--
-Ship Details: Bottlenose and Manta

Born on Cali base, Tau 23 as Carlos Elias, i have always trained to be an Outcast pilot. And I was... And I was happy there. But one day, on a regular patrol route, my wingmen shot down an innocent neutral freighter with a young teenager at it's wheel without any reason to open fire on it. I tried to stop them, but they managed to destroy the freighter anyway. Afterwards, I was threatened that i would "disappear" if I told anybody about this... So i kept my mouth shut for a while, but somehow it kept bugging me, and a year after said situation, i told the man who was our superior back at Cali that day. On the next day, i had patrol duty again, and when I came home, i found my home vandalized, with some strange markings on the walls, and stuff. I didn't want to die, and my eyes had seen what these men could do to someone they didn't quite like, so i decided to make a run for it. I was 17 at that time, what else did you expect? I bought an old CSV from a Junker, bought a new ID card with the name Nick.Elias written on it, spending every last credit I had, stole fuel from my brother's Tridente and left.... Left for Kusari space, I knew I couldn't stay with the Dragons or the GC, so i decided to look in the scrap fields for some fuel and, maybe, for people, similar to the Junkers. It was day two of my relatively "free" life, when i had found some fuel in an old wreck, my addiction to Cardamine was making me very weak, worst thing being that i had only one shot of it left. And then I heard someone shouting for help on Local. He had seen me on his scanners, so he was heading towards me at full speed. Unlucky for him, his ship was on fire, but he jettisoned something out of his ship before going past me. I, being kinda confused, tractored what turned out to be Cardamine. The guy's ship then started slowing down and burning even more, until there was nothing left of it, but he made it to send me a message saying "save what's left of it" before there was nothing to send it from. The guy was pursued by Kusari State Police, and, well, let's just say they didn't quite believe me about how the cardamine got into my hold and where did the guy go, mainly because at one point i was screaming "CARDAMINEEEE" in my hold, so I was charged with Illegal drug posession, usage and distribution, though i tried to argue about that last one. Still, I got 5 years in prison. Without cardamine, i might add, so i cannot actually count how many times have I nearly died in there. But somehow they cured me of the addiction, and let me out after 5 years. Everyone else that got put in prison at the time I did, were released sooner for good behavior, i was the one who often got into fights with various "members" of the prison, so they kept me as long as they could. Now, at age 22, i've lost faith in everything else but money and myself. There is no good or bad, fairness or unfairness for me, it's just me, my ship, and the target box. And i will work for the people who need things done with no emotions required. They don't require trust at most times, they just need the job done, and that's what I like, that's what I want to do...

There are only two ways to talk to me. One of them is S.K.Y.P.3, and by searching kristpaz13 there, you should come across my profile sooner or later, if you want to contact me.


Nicholas Elias (Nick.Elias)

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BHG| recruitment - Sirius - 11-13-2011

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--CommID: Edward Corby
-Ship Details: 1 Manta, but in future I want to buy a Orca and a BHG bomber

I was born in Bretonia on Battleship Hood, but almost all my childhood was spent in Rheinland on New Berlin planet.At 16 year I was "dead" after adventures.With some help from friends I got a Eagle with some basic equipment.After spending some days to make preparations in secret I left planet New Berlin and headed to Kreuzberg Outpost to hide from police.From there I recive a map with all jump holes marked and a new ID card with name Edward Corby. I can't use Jump Gate becasue police watching them.Next objectiv was to reach Java station in Tau-23, a long way to make in a Eagle with resources for short distance.
In my way to Tau-23 I need to pass Liberty and Bretonia, and dangerous border systems.I finsied that way alive after some dangerous meetings with outcasts.
I spent 6 years here, working for IMG as escort for their convoys.One of them bring me back to New Berlin, the place from where I ran some years ago.While convoy liders do some paperwork I took a walk and I met with a classmate, she recognized me very fast. I found she is working for Republican Shipping and her convoy must to leave, we quickly hugged and we went out.*on run to her ship*She promised she will try to find me again. My convoy was ready to leave planet and headed back to Java.
Now I start to need more credits, trading wasn't for me, too boring, mining to dirty. On a day a group of bounty hunter enter in Java's bar and buy some drinks.I knew they are making money and have some action. I asked them if I can join , they gave me a link for theirs board and sayed me to apply there. I hurried to my computer to acces the link and post my sotry there. Now I am waiting a answer from their lider.

My S.K.Y.P.3 is: siriusbr_2020

Edward Corby

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BHG| recruitment - Scumbag - 12-21-2011

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Moshu--
-Ship Details: Manta

Life is to short to waste it shooting rock out of the sky, shooting people, the ones that fight back, now that is a chalange. That thought got me out of the mining business, with the money i had saved i could afford a real figher. a heavy figher, got me a Crow, respecting the family tradition: "Your grandfather had one, your father had one, you'd better get one or else..."
And i started getting missions from Dishima, they paid well, and the company was good, they even convinced me to become a bountyhunter. Life was good and the money were pileing up until one day i exited a tradelane to find a hacker robbing an onest trader. He was ING, i like those guys, so i asked the hacker to leave him alone. But the criminal refused, killed the trader and then blew my ship also. If only i had someone i could call, some friends that i could count on, things would have been different.
That's right, i want to join the guild, with the money stashed away i bought a Manta, and heaven help the bastard if we ever cross tradelanes again.

// I'll get a skype account if/when you will contact me.



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