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Electronic Love - Printable Version

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Electronic Love - Toaster - 08-18-2011

// The events depicted in the following tale do not take place in-game. The ship Night.Runner, piloted by Gloria Lagard and her robot Vire, does exist in-game. Also, this is merely a test. Most likely, I won't get any farther than post 3.

[Image: womanrobotcor_450x350.jpg]

Electronic [color=#FF99FF]Love

"Don't you think it's gonna be a bit dangerous out there?" [color=#FFCC00]Andy asked. "I mean, for a girl like you?"

Gloria playfully punched him on the shoulder. "What, don't ya think I can take care of my self?" She punched him again, this time a bit harder.

"Ow..." The boy rubbed his throbbing shoulder and smiled at her. "'course you can, but still. Not everyone out there's as nice as me."

She rolled her eyes. Good old Andy, she though, always pretending to be my big brother. "Don't worry 'bout me. After all, I'll take Vire with me."

At this comment, Andy moaned exasperatedly. "Not that damn robot of yours..."

"Yes, that damn robot of mine. I'll need someone - or something - to haul stuff around in the Runner."

Just as Andy opened his mouth to reply, the barkeeper walked up on the other side of the bardesk and asked, "Need refills?"

"Yes please!" Gloria replied cheerily, giving the man a warm smile.

"Same," Andy muttered. He then turned back to face the girl again. "If you take that tin can, you're gonna regret it."

"Maybe so," she said. "But I'm sick of sitting on this rock."