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To: Mandalorian Mercenaries - Printable Version

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To: Mandalorian Mercenaries - Junker Congress - 08-25-2011

[Image: mmrsplfu.jpg]

To: Mandalorian Mercenaries - VoluptaBox - 08-25-2011

I know just the right people. It will be done soon.

With regards,
Simon Templar.

To: Mandalorian Mercenaries - Rodriguez - 08-25-2011

[Image: Mandalorians_Skull-1.png]

I am already working on the investigation, it will be hard though, no good mercenary ever reveals his contracts, Reavers are not the exception. Please, be patient and we will get it done with time.
As for the hunting part, we will get to work on it.

<div align="right]Consul Sebastian Rodriguez
Mandalorian Mercenaries

To: Mandalorian Mercenaries - Dieter Schprokets - 09-04-2011

[Image: mmheader.png]


I have recently uncovered evidence that one of your number has been meeting the Reavers.

However, the evidence is circumstantial. We will work towards gathering more evidence.

I cannot say more without compromising the situation.

Suffice to say, we think we have your traitor, but we must do more work to confirm this.


Mandalore Bishop

To: Mandalorian Mercenaries - JunkerTown - 09-04-2011

*****Incoming Encrypted Transmission*****
****Comms Signature: James Trenton****
***Ship Identification: .:j:.JunkerTown***
**Station: Vieques, Shipyard**
*System: Puerto Rico*
-Transmission Begins-

We have had suspicions of a traitor for some time now. We need the name of the traitor and who he works for. You must investigate further Mandalore Bishop with our full support. Let us know if we can help.

~Transmission ends~