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El Chacal - The Jackal - Printable Version

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El Chacal - The Jackal - Joaquim - 02-27-2008

Joaquim Dattaglia, prounounced zho-ah-keem, is an Outcast druglord known as El Chacal and a member of the 202nd Assault Squadron. He has also displayed signs of speciation from the rest of the human population, an effect most likely due to Outcast inbreeding combined with Cardamine consumption. Dattaglia was born in 782 A.S. on Planet Malta. Born to a long line of distinguished Outcasts of the Dattaglia family, Joaquim is the cousin of Maria 'Mia' Bonello, nee Dattaglia. Like his siblings and his ancestors, Joaquim was expected to continue to Outcast cause, to forward the "Orange Dream." Unlike his brethren, however, he showed a disdain for the general Outcast cause, proving himself to be selfishly motivated during many occasions. As a result, his father stepped into steer his only son from the wrong path in life, enlisting his son in an Outcast defense squadron.

At the early age of 16, Joaquim set foot into a Sabre, and proved to be a highly competent, if not exceptional pilot. He was mentored by Ennio Chavez, an Outcast shipbuilder who became the teenage boy's father figure in the next few years. When he turned 18, Joaquim became fully integrated into the Outcast fleet as a cadet. Joaquim and his mentor were on a routine patrol in Omnicron Eta during his first run when an elite Corsair squadron ambushed the couple. In perhaps, his only act of selflessness, Joaquim did not escape and attempted to fight alongside his mentor, despite orders to return home. After his mentor fell to overwhelming odds, Joaquim was captured and brought to Crete. There, Joaquim was treated for minor wounds and a third degree burn on his right shoulder. There he also first experienced the full blow of his race's greatest weakness - cardamine withdrawal.

During his incarceration, Joaquim was treated by a Corsair nurse by the name of Belen de Valencia. She pitied the young pilot bringing him extra food and even occasional treatments of cardamine that she had obtained from Zoners. After three years of Joaquim's incarceration, the two fell in love, and Belen became pregnant with Joaquim's child. Overjoyed, the two attempted to escape, but were caught. When Corsair Elders found about Belen's pregnancy, they used it as leverage to force Joaquim to spy on Outcast fleet maneuvers for them. In Eta, Joaquim reestablished contacts with the Outcasts.

In a secret message, Belen informed Joaquim that she has had miscarriage and that their child was deformed. Torn by his hatred of his Outcast bloodline and his hatred of the Corsairs, Joaquim escaped the battlefield after informing the Outcast fleet of Corsair operations. It is unknown what happened to Belen de Valencia, or what became of Joaquim Dattaglia over the next 10 years.

In 810 A.S. a drug dealer by the alias El Chacal, or "The Jackal" emerged in Liberty space, dominanting much of the petty cardamine trade in the area. By allying himself with corrupt LPI officials and Cryer pilots, The Jackal was able to cloak his cardamine transportation from Cape Wrath to Buffalo. At the time, The Jackal's identity was unconfirmed, but after the drug dealer dropped his profitable business to return to his post in the 202nd Squadron, intelligence reported that El Chacal was, in fact, Joaquim Dattaglia. At the current time, it is unknown why Dattaglia returned to the Outcasts.

Dattaglia has a reputation as a ruthless businessman and is also rumored to hate the fact that he is an Outcast. Joaquim also uses an inhaler to take his Cardamine doses, as he had accustomed to sporadic doses of the drug during his imprisonment by the Corsairs.