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MNS-Malta.Runner - Jaika - 08-27-2011

Location: unkown (possibly some where in the Omicrons)

*A small door opens softly in a dark room. A men in a long black jacket steps in, hes face cannot be seen, it's hidden under the the hood of he's jacket. Some one from the far corner of the room asks him.*

-Are you alone?
-Yes, and i paid the guards so no one gonna know about our meeting here. The cameras are blind too. *lowers hes voice* We can talk captain.
-Good. Make it quick, every thing is in order? You know my good friend, once we leave this place there is no turning back. From that point the Malta Runner become our new home. Ho goes the cardi circulating system? We want cardi only in the outer shell.
-The engineers are still working on it, but it's harder then they thought. They rebuilded the whole secondari air conditioning system and separated it from the main one. But it works only on ninety percent currently. Basicly if we can avoid from close contact with other ships, the guys can finish they work in a week or so.
-And what about the long range scanners?
-Those are far more imprecise. They can't recognize the small differences.
-Good. When everything is finished, we need someone who can bring "clean" slaves to us.
-But captain, how we know that the slaves not gonna rebell against us?
-This is a chance for both us and for them to leave, and once we left this place we head to a Freeport or a netural base where everyone who want's can leave. The others in this crew are loyal to us, they serve under me for a long time now. Just remember how we started when i came here at the first time in my small cargo ship. You asked me to save you, and that was my first good choose in my life. I kept you as a personal slave then we got our first copiloted bomber, and together we managed to avoid from cardi addiction, and then we saved and will save as much slave as we can from the evil drug. We made a long way together my friend. But the rest of it still lies before us. Now go cadet, and comply your orders as i told.
-Aye captain.
-And one more thing, see you on board.

*The man in the black jacket turns back for a second and then leaves without a word.*

MNS-Malta.Runner - Jaika - 09-20-2011

Location: O-Beta, outer rim

*captain's room, David the first mate step in*

-Ah David, there you are, what's took it so long?
-I fear i have some bad news captain, the guards started to ask.
-About what?
-About our khm..."project". They won't believe us now, they ask too much and too often, and because of this the engineers cannot do their job as it was planned.
-So here we are *takes a deep breath* then it's time to use other ways to secure our survival.
-What are you talking about captain?
-Rebellion my friend, maybe i'm the captain of this ship but the high command whatching me. Tell all of our men to prepare. I place the whole ship under quarantine. Noone comes in or moves out, and that is our time to take over the whole control of the ship. I'm tired to wear these breathers and play a adicted orange minded captain.
-But whi we need the quarantine?
-Listen, when a quarantine initiated the whole ship is under lock, right? The hazmat team is with us and they are the only ones who's possessing guns and the guards. With their help we can equip every one with blasters. We won't have much time for this or we will become suspicious to our enemies. Under two or maybe three hours of lock we must hand out as much weapons as we can to increase our chances. When everyone ready and the situation is settled down, i initiate Omega protocol that will block every incoming and outgoing communications. Then, hell is coming, we take out every hostile Outcast on this ship, we don't take prisoner and there is no exception.
-Yes sir, i will go and inform the hazmat team from our plan. They will be ready when you need them.

*One hour later, Hazmat team room.*

-Everyone listen carefully. This is our first and only chance to take over controll thru the whole ship. We all known that this day will come. So here's the plan. The captain initiate quarantine on the the ship, that will locks down everything. We have two or maybe three hours to hand out as much weapons as we can. Evey one of you has the override codes to the crew quarters. Go in equip everyone, and if there is any hostile personel in the room, kill it. Tell everyone that we're gonna fight for survival, if we fail then we're all dead meat. When the quarantine is over come back and stay ready to fight, not all of us will stay alive. We have no other choice. Back to the plan, so after the end of the quarantine the captain will wait until everything and everyone cool down, then he will give out the orders to initiate immediate Omega protocol. That means nothing comes in or goes out. That is our time to take out the guards the commando team and everyone else who's not with us, no exceptions no prisoners. We can care about the corpses later.
-Understood, anything else we must to know?
-Just one more thing, we count on you and your team.
-We'll do our best. Everyone heard the orders! Move out and prepare for action!

*A half hour later on the bridge. The captain looks at his communicator, he's got a message. ::David here, we're ready.:: The captain delete the message and looks up.*

-New orders! Cancel all action, stop the engines. Place the ship under full quarantine. Activate the magnetic seals on all doors.
-Aye sir!

*The commando leader looks at the captain. He is really surprised.*

-What the hell are you doing captain? Are you gone insane? There is no infection or anything else what requires a full scale quarantine.
- Are you sure?

*The captain pulls his blaster out and shoot the leader in head. With a big hole in his head he falls down to his knees and just a moment later his dead body is down on the floor. Blood and strangely looking orange and withe brain pieces mixed with some bone fragments everywhere behind where this man was not long ago.*

-As i said, initiate full scale quarantine!

*Sirens can be heard all over the ship and a automated voice starts speaking*

-Attetion possible infection detected. Quarantine protocol initiated, everyone move back to the crew quarters. Hazmat team please contact with the captain. Blast doors closing. Full scale lockdown in ten minutes.

*Thor looked at his men, not said a word but everyone knew what is about to come.He was a tall, strong man and a rumors says he's got his nickname after he torn apart three Corsair soldier with an axe. Noone sure about this, but they know that he is strong, really strong and really loyal to his friends, this is the two main reasons why everyone respects him. The team headed to the quarters, it was a slow process because the magnetic locks there was no other way to reach their destination.*

-Door opening, it seems the override codes are working correctly. *Yelled a man in a hazmat suit*
-Six, move in!
-Clear! Opening second door.

*The door hissed and started to open slowly, voices can be heard from the other side*

-Sir, there's someone on the other side!
-Everyone be ready! Fire only at my command!

*They pulled out their guns and aimed to the door. Noone knew what is coming now, maybe a blood bath or just a friendly talk. A girl screamed from the other side.*

-Don't shoot, please, i mean no harm! I don't even know what is going on!
-Your name, rank and divison?
-I'm just a engineer. I was in the engine room when i heard the warning message. I headed to my room immediately, but this is as far as i made. The doors traped me here.

*The door was now open and the girl's face can be seen now, she was in a green uniform, but the cardi breather was misplaced on her face. This was the thing what saved her life.*

-Hey, your breather.....
-What's wrong with it?

*The girl touched it and she felt that something is wrong with it.*

-Damn,i..i...i can explain.
-Don't worry, actually that misplaced breather saved your life.
-Can you shoot?
-No, i'm just a engineer not a soldier.
-Okay, go find a safe place where you can hide, and from now try to avoid any contact with the guards or with the commandos. Bloody days are about to come, be careful.
-What's going on, why the ship is under full lock, and what are you talking about?
-The time has come to make our future, this is our chance to save ourself from the curse of the cardamine. Sorry, that's all i can tell you right now. Now go!

*The girl left the place and the team continued the work. They're moved forvard, door by door. After a hour or more of work they made it to the first crew quarter. First, Five knocked on the door and waited for an answer.*

-Hello? Is anybody out there? Please help we're trapped in here.
-This is the hazmat team we're here to rescue you. How many people are in the room?
-Good now tell me, are there any guards in the room? It is a important thing, we must know that.
-Yes, two of them and a commando.
-Their positions?
-Why this is so important?
-Just answer, don't ask if you wanna come out! Their positions?
-Okay, okay, calm down, one is at the window the other one is sitting at the table left from the door with the commando.
-Good, now move back and stay out of our way, and anything happens don't panic.
-Five, place a charge on the door. We're gonna do this hard and loud. Move in and shoot down that three guy. Ready?
-Ready! Awayting your order sir.
-Good, everyone take cover. Alright Five, blow it up!

*Five pushed the button and the explosion has torn the door in to pieces.*

-Alright, lets go! Move in! Go Go Go! Take down those bad guys!

*Three entered first then Two and Four. The guard at the window got two shots in his stomach and the third in his head ended his life. The other two guy at the table got no chance to pull out their weapons. Two and Four shot them down in a second.*

-Good, now check these guys and if the're okay hand out the guns.
-No need for that.
-What? David, what are you doing here?
-I camed back here 'coz i got some work, and i got no chance to go back to the bridge when the party started. Everything goes as planned?
-No, we cannot move fast enough. This is the first crew quarter we reached, and two more and a lots of other places left.
-Then waste no time, hide a weapon box here in the room, we can equip everyone with guns from here easily. Do the same in the other two rooms.
-Aye, Six bring in that box and put it under the bed. Everyone else, head to the next room! Five, there is a terminal try to use it to unlock the corridor to the next room.
-Well, it is a security terminal, but it takes some time to override those doors.
-How much?
-A half hour or maybe more. I don't know exactly.
-You have twenty minutes.

*Twenty-five minutes later.*

-Are you done Five?
-Almost there boss, i got some problems with the last firewall, but i'll be fine now. Doors opening in three, two, one.
-Good, now move on we got more work to do.

*The squad continued their way to the next room, this mission was the most critical part in the whole plan. They brought all the weapons from the Hazmat armory, if the guards gain knowledge about what are they trying to do and trap them, they will lose everyrithing. After the second corner the whole corridor was dark, only a few LED and some blinking screens showed the way. Six and Two left behind with the remaining two weapon boxes and everyone moved closer to the walls. They moved from cover to cover, there was not something in order, it was too quiet no lights, no machine sounds and no any sign of what happened there. All of them feared the worst, maybe a guard alerted the others before they killed them and now they waiting for them with the commando team somewhere here. They moved forward quietly,the less noise they make, the more chance they didn't get recognised. Everyone is uptight, it can be felt in the air, maybe these are the last steps and then something just blow their heads off or maybe not,
noone knows it for sure. As they made their way to the next room, something happend on the bridge too.*

-Captain, we got an incoming transmission.
-Who is it?
-The signal is coming inside of the ship, it's David, sir.
-Let me hear it.
-Captain, David here, is the bridge clear?
-Yes it is, we have a, how should i say? A headless commando now. Their leader is dead.
-Really? What's happend?
-That is not important right now. You got anything to report?
-Yes, i met not long ago with the Hazmat team. The plane is changed a bit, we don't have the time to equip everyone on the ships who'th us. They deliver the weapons in three boxes to the crew quarters. From there all of our men can get a blaster or some other useful toy. One box is already hidden in this room, and the guys are on their way to the next one but we got some minor problems here, when they camed in they shot down two guards and a commando so we have three corpses now.
-Alright, this is not exactly what i planned but sounds okay, about the corpses, just clean up the blood and throw out the corpses on the airlock after the quarantine is over.
-Aye sir, David out.