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Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Printable Version

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Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Jihadjoe - 08-28-2011

Storage.Depot.1, Storage.Depot.2 Storage.Depot.3 Storage.Depot.4 and Storage.Depot.5 have been sanctioned for:

Quote:6.2 Ship and equipment used must match tag and ID as closely as possible.

The following chart is an official guideline of ship and weapon use on the official Discovery Server :

All characters using mismatched ID/Ship/Weapon combinations must possess either an Admin granted Terrorist ID or a Special Operative ID.

Consequences: Fined all the guns from all five ships. You should know better as well, so I took half the credits from Storage.Depot.1 and all the codenames from that ship as well. Expensive.

It was the mild insult you delivered while swanning your way around on your oorp ship that made me take the codenames.

Link to original report (Admin use only)



If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised
that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions
up to a ban.
Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other
legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Jimmy04 - 08-28-2011

This is some kind of a mess...
I want proof of my illegal actions, and a good reason for why you took half of my codename collection, and 500 mil.

I'm serious now, this is an abuse, and I'm not gonna let it go that easily.

Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Jihadjoe - 08-28-2011

PM sent with evidence.

Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Jimmy04 - 08-28-2011

Okay, rage ended. Thanks for the fast reply. Thing is, that is my bank account. Consider it as my personal collection of nice stuff from Disco GC. I never intended on RPing with it, or other stuff, that's why the ships are all docked in a kinda remote location.
That guy was asking for it, and, belive me, that's not how I usually behave. I even RPed with him, before he started chasing me, and shooting me. It was not my intention to have any encounters on any of those 5 chars. Never the less, I pwned him with class 3 stealthblade turrets, on a Camara, while he had a fully set up Wassupu, so I guess it affected his ego. I admit I might have been a bit rude (and I do mean just a bit rude, as in rude, but not sanctionably rude), but I would have welcomed a 7 days ban sanction, as opposed to the decision you made.

Also, as I have an otherwise clean record, and I don't think I was that rude, I request that you reevaluate the case. It's not so much for the money, but for the items you took (all of them, including OORP guns).

Also, in the case that the fine remains valid, I'll just donate my other stuff to the factions I was part of, and I'll never look back.

Thanks for reading the wall of text.

Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Jihadjoe - 08-28-2011

I'll just drop a few bits of information here...

Standard proceedure with a sanction is to clear out the cargohold of any ship you sanction, and replace all the cargo, with a sanction note.

I chose not to do that, because I thought deleting all your codes would be too harsh.

I only took one tenth of the total sum of credits on the account.

Now... if I'd just gone with clearing out the cargohold on each of those ships (as would have been standard proceedure) then you would have lost a lot more, and that wouldn't even have been inculded as part of the sanction.

Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Jimmy04 - 08-28-2011

Well, for the record, was I sanctioned for having some OORP guns I never use, or for saying: "Noticed you're sucking more than usually?" in a RP context (I can post full chat log).
Okay, guess that could be thought to as swearing, in an extreme judgment. But, as you said, being mild, and this being my first sanction, I would have issued a warning instead.
Also, I have PMed Cannon, and I'll be waiting for his feedback on all this, as I think it's a case of an over zealous admin.

p.s. - I could have just docked, to avoid that encounter without a word, but I think that wouldn't have been in the spirit of the server.

p.s. 2 - I don't want to turn this into a 'trial by forum' but I feel terribly wronged. It's not like I used top of the line OP and OORP guns to gain an advantage. I merely collected them as I collected the codenames and mounted them on my ships that were never intended for RP.

So, For the record, to sum it all up, I said "Noticed you're sucking more than usually?" in a RP context, while having 4 class 3 Stealthblade turrets, and 2 class 4 Falconet turrets mounted on my Camara (the ship I like most, with the guns I like most, cause of nice colours and effects)

And I got a 500 mil fine, lost 60 codenames and shields/thrusters/mines/turrets from all 5 ships on that account.

Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Jihadjoe - 08-29-2011

' Wrote:OORP guns I never use


Now given the entire account was full of ships which had guns which are not within roleplay, and the behaviour you exhibited around it was rather... Abrasive...

Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Jimmy04 - 08-29-2011

So, seems I got sanctioned for OORP guns. Okay, now I know around what to build my case.

This is the chat log from that encounter:

GMG|Otakie.Nagaroki: what are you doing with those artifacts?
Storage.Depot.3: Selling, of course.
Storage.Depot.3: Interested?
GMG|Otakie.Nagaroki: for how much?
Storage.Depot.3: For 15 million credits a piece...
Storage.Depot.3: But it's negotiable for more pieces.
GMG|Otakie.Nagaroki: i do believe those artifacts have infecteded your brain, cause thats a rip off.
Storage.Depot.3: Well, people on this luxury liner will offer more, once I take them to an auction.
GMG|Otakie.Nagaroki: Storage.depot.4 please come out so i may have a word with you.
Storage.Depot.4: Starting undocking procedure.
GMG|Otakie.Nagaroki: what did you do with the nomad artifacts?
Storage.Depot.4: Sold them already.
GMG|Otakie.Nagaroki: to who?
Storage.Depot.4: To some wealthy guy's wife...
GMG|Otakie.Nagaroki: right then..
Storage.Depot.4: She tought they'd look nice as flower pots in their mansion on planet Baden Baden...
GMG|Otakie.Nagaroki: You are now under arrest for the sale and distribution of nomad artifacts.
Storage.Depot.4: Oh really?
Storage.Depot.4: With who's authorization?
GMG|Otakie.Nagaroki: you can come quietly to ogashawa or i will bring you there in an escape pod
Storage.Depot.4: And then what going to happen?
Storage.Depot.4: what's*
GMG|Otakie.Nagaroki: you will be placed into custody, scanned for infection and fine for the sale.
Storage.Depot.4: Hmmm...
GMG|Otakie.Nagaroki: now start moving to the gas miner.
Storage.Depot.4: I think that's not necessary...
Storage.Depot.4: I got some well placed friends...
Storage.Depot.4: And I'm surely not infected.
GMG|Otakie.Nagaroki: come quietly or you will be destroyed.
Storage.Depot.4: I think I'll push my luck a little further...
Storage.Depot.4: Ta ta!
Delenn.Kalus: dare i inquire on what is occuring here...
Storage.Depot.4: Miner acting like police-man
Storage.Depot.4: Hahaha
Traffic control alert: Delenn.Kalus has requested to dock
Storage.Depot.4: Better stick to mining gas, friend....
Storage.Depot.4: Cause shooting guns is definitley not your best option.
Storage.Depot.4: Oh, you again...
GMG|Otakie.Nagaroki: i should say the same.
GMG|Otakie.Nagaroki: heh run like the infected coward you aare
Storage.Depot.4: Well...
Storage.Depot.4: For your information...
Storage.Depot.4: I have a friend on the Cryer base in Sigma 17...
GMG|Otakie.Nagaroki: you are ordered for destruction
GMG|Otakie.Nagaroki - Ping: 423ms Fluct: 41ms Loss: 1% Lag: 64%
GMG|Otakie.Nagaroki: you know what , pay a fine of 1mil and you can go
Storage.Depot.4: Hahaha
Storage.Depot.4: Noticed you're sucking more than usually?
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: Now that's just odd.
Storage.Depot.4: Him sucking?
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: I was going to say that a Camara shouldn't really be winning this.
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: With stealthblades, no less.
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: Im genuinely surprised.
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: And here I was looking to shoot up a miner or two.
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: Trying to shoot down a legionnaire.
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: And missing the tractor...
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: *cough*
Death: GMG|Otakie.Nagaroki was killed by Storage.Depot.4 (Gun)
Storage.Depot.4: Heh...
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: That made not a lot of sense.
Storage.Depot.4: Well...
Storage.Depot.4: I was smuggling artefacts...
Storage.Depot.4: Managed to sell them on Hawaii...
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: Oh, nice job.
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: And you got yourself the head of a miner to boot.
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: Thats a good day's work if I'm honest.
Storage.Depot.4: I wasn't intending on doing that...
Storage.Depot.4: But he insisted on chasing and shooting me...
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: Well, he got his due then.
Storage.Depot.4: Indeed...
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: Anyway
Storage.Depot.4: Strange miner anyway, acting all police man on me...
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: They think themselves the masters of this land.
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: Or some such other poetic thing.
Storage.Depot.4: I noticed...
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: Anyway, you better get that patched up.
Storage.Depot.4: Yeah, I was intending to do that...
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: Doesn't look like the healthiest of ships to be honest.
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: Mm
Storage.Depot.4: And get a cold beer on Hawaii.
Storage.Depot.4: Well, it got a little bruised...
Storage.Depot.4: But she has seen worse...
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: Whoops.
Storage.Depot.4: Oh, hehe.
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: And fair enough.
Storage.Depot.4: Well, I'll be on my way...
Storage.Depot.4: Adios, amigo!
Rafael.Montoya[TBH]: See you later, good luck.
Storage.Depot.4: Same to you!

Now, mind you, I'm not a 12 year old lolwut, so I think I can appreciate the gravity of my actions pretty well. In my opinion, this is not even close to sanctionable. I'll wait for Cannon's feedback, and decide my further actions depending on that. Now, I really hope you have a backup of my account, before messing with it.

Also, a similar case: but with greater impact in game. I see no 500 mil fine, and/or 60 codenames removed.
OORP guns removed, nice and clean. In my case, were Ripper mine droppers or Debilitator turrets OORP too?

Also, another case, similar to mine:;hl=Bastilled
I think an approach like that one would have been more successful, and with a lot less hassle. I could have been given a warning and a deadline to remove the OORP guns, and the problem would have been solved. I really don't think I affected anyone's in game experience that much, to be eligible for such an outrageous punishment.

Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Jihadjoe - 08-29-2011

The very reason the punishment was more harsh, is that you are not a 12 year old lolwut, and have nothing to learn. You have been around long enough to gather a full FIVE BILLION credits, and a very large collection of codenames on a single account.

I will also note, that since EVERY SINGLE SANCTION WE GIVE involves stripping out the offending ship's cargohold, and replacing everything there with a sanction note, you have infact got off lightly. Had I followed the standard proceedure, you would have lost three ship's worth of codenames, not one.

Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Jimmy04 - 08-29-2011

Considering that this is my first sanction and it is a minor offense, which resulted by accident, because I never intended to ever fly that ship, and it was without premeditation, thus, not deliberate, I request that my sanction is turned into a warning, and all the stuff taken to be given back, with the mention that I will remove the OORP guns myself.

Also, if by any chance you will also offer me 2 Defilers as compensation, I will gladly accept the offer:).