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Internal Wild Geese Transmission to Eamon O'Malley - Printable Version

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Internal Wild Geese Transmission to Eamon O'Malley - qwertypp7 - 08-28-2011

---Incoming Transmission---

Comm ID: Paddy O'Flannigan, Callsign Old Four Leaf
Location: Java Station, Tau 23
Subject: Weapons supplier


I was cruisin' about lookin' feh' some guns teh' fit on me' new Eagle earlier when I got me a transmission from a bunch o' guys callin' em'selves the Gunrunners. They dragged me all the way out teh' Tau-37 but once I got me'self there they had a nice surprise feh' me. Got me some free samples off of em'. Four EXCALIBUR weapons, top quality make too. They said teh' tell ye' tha' they'll be more than willin' teh' supply the Wild Geese an' Mollys wit' prototype weaponry at a reasonable price, an' the fact they gave me the free sample makes me tink' they ain't feckin' about. These tings' coulda' netted em' a small fortune on the open market after all.

I tink' they want teh' have a word wit' ye' about some kinda' contract teh' supply us wit' guns but they weren't all too clear bout' tha' an' the only contact details I got off em' were their ships which are all named Venus wit' a number tag on the end like them old romans used teh' use. Drop em' a line an' have a chat mate. Might be worth tellin' the other Mollys too. Feck knows we could always use more guns teh' shoot squaddies wit'.

Old Four Leaf out.

---End Transmission---

Internal Wild Geese Transmission to Eamon O'Malley - Zapp - 08-30-2011

[[ Incoming Transmission ]]
[[ Comm ID:
Eamon O'Malley ]]
[[ Recipient:
Wild Geese channel ]]
[[ Location:

Sounds good to me. Lord knows we can always use more guns. Tell them to drop me a communication line and we'll talk it over.

Eamon out.

[[ Closing Transmission ]]