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Need a clear Admin answer - Printable Version

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Need a clear Admin answer - Ntei - 08-29-2011

On this

P.S.: I made a topic here couse i guess (hope) the admins pay more attention on this ection of the forums

Need a clear Admin answer - Govedo13 - 08-29-2011

I find it really bad form of game mechanics abuse that put the other party in disadvantage,however if it is not sanctionable I would recommend all to do it since certain groups do it all the time.

Need a clear Admin answer - Pinko - 08-29-2011

The KNF has been sanctioned in the past for blowing up their Chimera's wings.

Need a clear Admin answer - Pinko - 08-29-2011

' Wrote:Link?

Happened back while I was in Kiretsu, I can't find the link though. Or maybe they were just warned in game to not do it, since the Chimera loses no component whatsoever when wingless. But I remember that the admins intervened.

Need a clear Admin answer - Ntei - 08-29-2011

Hey guys use the existing topic, this one was made to get admin attention

Need a clear Admin answer - SnakThree - 08-29-2011

This is not how you do it. If it is issue regarding rules, you put it into right subforum, and formulate clear question. I'll do it. Let's hope for clear answer.

This is how I suppose it should be properly done

Need a clear Admin answer - casero - 08-29-2011

' Wrote:The KNF has been sanctioned in the past for blowing up their Chimera's wings.

Sorry? KNF has never been sanctioned for something like that, because we never did things like that. There coule be one who tried it, but was told immediately not to do it.

Need a clear Admin answer - SnakThree - 08-29-2011

' Wrote:Sorry? KNF has never been sanctioned for something like that, because we never did things like that. There coule be one who tried it, but was told immediately not to do it.
KNF =/= [KNF]. Unless he did say KNF with [KNF] meaning.

Need a clear Admin answer - casero - 08-29-2011

' Wrote:KNF =/= [KNF]. Unless he did say KNF with [KNF] meaning.

If he meant A KNF, he would have said exactly that, a KNF.

Since he meant all the KNF in general, it's normal to assume he meant or the official faction or all the KNF players, indies and official. Now, talking about ALL the knf players wouldn't make sense, I have to take he meant the official faction.