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To the Virulian Enclave and Doc Holliday - Printable Version

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To the Virulian Enclave and Doc Holliday - Lusitano - 08-29-2011

*From New Lusitania, Gran Canaria*


Every day someone is missing on Gran Canaria, because they wasnt to escape or search another life or simply because they are kiddnaped.

Some days ago, two UAVs were shot down over New Lusitania. They were badly damage, but we still manage to find the source. The source was a small camp less than 100 km south east from New Lusitania. The camp was invistigate and we found that that camp wasn't any colony or village or community, but a slaver camp. Actions were made and with one tactical action, we not only manage to free all slaves but also destroyed completely the camp. Furhter invistigations lead us to believe that there is at least six other camps like this over Gran Canaria.

This kind of camps are not for any kind of slave, but to "special" ones, mainly young beautifull women, that have profiles on social networks on the Sirius Wide Wed and they are chosen, and then kidnnaped and delivered to their buyers. New Lusitania has a bit more than 1000 people and 75 were once slaves, including my wife, and we would like to put a end on this, or at least helping ending this. But Gra Canaria is too big and we are "new" around here! Since you are been here for more time, and even the VE is one of GC protectors, i would like you to help me to find those six camps and also the kidnapers. I don't need tactical help, we are very well equipped and the members of my tactical teams are well prepared, some even are former members of house military elite troops, but i need intel. We can't search and invistigate every camp or colony or community or city on this planet, so i would like you to help us. Give us tips of the most probably locations or help us finding and he can take care of the rest. We already free 40 women and children. Even if we manage to free 1 more, is worthy all hard work.

Best regards


To the Virulian Enclave and Doc Holliday - Doc Holliday - 08-30-2011

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
Location: Tombstone Estate, Planet Gran Canaria
To: Viriato

It'll be nice speaking to you on much calmer terms, Mr. Viriato, and even working with you on this project.
Slavers on Gran Canaria? That is disturbing. My estate is some 50,000 acres, most of it unspoiled wild and it is well monitored. I don't need to tell you that much of Canaria is very wild and unexplored. There are a lot of hiding places, both above and under ground. UAV's and drones may not reveal much. Perhaps the Enclave has some better resources.

What I can provide is "old school" but effective. If you suspect an area of having a slave camp, I can arrange an armed posse on both caballa back and on foot. Some of the wild areas of Canaria are hard to reach by ship or ground vehicle. I would be honored to join you in one of these posses as many of the local Zoner population know some of the back areas rather well.

I will also have the Klingon camp at New Kronus make a search to ensure that no camps are near them.
I think you will find that a few good posses will sniff out some of these people.....if some of the local wildlife doesn't get them first.

Dr. John Henry Holliday
Tombstone Estate

To the Virulian Enclave and Doc Holliday - Lusitano - 08-30-2011

*From New Lusitania, Gran Canaria*
*To Doc Holliday only*

Greetings Mr Holliday

Indeed Gran Canaria is too much unexplore, and areas are so vast that we can lose even a battleship! We only found this camp because they made the mistake of trying to spy us, otherwise we would never find this.

We have few clues about this, the records we manage to get aren't many accurate, and only speak about competition between the camps, the location is unknow. What we have is a contact for a kidnappers tea, that is been invistigated and three tips about the location of three camps, but not good tips one talks about a ice camp maybe on the polar areas and other two are in big cities. There isn't too many big cities on Gran canaria but the problem is that they are realy big, and probably some building or warehouse is a better hidden place than a camp on a desert or florest.

Despite we are well equipped, is always welcome help in case we have to take more than one camp at the same time. We don't know the location of New Kronus and not even their contact, if you please ask then we will be gratefull.

Our first mission of operation "la amistad" was a sucess, 40 people saved, all slavers died and not even a scrath on any of members of my tactical teams, let's hope that the God's continue to protect us.

Mr Holliday i may look calm, but yesterday i kill 4 people with my gun, allowed torture and execution of one slaver.

Best regards


// this began because one newbie trader asked my trader char where he could get slaves on GC because he saw one freelancer leaving GC with a cargo slaves.

To the Virulian Enclave and Doc Holliday - Serpentis - 08-30-2011

|-Following message is transmitted trough all Virulian Frequencies-|

[Image: ZhaneComAga.png]
  • [font=Arial]
    Mr Viriato

    The Enclave Defense forces have been notified and we will begin search for these 'Slaver Camps'.

    Please send all information you have on the matter over more secure frequencies..

    The Virulian Enclave will make sure that the slavers in question will be brought in and questioned to find out who and what organization they work for.

    The Virulian Enclave does not allow slavery to exist on Canaria.

    -Overlord Zhane of the EDF

[font=Arial]|-The message ends-|

To the Virulian Enclave and Doc Holliday - Lusitano - 08-30-2011

*From New Lusitania, Gran Canaria*

*To Overlord Zhane*


I thank you your help. As soon we get more informations we will share.

Best regards


To the Virulian Enclave and Doc Holliday - Doc Holliday - 08-31-2011

Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
To: Overlord Zhane; Mr. Viriato

Once I get some ideas of where the camps are, I have a well armed posse ready to go. I will have them shuttled close enough to get there on foot but far enough away to where they won't be detected. We even have some tracking dogs so yes, it's old world but very effective.

We are standing bye.


To the Virulian Enclave and Doc Holliday - Lusitano - 08-31-2011

*From New Lusitania, Gran Canaria*


Gentlemen i thank you again your support! We have .. a plan! It is a very very stupid plan ... i even don't know how i allowed but it looks like it is working! We will inform you all later!

Best regards
