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To: Samura Industries - Printable Version

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To: Samura Industries - Lobster - 08-30-2011


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[color=#009900]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]Rheinland BDM
Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]Okada Kazuya
Subject: Oppertunities
[Image: private1.jpg]

Guten tag,

Its been a while sense we last talked. How are our friends in Kusari?

We have a business proposal for Samura following on our last conversation.

It has come to the BDM's attention that Samura seems to have a small off the record operation involving the transport of alien artifacts. As I am sure you are aware, some of these trinkets bring a high price from collectors of exotic art and taste. As you probably know, most of the artifacts imported into the Sirius colonies, which I might remind you is highly illegal, are for all intents chunks of rock. The BDM has intercepted many shipments of these from smugglers and they have little value for us.

Ever sense the start of the nomad war however, there have been a few artifacts that show up every now and then. These artifacts are different, alive even.

While the BDM doesn't look kindly on artifact smuggling operations, we recognize opportunities when we see them. Samura might become one of those opportunities. Samura might also receive substantial 'economic grants' from the 'Rheinland Government' if they wish to play ball.

However, first, we must ask you a question dear Kazuya. We are only interested in active nomad artifacts. We don't care where you find them, or how you get them to us; only that it is possible for you to do so. Is Samura able to find these diamonds in the rough, and would Samura be interested in a partnership with the BDM?

Warm regards,

Buro Der MarineIntelligenz

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To: Samura Industries - Markus_Janus - 08-31-2011

[Image: OkadaTop.png]

My friends in Kusari do very well, thank you for asking.

Allow me to clarify something before I continue.
Samura is a noble, upstanding corporation that pays respect to those it receives respect from.
We are not some underhanded smuggling operation that hangs around in the shadows.
The trade of these alien artifacts is a perfectly legal operation in independent space as well as Kusari space.
We are patriots that do what we can to further the lives of the people we are entrusted to nurture, the fine people of Kusari.

About Rheinland's interest in this commodity I will need to ask you a question.
You see Samura Heavy Industries represent a greater share of imports into Rheinland then any other foreign corporation.
Not only this but Samura's exports to Rheinland consist of a greater share of our business then any other exports.
We place our relationship with the House of Rheinland in the highest regard and as such would never sanction any of our employees to do anything that endangers this relationship.
This includes smuggling goods into Rheinland space for the benefit of one department without the backing of said government.
So my initial question would be, if we were to deliver the goods you ask for, would an exception be made in the laws of Rheinland to allow us to do this?

Okada Kazuya.

[Image: Okada1Bot.png]

To: Samura Industries - Lobster - 08-31-2011


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[color=#009900]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]Rheinland BDM
Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]Okada Kazuya
Subject: Oppertunities
[Image: private1.jpg]

Guten tag,

Sadly, the answer to your question must be no. Allow me to explain why.

We in the agency are quite comfortable working in the shadows. We leave the law enforcement up to the Military and Polizi. This is both a blessing and a curse.

We have a distinct leeway over what laws we choose to follow, and what laws we choose to ignore. At the same time though, we are not involved in dictating the laws.

While we could propose to the government to make artifact trade for Samura legal in Rheinland, we will not. There are various reasons for this, not the least of which that I am not sure the Bundestag would react well if they were to be told where you procure your artifacts.

Yes, we both operate in the shadows. You have your secretes and we have ours. Lets keep it that way.

As for the matter of shipping artifacts in Rheinland. Laws can easily be bent for Samura to make their track through Rheinland easier, however they will not be changed.

Now, onto business...

Warm regards,

Buro Der MarineIntelligenz

[color=#009900]-( END - TRANSMISSION )-

To: Samura Industries - Markus_Janus - 09-01-2011

[Image: OkadaTop.png]

I can't help but feel that you have tried to use a threatening tone with me in regards to where artifacts may have come from in your opinion.
Allow me to make something very clear here.
We know that Rheinland sends military vehicles to Bretonia that is then used to kill the people of Kusari.

Samura Heavy Industries at no time sanctions the breaking of Rheinland laws.
We have never brought artifacts into Rheinland and I believe you can show me no proof to show any contradiction to this.
The nation of Kusari is under no obligation to follow Rheinland laws when it comes to what it considers as laws in it's own land and will not ask for permission from another house for what it may import .

I am a businessman that has had threats leveled at him before, I do not cower to threats and I believe that a more mutually respectful conversation will go a lot further.

Now onto matters at hand.
I am sure you will understand my statement now that as our relationship with Rheinland is of great importance to us, we will not import any goods into Rheinland without it's government's agreement.
You may of course approach individual Samura transports to convince to try and find this commodity you are after, but if they are caught by either ourselves or Rheinland, they will face severe repercussions for their actions.

Maybe there is another way, there are others that have access to the same markets and would be in a far better position to deal with your problem.
I would of course be happy to send your concerns to them if you feel it is important.
This of course would normally attract a finders fee for services rendered, but I believe just this once, we can make an exception.

Okada Kazuya.

[Image: Okada1Bot.png]

To: Samura Industries - Lobster - 09-03-2011


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Encryption - [color=#FF0000]High

[color=#009900]Transmission Received...
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[color=#009900]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]Rheinland BDM
Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]Okada Kazuya
Subject: Oppertunities
[Image: private1.jpg]

Guten tag,

We appreciate the offer of contractors to move shipment into Rheinland, but we must decline due to the sensitivity of the goods being transported. This is an opportunity for Samura to work with Rheinland, and Samura alone.

While we cannot change the laws to make artifact transportation into Rheinland legal, we can give you a level of security and immunity to the laws of Rheinland, so long as you use common seance while delivering goods.

There is one question that has yet to be answered however.

The BDM is only interested in active artifacts. Can Samura deliver?

After this question is answered, details can be worked out is Samura is willing to provide the transportation and the goods. As stated, we dont care where they come from, so long as they meet our requirements.

Warm regards,

Buro Der MarineIntelligenz

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To: Samura Industries - Lobster - 09-08-2011


Source - ************
Encryption - [color=#FF0000]High

[color=#009900]Transmission Received...
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[color=#009900]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]Rheinland BDM
Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]Okada Kazuya
Subject: Handshake
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