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BHG|Core vs Order| - Printable Version

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BHG|Core vs Order| - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 08-31-2011

Guild Core v [color=#000000]The Order

[font=agency fb]General premise

[color=#000000]Things are getting progressively worse for the Order, the Guild Core continues to pour men and ships into the war at an astounding rate, confident of victory for their cause, the Nomads still lurk in the depths, constantly posing a threat and are also beginning to make their weight felt on the inhabitants of Omicron Minor, striking with ever increasing force and disappearing with equivalent guile. The Order wishes to hold their ground for as long as is possible, while contingency plans and extreme measures are enacted by the High Command in order to protect all that they have worked to build, and ensure that they can continue to operate under their mandate of the protection of humanity with continued vigour.

Things on the other hand seem to be working as the Guild Core has planned, the Order are slowly being pushed back, their skill and technological advantages are being eaten away under the weight of overwhelming Core numerical and material superiority, the Nomads still do not yet seem to challenge the Core's advances, and yet while they mount lightning strikes against Core forces, have not yet brought a major force to bear, the Corsair presence in Core claimed territory is slowly burning out and they no longer pose a major threat to Guild Core operations. The Guild council has seen fit to commit ever more resources to the Core in the hope that soon the Order will be crushed beneath the embodied iron fist of the Guild Core, and that they may soon begin laying the groundwork for all out conquest and resettlement of the Omicron systems.

As such, a major flashpoint has been encountered in the form of Omicron Lost and the surrounding area, from where the Order can mount flanking strikes on the Core's fleets around the Omicron Minor jump hole as they advance into their home, and which the Core wishes to bring under their dominion, to stop the strikes, but also for other, as yet undisclosed purposes.

[color=#FFFFFF]Event times

The events will be staged on a weekly basis, the exact time may be subject to change should it be required by a certain party, said time being Saturday, 7 PM GMT.

[color=#FFFFFF]Event locations

The events, to begin with, will be centred around Omicron Lost, however this is not set in stone, and other areas may be explored for RP purposes, along with diversification of locale.


To begin with, the events will be limited to Order| and BHG|Core ships, though there may be a possibility for Nomads or other forces to take part in future should RP require their presence.

The forces that each side my bring are also subject to possible change and adjustment, but to begin with will be as follows:
  • One Battleship (Osiris - Mako)
  • One Cruiser or Battlecruiser (Resheph/Geb - Thresher/Bullhead)
  • Two Gunboats (Hathor - Orca/Bottlenose)
  • Four Bombers (Sekhmet - BHG Bomber)
  • Six Fighters* (Bastet/Nepthys - Manta/Hammerhead/Sea Serpent)
*Either side is not expected to bring a full six fighters along with other ships, but in order to prevent numbers being excessively one-sided, unless both sides wish to bring more, six will be the maximum.

[color=#FFFFFF][font=agency fb]This thread is open for comments, feedback and ideas, if you have any of those, feel free to post them.

BHG|Core vs Order| - Rodent - 08-31-2011

I can show, for either side.

BHG|Core vs Order| - Caedes - 08-31-2011

If you mean this Saturday coming, it may be too short a time to gather enough ships.
But it's worth a try and hopefully an event can attract some interest in Order/Hunter RP.

I'll be able to contribute my Nepthys unless something catastrophic at work happens.

BHG|Core vs Order| - Anonymous User - 08-31-2011

be in or not.

depends if I find anyone to go out on saturday afternoon.

cant say for sure before friday.

BHG|Core vs Order| - Switchback - 08-31-2011

I'm going to merit a guess you don't want anyone that's independent to show up, even in a fighter so....

I approve of this event, more stuff like this should happen, even though your limiting who can participate(probably for the best, OCV capspam would probably interfere)

If im in the area ile try to keep caps away so that the Order| dont have to constantly rage at em.

BHG|Core vs Order| - Dashiell - 08-31-2011


1: a guardian at the JH to the event or in the premises to tell meddlers to GTFO
2: no repairships allowed
3: no hide and seek like the last few events of the last series. That became ridiculous in the end.
4: come on time & start in time. Last series it was very annoying that people showed up half an hour late. plus the event never started on time.

BHG|Core vs Order| - Agmen of Eladesor - 08-31-2011

' Wrote:I'm going to merit a guess you don't want anyone that's independent to show up, even in a fighter so....

That was the premise behind the original series of events - these were official faction events since it is up to the official factions to be the 'keepers of the lore'.

A big part of what Dash mentioned, too, is both the hide and seek as well as the start time. If you're going to be there for the event, actually be there - not logging in at Dabadoru or Isis 5 minutes after the event starts. Battles behind the planet are interesting, but they're so dark it's tough to see who you're shooting, if anyone. And when someone runs off 20K from the battle, those become insane trying to rejoin.

BHG|Core vs Order| - torchwood - 08-31-2011

Looking good guys! i can show for either side again, be good to get these up and running again:D

BHG|Core vs Order| - r3vange - 08-31-2011

Count me in

BHG|Core vs Order| - torchwood - 08-31-2011

' Wrote:Suggestions:

1: a guardian at the JH to the event or in the premises to tell meddlers to GTFO
2: no repairships allowed
3: no hide and seek like the last few events of the last series. That became ridiculous in the end.
4: come on time & start in time. Last series it was very annoying that people showed up half an hour late. plus the event never started on time.
im sure we can put some large scary capital ship at the jump hole. Im sure we will arrange an earlier grouping time then the event can start at the time suggested:D