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please help - Printable Version

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please help - Optimus-Prime - 09-02-2011

ok i got this did what cannon said in post but it dose not seem to be working any help would be great thanks

please help - Jinx - 09-02-2011

make sure you have put it into the correct folders ( should be DATA and EXE )

also make sure that you run NO other mod but discovery... cause if you do, it might block you from playing.

so - do not use HD skins, soundmods or other stuff.

nothing more should be required - i would also suggest to keep the old dsace.dll ... just to be safe.

- keylist.ini ( goes into x:/program files/freelancer/data/interface )
- keymap.ini ( goes into x:/program files/freelancer/data/interface )
- DSace.dll ( goes into x:/program files/freelancer/exe )
- infocards.cfg ( goes into x:/program files/freelancer/exe )

please help - r3vange - 09-02-2011

[color=#FFFFFF]Shouldn't you use the latest version 8?

please help - Optimus-Prime - 09-02-2011

ok just done that now i carnt get in game what have i done wrong disco is the only mod i have on

please help - r3vange - 09-02-2011

[color=#FFFFFF]Use that one

please help - Optimus-Prime - 09-02-2011

thanks done and working