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To Ms.Rika Ito and Mr.Ozei Ruousha - Printable Version

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To Ms.Rika Ito and Mr.Ozei Ruousha - Araevin Teshurr - 09-03-2011

---Incoming Transmission---
---Sender:Araevin Teshurr; President Universal Shipping Incorporated---
---Subject:GC tech used against my employees---

I am sorry this transmission could not be under better circumstances, but I approach you about some of your technology being used against us. Now, I have included Mr.Ruousha in this transmission as he has proven a faithful ally, and has referred me to you in the past.
Now a ship named Falken' was found near Trenton Outpost within the 10K NFZ. I ordered him out, along with the Spyglass deciding to accompany him. I threatened to use force on him, and this is what I got in return...
Now, Mr.Ruousha had told me stuff was being done about The.Magician, and sure enough he has poofed....
I am asking once again to take action against unlawfuls who would abuse your tech, as I am sure that you want Liberty as a whole on your good side... As we certainly want you on ours.
Regards, and hoping for a quick response,
-Araevin Teshurr

PS. We did kill the bomber and Spyglass.
---End Feed---

To Ms.Rika Ito and Mr.Ozei Ruousha - Jansen - 09-03-2011

Incomming transmission...
Com ID:
Rika Ito

Konnichiwa Mister Teshurr,

I have no idea how this person was able to acquire one of our vessels.
But I think as a Hacker he might have been able to steal this or parts of the blue prints somehow.
I am deeply sorry if this person caused you any trouble, but there is not too much we can do to prevent things such as this from happening. His docking rights on our bases will be restricted and we will hunt this one if we encounter him.

All I can do, is to offer you our help to get rid of issues like this in the future.

-Okasan Ito

To Ms.Rika Ito and Mr.Ozei Ruousha - Sand_Spider - 09-07-2011

*Transmission feed detection!!*
*Communications Identification: Ozei Ruousha*
*Message relayed from: Omicron Theta*

Salutations, Mister Teshurr! Apologies for the delayed response. Seems I only now received the message being so far out from Liberty.

I have been out and about exploring again, as is a hobby of mine. Now, as for this Hacker, I cannot recall ever having met them before. While I personally have nothing against the Lane Hackers as a whole, I do not take the unauthorized use of the Sisterhood's toys lightly. I shall attempt to make my way to Liberty in order to seek out this individual and try convince him to hand the ship over to myself, if he was able to salvage parts from the wreck you made to produce a second Orchid. If he shant do so, I shall do it for him, if you catch my drift.

Perhaps after I sort this thing out, I could maybe gamble some at that casino Yacht of yours? *Chuckles slightly*

Wings of the Phoenix,

~Ozei Ruousha