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EverNight.... - Angel - 02-13-2006

The Moon was full, the City was illuminated in the soft glow of Pottsdam as it circled New Berlin just beyond The Ring space station.

Standing quietly on her second floor balcony, Kristy could only stare at such a beautiful site. The Air was chilly, since New Berlin had Made its Turn Into night fall.

What should I do, so many people have died over such stupid Ideals, throwing themselves against such incredible odds without hesitation, what can one person do against such reckless hate?

Her mind wondered, thinking of all those who had died in the past few months, the Battles with the Unknowns, the coupt earlier in the year, and now the Phantoms carve a swath of Blood through Sirrus, with no sign of plan or goals.

First the Magnificent, when she slammed into manhattan, millions died, just to get a point across, lives that would never again know sadness, anger or sorrow.

Why now do these people begin there focus on Rheinland, why must my people suffer and die, just so there lunatic freinds can be avenged?

As if the Nomad problems wheren't large enough, now pirates are infringing apon our borders pilaging as they go, and with this recent Nomad attack we can't Keep up with the Rate of producing battleships.

And with this buisness with Liberty, the LSF destroyed a Rheinland ship, just so there people would be happy, over 5,000 people lost there lives just to get rid of five, that is such a waste.

Comlink squaked.........

Guard:Mad'am Chanceller, Admirals Komet and Kreig are here as you requested.

Kristy:Excellent send them in.

EverNight.... - Kane - 02-14-2006

Krieg's heavily scarred face had more lines in it than usual. The medels that decorated his chest like a field of gold, silver, green, red, almost a rainbow of colors, felt like lead weights. How many of these same medels had he given out in recognition of services to Rhinland? How many of those same pilots had been alive to accept them? Then there was that thrice d*mned Nomad trying to ram itself into his beloved home, the increase in pirates, and plenty of ill-will coming from the other houses... Kreig mentally shook himself. Its almost a wonder I havn't retired yet... But then, who would look after Rhinland? Liberty is still realing from the almost total distruction of Manhatten, Britonia is buisy getting itself into a war with Kusari, and Rhinland hasn't trusted Kusari since the 80-Years War. *sigh* The best thing for us is to look after ourselfs.
Kreig managed to not plop himself into a chair just yet, and came to attention. "You wished to see us, Mad'am Chancellor?"

EverNight.... - Virus - 02-14-2006

Komet stood just behind Kreig, full attention. He wore not nearly as many medals as Kreig, and, therefore, still considered him a superior. He did not speak, as Krieg had already spoken for him.

He awaited anxiously, though one could never tell from his outward appearance, the reason the Chanceller had called him here.

EverNight.... - Angel - 02-14-2006

" Gentlemen, at ease, its good to see the both of you ", she smiled as shook both of there hands. " Please take a seat, I know its late, and the both of you are probably wondering why i called you here, well, theres multiple reasons ".

Kristy slowly poored both of them drinks." The first is this Phantom situation, now im sure the both of you know there rampaging Sirrus, but they certainly have an eye for Rheinland." She leaned up against her desk, " Id like to know where there working out of, what there plan is, even where they might strike next." she sat up and walked to the balcony door.

" I know Former Captain Virus is now among them, maybe we can youse that to our advantage?, If we don't deal with them soon there won't be anything of Rheinland left to defend."She Turned twords her freinds, " The next project is how to further upgrade the new class of battleships, they been in the developement stages for months now, but i just received conframation the ALG is going to support Alster and Oder in developing our new Ships "

Kristy walked over to her desk pulled out two folders and handed one to Komet and Kreig, " These are the Weapon development programs that we've been testing in Dresden for some time now, several pro-totype weapons where give to Bounty hunters that I trust completely, otheres are continuations of R&D from the eighty year war. "

She watchs as they flip through the dozens od combat reports yousing the new Weapons ." Projects DIAMONDBACK, ARC-ANGEL, and WILDFIRE, look very promising, there intagration of Nomad and Terran Technology is almost seemless, so what do you think, any ideas.........."

EverNight.... - Kane - 02-14-2006

Kreig eyed the documents as if looking over applications for a very classy university. "Hmm... I really don't see much of a problem with anything here. However, I would like to make a few additions..." He pulled a datacube from his uniform.
"Our missiles need a major upgrade in tracking technology. So far they seem to loose lock almost as soon as they leave the launchers." He gave a slight chuckle. "So far the pirates have been learning the hard way that they can evade our cannons only for so long."
"Another thing that Capitan Schadel has drawn to my attention is that the new chaingun turrets, the 'Solaris' turrets, don't seem to give much bang for their buck, so to speak. He thinking of getting an overhaul done, but he'll wait for your word."
He looked up from the reports. "An increase in shield strength would not go amiss either. Other than that, I think we're fine." He looked over at Komet. "Unless Admiral Komet has something to add?"

EverNight.... - Virus - 02-15-2006

"I agree with the Solaris and the missile lock, as well as the shield strength."

Komet looked at the documents a moment, "I'm sure you've seen the reports of the Kusari Royal family being kidnapped by the Phantoms. There may be a way to track the Phantoms. Now, I've seen images of Rheinland ships cloaking during the previous Nomadic Invasion, what happened to this technology? Did the Nomads destroy it before being driven from Rheinland?"

He looked at Kreig, then to the Chancellor, hoping they knew where he was heading with this.

EverNight.... - Angel - 02-16-2006

Kristy in her chair and leaned back, " No, we didn't lose them, if anything we have a surplus, Captain Alsten found a surplus of those things on Anchorage, there safe for the time being ". She leaned forward.

" Are you suggesting that we Cloak our ships and follow them, sounds interesting, but what if they have ways of detecting cloaked ships" she looked over a Kreig and then back to Komet, " Im willing to take the gamble if i means finding there base of operations.

She paused for a moment and siped some Sidewinder Fang, " As for the New fleet there construction starts at the end of the month, as for personel well, its all there we don't have enough ships for the Numbers that are signing up."

She opened a folder that had Information about the Kusari incodent in Alaska, " Well it seems Liberty is Failing most people now adays, first the destroy one of our ships and now there lack of security has gotten a member of the Royal famil kidnapped, have any of you heard when there going to attept a rescue? "

EverNight.... - Kane - 02-16-2006

Kreig gave a snort. "Liberty has always been over extending and over estimateing themselfs. My guess is it has something to do with the slight arrogence they have for being the only "Free" nation in Sirius." A rare smile cracked the scarrs that covered his face. "In my opinion, the only reason Liberty is still here is because, disbite their failings, they do have a lot of money and some fairly compitent researchers to improve their navy."
He waved that thought away. "As it is, I don't see much of a chance for them to mount a successful rescue. Besides, those Phantom b*stards have probobly either killed or replaced the real Kusari Royal Family."
"As for finding them, the Phantom Empire that is, even if we got our own ships cloaked, how would we track them if they also have cloaking?" He grimaced. "I would sugest putting a little capital into this research, but our budget is already streched about as thin as it can get at this point. The police need upgraded weaponry, the ships we have are starting to age, and with the losses durring the first Nomadic Invasion a lot of capital has gone down the tubes, almost directly into the Junkers pockets. And now there is the new line of ships coming out, and we need all the money we can get to fund that..." He shook his head. "I'm almost ready to see if we can life some trade restrictions just to get some life back into our economy... Almost, mind you."
Kreig decided he had stood long enough, and sank into a chair acomponied with the jangle of medals, ribbons, and so on. He took a pull from the Sidewinder Fang offered by the Chancellor. "As for actually finding them, i'd rather not trust Liberty to do it, nor Britonia, nor Kusari." He peered at the Chancellor and Komet over his glass. "One of the rumors that quickly gaining speed is that the leader of these Phantoms, calls himself DarkStar, was once part of the Liberty Office of Navel Intelligence. One of their best agents, in fact. Normally I wouldn't listen to talk like that, but it does explain a few things." He sipped at the drink again. "Hence, why I don't want to trust Liberty at all."