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Turret strafing - Printable Version

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Turret strafing - Cap.Kennedy - 09-04-2011

Ok, what exactly is turret strafing, how is it performed, how does it work. I saw Libby GB in Conn use it and he managed to down Libby SC with it [he told me it is turret strafing] needles to say i was very interested in this new and by the looks of it quite effective tactics.

Turret strafing - Toaster - 09-04-2011

You fly away from your opponent (staying with in weapons range), go into turret view, look backwards at your enemy, strafe, and shoot.

Makes you difficult to hit, while you can still aim quite effectively.

Turret strafing - jxie93 - 09-04-2011

You'll need the latest version of Cannon's experimental dsace.dll (check file name) which contains several new features prepared for 4.86, one of which is turret steering. For further information on how to use it you'll need to ask someone else, since I haven't tried it yet.

Look here

Turret strafing - Avalanche - 09-04-2011

Interesting, anyone got a video of this? I don't want to download anything but I still am curious. Cheers in advance.

Turret strafing - Tachyon - 09-04-2011

Hmm, first time I hear abuot 'turret strafing', but maybe I just missed a lot of stuff, when I temporarily had no GB.

Now I am definetely test it out, since I already installed DSAce.dll ver. 10

Thanks for the thread.

Avalanche +1, video would be nice.

Turret strafing - Hielor - 09-04-2011

' Wrote:You'll need the latest version of Cannon's experimental dsace.dll (check file name) which contains several new features prepared for 4.86, one of which is turret steering. For further information on how to use it you'll need to ask someone else, since I haven't tried it yet.

Look here
Pretty sure you could already strafe in turret mode before, just not turn...

Turret strafing - Charos - 09-04-2011

I think you mean Turret Steering. Go to Options, set the steering controls, go to turret mode and press the buttons.

Turret strafing - Friday - 09-04-2011

' Wrote:I think you mean Turret Steering. Go to Options, set the steering controls, go to turret mode and press the buttons.

Make sure that when you enter turret mode, it is from cockpit view, not external camera view (press Ctrl-V to switch).

Turret strafing - Tachyon - 09-05-2011

Whatever is meant. The new features just made every lolboat worth the double of their price.

Turret strafing - Hielor - 09-05-2011

' Wrote:Whatever is meant. The new features just made every lolboat worth the double of their price.
Except the Claymore, which has such laughable firing arcs that turret mode is next to useless...