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To: KNF - Printable Version

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To: KNF - Dancing Bears - 09-04-2011


My name is Lev Shestov, I am the owner operator of the Bear's Cave a quiant little saki house on Freeport 14 in the Yukon system. I come to you today with what might be one of the most unusual requests you are likely to hear during your tenure. I would like to purchase 4 Kusari Battleship Flak cannons. My newest business venture is a mobile vacation paradise, complete with gardens, spas, clubs, and the highlight of the resort, the nightly Fireworks extravaganza. This is where your Flak Cannons come into play. I have made use of Flak Cannons in my extravaganza, and I have found the the propellant mix used in different areas of Sirius result in different colored explosions when used my my fireworks mixtures. The colors are what I seek, and your Flak Cannons would add yet another set of color display to my fireworks. I can give you whatever promises are needed that these weapons will never be used, well, as weapons. For references to my character and the safety of your equipment, you can contact Commodore Cristina Robinson of the Liberty Navy and Episkipo Prime of the Church of Eris, Mal in Baffin, and my current landlords on Freeport 14, the OSI.

My thanks in advance for your time and attention.
Lev Shestov

To: KNF - Kusari Uchugun - 09-06-2011

[Image: comheader.png]

Lev Shestov of the Bears Cave, konnichiwa. High Command has reviewed your request and can see no harm in allowing use of four Kusari Battleship Flak cannons for non-offensive purposes.
The firing mechanisms will be customised to your specifications, ensuring that the weapons are not capable of using military grade ammunition. We are trusting you to make sure that this technology does not fall into the hands of the enemy nor be used to reverse engineer flak weapons.
May the Emperor protect you,
[color=#FFFFFF]Shōshō Takahashi,
Kusari Naval Forces.

[Image: comfooter.png]

To: KNF - Dancing Bears - 09-06-2011

Arigato, Sensi.

I am humbled by the fact that you would take the time for me.

Lev Shestov