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Problems with account - Printable Version

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Problems with account - Fhoxi - 09-05-2011


I recently found one of my accounts not working and i was on it a few days ago. I had 5 characters on the account named Distructor, nics-bank, }NPP{Nuclear, Collecter and Sentinal ( OC DREAD) when i select it and log on to it i gives me a blank with no character i tried importing it into the account manager thought that might be the problem but same story can't see my accounts/characters when i log in, please can you help with it or maybe give me some advice to what i can do

Did contact the admin and most of them but still no reply and its been 2 weeks now and i can't go on in the game if i don't get help


Problems with account - Veygaar - 09-05-2011

PM Cannon or Jihad Joe. Then wait. If it takes a while PM them again.

Also, this should be in the help thread.

Problems with account - Tachyon - 09-05-2011

' Wrote:help thread.