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Asking for Tax, where can this be done? - Printable Version

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Asking for Tax, where can this be done? - xylocaine09 - 03-01-2008

I have just had a read through the rules (the one that are pinned above this forum) and unless I have missed something there is nothing in there that mentions what areas can be used to ask people for tax.

Now I bring this up because over the last couple of days there has been a couple of people camping in front of planet Manhattan in the New York system asking people for tax and then hunting them out of the system.

I have assumed that this is not a good place for people to be camping asking for tax as this is one of the starting planets and I would think that there is some people in this area that just don't have 2 million credits to give.

So I am asking if one of the GM's or admins could let me know just where pirates are allowed to camp to ask people for tax, also if it is not allowed should we report people who camp outside of planets like Manhattan asking other for tax?

Asking for Tax, where can this be done? - Horon - 03-01-2008

Anywhere is fine, but doing it right in front of planets seems OORP to some, as does sitting in front of lawful bases or planets that should be tearing you to pieces, but are instead acting like you don't exist.

Asking for Tax, where can this be done? - pchwang - 03-01-2008

Well, campers are looked down upon.

The only problem is the fact that what you are suggesting is having authority to tell people where they can be or where they cannot be. While what these people are doing is wrong, a pirate could be just blasting NPCs outside a planet, not necessarily looking to tax someone.

Remember that if you're below level 30 or if you have a civilian ID mounted, you are no game, and you can sanction them if they attack you. Unless, of course, you attacked them first and did significant damage(took down at least 1/2 or close to that of their shields).

If you are mounting a faction ID, however, you are fair game for attack by anyone.

Asking for Tax, where can this be done? - Baltar - 03-01-2008

A pirate can pirate wherever he wants ... provided he is in RP while doing so. As you can tell by some of the more recent sanctions imposed on pirates, the admins are cracking down on those who pirate while lawful NPCs are friendly with the pirate. Sooooo ... if you pirate in orbit above Manhattan, the Liberty police, navy, security, etc (NPCs) should be attacking you. Annnnd ... if you are a lawful type who likes to hang around pirate bases, the pirate NPCs should be attacking you.

NOTE: I must also make note here that lawfuls hunting pirates should not be friendly with the bad guy NPCs. Tit for tat as they say.

Asking for Tax, where can this be done? - xylocaine09 - 03-01-2008

Ok well I am not wanting to tell them where they should be pirating I was asking because as I said over the last few days there has been a few of these people camping/hanging around in front of Manhattan ASKING people that happen to enter that area for tax, then when the people are unable to pay or they continue on their way these people order the people they have asked for tax to leave the system.

Now as far as I can tell/have seen the NPC's, stations etc are not attacking these people so I will guess they are either neutral or have friendly standings to the local NPC's...

Now I am not sure what pirate faction these people are from but from what I knew I didn't thik there was any pirate factions that were supposed to be friendly to that area. (I could be wrong though as I am no expert on FL or this mod)

Asking for Tax, where can this be done? - Unseelie - 03-01-2008

Sounds like a breach of RP to me.
SS it next time.

Asking for Tax, where can this be done? - Xoria - 03-01-2008

If there are no =LSF=, [SA], BHG, or Mercenaries who can handle this situation, please alert your friendly neighborhood Lane Hacker, who you will know by the LH~ in front of their alias. We do not look kindly on "planet camping" and we will either attempt to talk an ally/ friendly out of doing it, or obliterate an enemy for doing it. If the ally/friendly is rude in response to our advice, they can become a hostile for it.
Otherwise, people shouldn't be camping in front of Manhattan no matter what their occupation is (apart from LPI, LSF, SA, Angel, or Admin...).
Consider it another service of The Lane Hackers to free Liberty of oppression, whatever form we find it in.

Asking for Tax, where can this be done? - pchwang - 03-01-2008

I was actually saying that sanctioning people for camping would be next to telling people where they can be or where they cannot be. Remember that you can misinterpret killing NPCs outside a planet for camping.

It's an iffy subject.

But Unselie is correct. Take a screenie, and show it to the admin, in PM. See what they say about it, and if it's sanctionable, then voila.

According to your classification, however, it does seem that they people are being oorp. Again, this is iffy.

For instance, Bretonian military forces can actually "pirate" traders going to Kusari with certain goods. They can technically camp a system. Whether you leave or do not leave is entirely up to you.

Asking for Tax, where can this be done? - Horon - 03-01-2008

[rant] What I meant was its bad RP to be sitting outside a base or planet that with the base owning faction flying around you like you are best buddies, when they should be shooting you. Technically, planets would have very good defenses, and if you decide to sit in front of a planet that is shooting at you, you wouldn't last long...unless you were in a battleship, which might look rather odd.
And about people camping systems, if its their system, then they can put 50 battleships in there for all it matters, its their system. Camping hostile systems though..........I dunno know.....

Asking for Tax, where can this be done? - pchwang - 03-01-2008

Well, in FL, camping does not necessarily imply "sitting." You can be flying around dodging station cerberus shots and downing NPCs, all the while trying to pirate someone.