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To: Ze SW) junker organisation leadership - Printable Version

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To: Ze SW) junker organisation leadership - rwx - 09-06-2011

..::Incomming Transmission::..

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]
[Image: renatebommel.gif]
PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium
IDENTIFICATION: Obt. Renate Bommel
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: A warning for slavery
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren of ze SW),
my name is Renate Bommel and I'm Oberst of ze Rheinland Federal Polizei. I've been ordered to investigate a matter of law violations from your organisation.

You're more or less known in ze Rheinland space and some of our officers did encounter you on various occasions.
Ze more I was wondering, when ze following report landed on my desk:

Two of our officers stopped two of your ships on saturday, ze 3rd september: SW)The.Girder and SW)The.Ingot.
Both ships are reported as slave transports.
Fortunately all persons, who were on board are safely returned to ze next stations.

I'm sure I don't have to point out, what ze last time happened, when junkers were caught with blackbirding.
To ensure zat zis won't happen again, I have to ask you for ze reason of zis smuggle.

It's a shame ze removal of ze junkers shipping restrictions was answered in such way.

Mit freundlichen Grueßen

Renate Bommel
Rheinland Bundespolizei


To: Ze SW) junker organisation leadership - Pig_Pen - 09-06-2011



[Image: graigdewells.jpg]

Source: [color=#FF0000]SW)The Steelmill, Slave Liner
Pilot: Graig DeWells
Location: somehwere in Magellan

Greet'ns the'e Miss Bommel

's Graig DeWells speak'n 'ere, Chairman of the Union of the Steelworkers. Yah see, since i was personna'y 'nvolved in tha', le's call't incident, 's easy fo' me ta describe ou' situation. I dun' wanna lie te yah 'ere, neith'r i'm tryin' ta get mah ass outta this, i'll jus' exlain it...

Yah see, since we'e in s'me kinda trouble 't tha moment, yeah le's jus' call it trouble, we'd been able ta capture or destroy s'me hostile ships in ou' main area of operations. Tha slaves yah seen 'd been a part of thei' crews. Yah maybe gonna ask why we dun' decla'e them 's Prisoners? Easy...'cause we'e simple men 'n we cannot 'fford handin' tha' guys o'er ta we gonna hand 'em o'er ta guys who pay bett'r. Tha diff'rence 's tha' high tha' even tha risk 's worth it...

Guess tha' shall explain tha situation, doesn' it?

with best regards,

Graig DeWells
Chairman of the Steelworkers



To: Ze SW) junker organisation leadership - rwx - 09-07-2011

..::Incomming Transmission::..

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]
[Image: renatebommel.gif]
PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium
IDENTIFICATION: Obt. Renate Bommel
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Re: A warning for slavery
Sehr geehrter Herr DeWells,

let me zank you for answering zis transmission, but it seems your answers prompt more questions.
  • What's your "area of operation"? Is zis in or outside of Rheinland?
  • Do you've any informations, about ze hostile ships, you was talking about? (amount, ship class, affilation, ...)
  • And who "ta guys who pay bett'r" are?
Furthermore, because ze tone you adopt and ze "risk" you mentioned:
I hope I haven't to point out zat ze ignorance of Rheinland laws will not exempt you from its liability and can or could result in sanctions against your whole organisation.

Mit freundlichen Grueßen

Renate Bommel
Rheinland Bundespolizei


To: Ze SW) junker organisation leadership - Pig_Pen - 09-07-2011



[Image: graigdewells.jpg]

Source: [color=#FF0000]SW)The Steelmill, Slave Liner
Pilot: Graig DeWells
Location: somehwere in Magellan

Greet'ns 'gain Miss Bommel,

a'right le's make s'me things clear in he'e:

te yah' first question: Ou' bases of operations are Magellan/Cortez 'n the Omega systems 3 'n 7

te numb'r two: maybe yah seen we dun' only got friends...s'me people jus' hate us, oth'rs puttin' a bounty on all Junk'rs, no matt'r if Congressman, Collector 'r Steelworker. I think i dun' 'ave ta tell yah, tha' s'me Mercs stop thinkin' if tha creds 'r fine.

'n numb'r three: i dun' think it'd be fine ta name ou' business partn'rs 'ere *he lights a cigarette and smiles*

Guess tha' should clea' s'me things up, doesn' it?

Thank yah for yah' time

Graig DeWells
Chairman of the Steelworkers