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To: Corsairs - Printable Version

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To: Corsairs - Snak5 - 09-07-2011

To: Corsairs
From: Gleb Miller
Subjetc: Interesting Stuff

Text Message:
Oh my. How interesting are these conversations. I am happy I am able to hack my ex-employees communications and see what do they have. This time, I got quite nasty evidence. Well. I hope I could get paid if you, Misters and Mistress, find it valueable. Oh. Sadly, since I am not professional hacker of some sort, just man with knowledge, some information will be missed from whole communication.

' Wrote:To: -ERROR-
Subject: Independent Neural Division Conducting Cardamine Smuggling

Some evidence just hit my office. A legal entity provided me a proof of drug shipments to Sirius, by the IND. I am sure they are hard to catch red handed, but someone still managed to do it, and I can see their true faces now.

Cargo Hold


I hope this information will be valueable for swift action against this group, which disregards humanity in pursuit of personal gain.


Trully yours, Gleb Miller

To: Corsairs - DarthBindo - 09-08-2011

[Image: asdfezio.gif]
Of course, signore. They are hardened criminals, and we will destroy them at every opportunity, as they have never, do not, and will never work for us or the glory of a Imperii.
In the Service of A Imperii,
Elder Ezio Della Francesca, The Brotherhood, Comandante dei Agenzia dei Corsairi per Intelligenzia e Operazioni


To mi hermanos.
Say nothing.
Do not mention their aid to us, nor our relationship, to this gringo.
We cannot trust him.
