Discovery Gaming Community
To: RMHC CC: BDM - Printable Version

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To: RMHC CC: BDM - TheOrangeButterfly - 09-07-2011


Source - Planet New Berlin
Encryption - [color=#FF0000]High

[Image: finland.jpg]

[color=#009900]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF] Fahnrich Lilli Valeska
Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]RMHC
Subject: RNC-Feldheim

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The RNC-Feldheim earlier today disobeyed orders to cease and desist firing on the friendly RM BS "cristi." He uttered several hateful remarks towards a fellow member of the Rheinwehr, then refused to stop firing on the vessel and destroyed it. Sending guncam photos now.

As you can see, this is disturbing to see such a brutal act of disobedience within our own ranks.



Fahnrich Lilli Valeska
Rheinland Military

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To: RMHC CC: BDM - Jihadjoe - 09-08-2011

Do not post in this thread unless it is addressed to you. Several posts have been made invisable for this reason.