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I've had enough of Imageshack - Printable Version

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I've had enough of Imageshack - mwerte - 09-07-2011

Imageshack is slow, ad filled (yes I have adblock, but it's still annoying), loads a pop up when you go to fullsize an image, slow, annoying, and slow.

At the very least, link directly to the image, so that nothing else loads, at best, use tinypic, imgur, photobucket, or one of the dozens of other image hosts.

thank you,


I've had enough of Imageshack - jxie93 - 09-07-2011

I've tried all of the image hosts mentioned above and so far tinypic is the easiest and fastest for me. Provided you have an account with them, no ads or popups whatsoever and direct links to image. Also, I have over 500 image uploads with tinypic and not a single one had been deleted.

I should get paid for advertising tinypic lol

I've had enough of Imageshack - Tommeh - 09-07-2011

Yea, I am using tinypic for really everything, never had any issues of deleted stuff, and don't even have acc there.

I've had enough of Imageshack - CHUNKINATOR - 09-07-2011

' Wrote:Yea, I am using tinypic for really everything, never had any issues of deleted stuff, and don't even have acc there.

I've had enough of Imageshack - Daedric - 09-07-2011

I've had enough of Imageshack - stardust47 - 09-07-2011

Meh. I use Photobucket. Works for me.

I've had enough of Imageshack - Loken - 09-07-2011

I have no problems with imageshack, its fast and there aren't that many ads. Less than Photobucket anyway.

I've had enough of Imageshack - Error - 09-07-2011

' Wrote:Yea, I am using tinypic for really everything, never had any issues of deleted stuff, and don't even have acc there.
The only exception to this was when they were almost shut down by Photobucket a year ago - Luckily that didn't go as planned.:)

I've been using tinypic for everything pretty much the last two or three years, never had a single problem with them.

I've had enough of Imageshack - Jihadjoe - 09-07-2011

' Wrote:Imageshack is slow, ad filled (yes I have adblock, but it's still annoying), loads a pop up when you go to fullsize an image, slow, annoying, and slow.

At the very least, link directly to the image, so that nothing else loads, at best, use tinypic, imgur, photobucket, or one of the dozens of other image hosts.

thank you,


And this is why I'd rather people just gave a link directly to the image in sanctions, not a link to the imageshack "LOOK AT US, WE'RE IMAGESHACK! Oh, and here's the picture you wanted to see..." page. Links that end in .jpg or .png please...

I've had enough of Imageshack - Loken - 09-07-2011

' Wrote:And this is why I'd rather people just gave a link directly to the image in sanctions, not a link to the imageshack "LOOK AT US, WE'RE IMAGESHACK! Oh, and here's the picture you wanted to see..." page. Links that end in .jpg or .png please...
Yus siR!