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to Liberty Command: Offer of Support for the Westfalen Situation - Printable Version

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to Liberty Command: Offer of Support for the Westfalen Situation - Mallory & Lambert Logistics - 09-08-2011

Mallory & Lambert

[color=#66FF99]Logistics -Transportation - Service Solutions

[font=Lucida Console][color=#CCCCCC]Recipient: [color=#FFFFFF]Liberty Navy

Encryption Level: Confidential - High
Sender Location: Scrambled Location

[Image: eve_mallory.jpg]

<< Secured Connection Established >>

Dear Fleet Admiral David Hale, dear Admirality of Liberty

After what happened today, it is no secret any more that Liberty has started a massive effort of reinforcing Battleship Westfalen with large amounts of goods. The news flash broadcasts on several trade and logistics hubs furthermore showed that there is intensive resistance from the Rheinland side.

Mallory & Lambert Logistics wants to offer a hand.

We are an independent organisation of transport and logistic experts, able to operate in high risk scenarios with complete deniability for the client. We field independent contractors, civilian technology and unconspicous ship registrations, which makes us hard targets.

A L&M contractor successfully delivered Engine Components to Westfalen and probed the situation and the strength of the defense forces.

[Image: Engine_Components.jpg] - 3136 units of Engine Components

According to this data, we feel comfortable that our contractors can beat the blockade.

We understand from the reports of heavy fighting that the Navy will rely on convoys and heavy protection. What I can offer is a second, discreet option that runs parallel to your direct war efforts.

If you name the products that you need, and an acceptable price per unit, I will get Mallory & Lambert on the job within the hour. Up to now, the supplying of the Westfalen is economically uninteresting, as it yields a net loss, instead of a handsome profit that goes with the high risk delivery.

In case Liberty wants not only to rely on its Navy and on selfless patriot traders, but also wants to outsource some of the risk to experts of the business, we suggest to make the deliveries attractive.

Mallory & Lambert is interested in any offer you make and hopes for a swift answer, so that our contractors can be informed.

Yours sincerely

Eve Mallory
Mallory & Lambert Logistics

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to Liberty Command: Offer of Support for the Westfalen Situation - Asgardian - 09-08-2011

[Inbound Transmission]

[Image: insigniauploadflip.png] Admiral Jack Malrone
[Image: insigniaupload.png]
[Image: jack2.png]


Miss Mallory,

If you'd like to help Liberty in its ongoing war with Rheinland, then there is nothing stopping you from doing so. I've been informed that nearly all supplies have been delivered by the hard-working men and women of the Liberty Corporations and the Navy Logisitcs division. These companies are doing it out of their own pocket to assist the Republic and are asking for nothing in return.

Again, if you'd like to assist the Republic, you're more than welcome to do so - However, no compensation will be awarded except the thanks of a grateful nation.

Admiral Jack Malrone

--Stream End'€”
[Transmission End]

to Liberty Command: Offer of Support for the Westfalen Situation - Mallory &amp; Lambert Logistics - 09-08-2011

Mallory & Lambert

[color=#66FF99]Logistics -Transportation - Service Solutions

[font=Lucida Console][color=#CCCCCC]Recipient: [color=#FFFFFF]Liberty Navy

Encryption Level: Confidential - High
Sender Location: Scrambled Location

[Image: eve_mallory.jpg]

<< Secured Connection Established >>

Dear Admiral Jack Malrone

Seeing that the task has already been accomplished in such a short time frame, I think the rumors about a massive long term supply effort must have been massively exaggerated. Fog of War and volatile reactions of the markets, combined with false interpretation by market analysts sometimes result in these misinterpretations.

Consequently, with no task at hand that I can offer, I can only say that we accept the thanks of a grateful nation.

In case the situation heats up again, and if there is more to do than this time, I might get into contact with you again. You also have my contact details now, Admiral, and you know what Mallory & Lambert can offer.

Yours sincerely

Eve Mallory
Mallory & Lambert Logistics

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