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to AGS group - viragons - 09-08-2011

[Image: isaacporter.png]

Freeport 2;Bering system
public office

Direct link to AGS Leader
comm ID : Sir Isaac Porter

Gentlemen from the AGS
as neighbors, we did not have any special contacts, and no problems, our base was always open for your own visit, such as the Pacifica was for us.
Not a small number of examples where we have even had a joint discussion, a very honest and heartfelt.

But after last night's incident, which started your pilot, I have to wonder, with whom I am neighbors and give it all behind us lie.
Pilot AGS-U | Bunte Kuh, failed to respond to several times pronounced the request to get away from the base and does not enter into open conflict, which it remained about the same.
Openly insult and opening fire on ship guard from Freeport 2, disrupted the lives of the crew and the lives of civilians on the base.

Therefore, until further notice, no ship with AGS tag is no longer welcome on Freeport 2
Fortunately, except for material losses, there were no human casualties in general.

I am aware that pilots, who have been in action, they lose concept of reality, and therefore can somewhat understand the situation.

Public apology and paid damages of 20 million SC, would be sufficient to incindent forget, and we go back to the old neighborhood relations.
Or I need to look for satisfaction on other ways, not at all innocent and naive for you from AGS.

[color=#000000]<div align="right]sir Isaac Porter
Freeport 2

to AGS group - Jansen - 09-08-2011

Incoming Transmission...
Video link enabled...

[Image: Unbenannt_3.png]

Comm ID: Tanja Koenig

Hallo Isaac,

We are the ones that tolerate you in our space, so better make sure that -we- still welcome you in Bering.

We always respected your neutrality and will do so in the future, even though our enemies can use your Freeports against us as well.
Should you however persist on your unreasonable demands, our good relations might be in danger.


Downloading attachments...
Transmission lost...

to AGS group - Pinko - 09-08-2011

||::Incomming transmission::||
||::From: Karen Blume, aboard the Konfliktdiamant::||
||::To: Freeport 2::||

Excuse me, Zoners?

We never sat down and had nice conversations? Please, back when I was in leadership of the Alster Union, -you- were the ones always turning down my requests to meet you and discuss of the actual situation we were in, telling us that everything will settle itself in due time. This also happened when Crime Boss Sylpheed attempted to contact you. If but for the coordination of the Liberty Rogues, the Unioners and inadvertedly, the Xenos, to try to limit the presence of both Navies in the independent worlds, or make in sort they just plain disregard you, you would have been captured years ago and been claimed as a staging operation base for either of the Navies involved in this war. I believe you owe us a lot more than you believe you do, and that, in fact, you should be the one being grateful, not the other way around.

We lived together for the longest times until we settled ourselves on Pacifica, since our headquarters were the Freeport 2, historically. Out of respect for this, and to thank you, we've tolerated you in our space. But today, about a hundred years later, it seems the situation may change. Don't make the Unioners change their opinion about you.

Oh, and also, Tanja, you should really consider changing the passwords and whatnot, I can still access the AGS network from here.

|::End of transmission::|

to AGS group - viragons - 09-08-2011

[Image: isaacporter.png]

Freeport 2 ; Bering system
Public Office

com ID: sir Isaac Porter
direct link to : Tanja Koenig;Karen Blume

Quote:We are the ones that tolerate you in our space, so better make sure that -we- still welcome you in Bering.

Your space, my space,Liberty space, Rheinland space etc ... that is such a small part of Sirius has become so narrow for all...

Miss Tanja for you: this is not my or your space .. I'm talking about Freeport 2, and the people who live on it, the interpersonal and neighborly relations, love this you or not, our two bases share this space together. Wanted it or not this base belongs to Zoner, a Pacifica base belongs to you. and it will continue. Your pilot a reckless endanger personnel and I can not to laugh and just turn back, whatever, they would give me some overweight or waved with arms in front of my nose. And I shall never do this.
I, nor people on the base of neither your friends nor enemies. We are here and we will be there always, I suggest you and your group, do not open unnecessary disputes or discord, it is better to a pilot apologize and fix what was destroyed. better for all. And think, what would be the other way around, that my son accidentally from Jinkusu fired mortar on your pilots near Pacific base?

to Karen Blum-
When you were leader of the Alster Union, I was in the war, Bretoni-Kusari .. with whom you talked then, I do not know nor am I interested. I work with what I have currently ...
And now currently have 2 sides in the war, injured civilians on the base, half-destroyed base, tough political situation that all of this takes place on a quiet manner, and generally do not want to argue with a group that all that challenging. Please, this is directed directly to the current leader of AGS, not some former leaders. This is no game, people die, innocent people. and generally it is not fun.

"The size of the dog in the fight is not necessarily the most important, but the size of the fight in the dog is different" gen D.A.

[color=#000000]<div align="right]sir Isaac Porter
Freeport 2

to AGS group - Backo - 09-08-2011

<//Incoming transmission...

  • <//Location: Pacifica Base, Bering System

  • <//Encryption: Medium

Guten Abend, herr Porter,

Interesting transmission this one is, one that even brought "ghosts" from the past. So you're here asking for monetary compensation for what happened in Bering? For a certain cruiser sized vessel known under the name "Corvo"? See, what interests me there is this:

From my report it had a "twin" ship with it, another one with the same shape and guns. But wait, this is where it gets rather... interesting - how exactly did you lose such a big ship to a single bomber? And if you really did lose the ship, how exactly do you find the bravery to stand up to us, knowing we have more then one of those sweet birdies? Interesting thoughts, nein?

Another interesting thing is this "Jinkusu" and your son. I wonder how old he is if he's allowed to freely move around a what's probably a war ship and cause mischief like that. But that's not the best part, no, no. I'm more interested what makes you think we'd appreciate such war ships near our base? Perhaps that was a form of subtle threat? If so, we'd gladly assure you that we also have bigger toys with us.

And your son, how's the kid taking it, living in Bering? I bet it's not the most pleasant place for a little guy like him. Certain "accidents" tend to happen from time to time, though hopefully non of them would leave him scarred for life. After all, he's in safe hands, if you really are capable of defending what you cherish.

<div align="right]Eberhart

<//Transmission ended...

to AGS group - viragons - 09-08-2011

[Image: isaacporter.png]

Freeport 2 ; Bering system
Public Office

[color=#000000]Relevant fact here is that a small group such as AGS, or does not know who is their leader or this should not to show. I have three people here who just talk and not say anything.
I do not have the time nor the will for empty talk. I am currently busy with repairs base, and do not want to mess with the stupidities.
When you have a man or woman who will to represent you, and that would have had a culture in itself. call me.
For your information, Mr. Eberhart, my son have sufficient years and knowledge to emerge.
For some of your pilots, you can not be said.

<div align="right]Sir Isaac Porter
Freeport 2

to AGS group - Ryummel - 09-08-2011

Incoming transmission
[Image: mw3xo1.png]
ID: Soren von Lowe, Arbeitergewerkschaft LWB
Source: Darmstadt Base Banana spacefield
I see three juicy biodomes attached to that station. You know, we're lacking fields here at Darmstadt for our banana trees, perhaps we could arrange... something? Hehe.

<strike>PS: Tanja you sexy demon, looking forward to see you around here soon!</strike>

to AGS group - viragons - 09-08-2011

[Image: isaacporter.png]

Freeport 2 ; Bering System
Public Office

[color=#000000]com ID: sir Isaac Porter
to: Soren von Lowe, Arbeitergewerkschaft LWB
source: Darmstadt Base Banana spacefield

mr. Von Lowe

490th year A.S. zoners Researchers in distant and hitherto unexplored part of the Sirius sector, found a planet.
Air was fine for breathing, and soon several thousands of colonists settled the planet.
Unfortunately, because of an unknown radiation all have died.
Last referals from researchers, who went to that area, indicating that the planet is inhabited by populations of the highly resembles a monkey, if you remember the old files from the former history of planet Earth.
I think that you offer, and greatly and your behavior and not understanding the situation, an opportunity that could easily be settled on this planet and to adapt to life on the same.

If you do not know where he is, I'll send you the location of the planet

<div align="right]sir Isaac Porter
Freeport 2

to AGS group - Ryummel - 09-08-2011

Incoming transmission
[Image: mw3xo1.png]
ID: Soren von Lowe, Arbeitergewerkschaft LWB
Source: Darmstadt Base Banana spacefield
I'm offended. But I'm indeed aware of that planet Gran Canaria full of z... monkeys, ja.

And bananas can't grow up in irradiated soil, I'm afraid.

to AGS group - Backo - 09-08-2011

<//Incoming transmission...

  • <//Location: Pacifica Base, Bering System

  • <//Encryption: Medium

I believe we have a bit of a misunderstanding here.

You want to speak to only one individual? Though, you see, we don't rely on only one figure to lead us. Our movement is loose enough to take care of itself in it's own special way. But interestingly enough, we all agree that you won't be getting any credits.

It's up to you if you'll choose a bloodbath or just walk away quietly from this matter.

<div align="right]Eberhart

<//Transmission ended...