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The Black Knife - mtjsmith - 09-08-2011

15 years ago

He closed his eyes. The faint whiff of the morning dew rolling of the grass. The birds chirping in the tall trees overlooking the loch. The stiffness of the cold breeze as New Caledonia awakened. All his sense's were heightened from the memory of that tranquil setting near Loch Dougan.

A Loud bang awoke him.

"Fergus Campbell. Her Majesties Tribunal hereby finds you guilty of all charges. You are hereby stripped of rank dishonourably and ordered to serve a minimum of 25 years in prison, without parole."

He smirked.

"Quite how once a noble man, decorated in the defence of Bretonia, can commit such heinous atrocities is beyond me and this court. You took an oath to protect the Crown, and you stand there and mock these proceedings. Remove him from my sight!"
"Yeah yer honour, I'm a piece'a work n'all tha' crap, but ye dinnae answer me question - Did mah end, justify mah means?"
"It is not this courts position to answer YOUR questions Campbell. More for you to answer for your crimes!"
"I'll take tha' as a yes then."
"Frankly, No. The ends never justifies the means."

He was removed from the court, however as he was pushed towards the door - He managed to steal one last look at the Military Judge. The eye contact said it all, an unspoken message of "We'll see".

6 months ago

The single tap at the door demanded that Fergus stand and place his hands on the rear wall, away from the guard. As usual, he complied. He resisted during the first few weeks of his incarceration, but weeks of beatings, "late" food and the usual torture had soon broken his will. The guard turned him round, cuffs attached and forced him to his knees. A man of average height, wearing the uniform of a high ranking Naval Officer stood before him.

"You... Ye bas...
"Bretonia needs you."
"Whit? Needs me where? Inna box? Is this mah time tae disappear eh?"
"The ends do justify the means Fergus. That's why I'm here.
"Nerfolk, I dinnae care - There's nuffin more ye can dae tae me. Shove aff."
"I think you will, You are to be freed. For now. I've even brought something for you."

Dragged to his feet and thrown forwards towards the airlock, Fergus had the distinct feeling that what he was about to be shown was the outside of it. Instead, his heart melted.

"Contrary to what you've been previously told Campbell, she was never broken down or scrapped. She's an interesting ship - A ship which is now needed and has been brought out of storage"
"Yer tha' screwed huh?"
"As I said - Bretonia needs you. You were once a fine pilot and a man of honour. I need such a man, but for purposes of a dastardly nature. What you did in the past was unforgivable. Today, it is required."

The guard removed his cuffs, and Fergus's first instinct was to punch him. He stifled it and pressed his hand up against the glass.

"Aye lass. I'm hame."
"The Sk-ean Doo is to be taken out to the TAU systems. Bring whatever supplies back with you which you can... muster. We require as much as the cargo hold can carry and then a hundred times more. What does it mean anyway Campbell?"
"It's Sgean Dubh.. And it means Black Knife."

The Black Knife - mtjsmith - 09-11-2011

16 years ago

He ran his hand over the ship, feeling the metal join to the next piece with every rivet. The slight pop-marks and small dents from her shake-down cruise on the front. Hmm.. There was a bit of discolouration on this joint.

"She's a fine little ship eh son?."

Fergus turned to the seller.

"All yours for only 20m, brand new."
"See I gotta story. S'bout whit happened tae tha' last person who crossed meh in tha' Nomad War? Ah, perhaps fer anuffer day - Fer now - I'm nae payin' 20m credits fer it. Especially as it's been chopped."
"No it hasn't!"
"Aye, it has pal, an' if ye think yer getting away wi' it - Ye've got another thin' coming"

He drew his sidearm and pointed it at the seller. He was holding a briefcase which promptly threw over.

"S'yer cash. Sod aff."