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Planet Crete, Tequila Lodge - Printable Version

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Planet Crete, Tequila Lodge - Jaika - 09-10-2011

[Image: senor-tequila-logo.png]

*A fiedly corsair behind the bar counter starts talking*

Buenos dias good hombres. Let me introduce my self, my name is Senor Tequila and i'm the owner of this small establishment. I'm most pleased to see so mucho amigos around here. Today we make a fiesta, my distillery produced a lots of Tequila in this month so everyone get one......wait not one, two free drinks, and every alcoholic beverages are sold at half price! Please enjoy the music and the quality beverages. Viva la fiesta!

Planet Crete, Tequila Lodge - schumacher343 - 09-10-2011

A tall, thick necked man with a short, dark, military style hair cut enters the bar, wearing an aged leather jacket and the bottom half of a flight suit and boots. Looking already hung over as it is, he wanders to the back of the room to a corner table, taking two shots as he passes the bar.
"Dos Tequila, por favor." he says to the bartender as he does so in an accent that shows his apparent lack of understanding of the native language.
He sits at his table and quickly downs the two shots and asks for 2 "ser vay sahs".

Planet Crete, Tequila Lodge - Jaika - 09-11-2011

*The bartender brings two more shots with Lime and salt.*

Good day amigo, here, these are the best we have around. *He's smile and asks a friendly question to the man.* May i ask where are you coming from? Your accent is unfamiliar to me.

Planet Crete, Tequila Lodge - schumacher343 - 09-12-2011

"I'm Khaos, i suppose i don't really have a last name. I'm actually from Crete, i get that question often though. I was raised by a drifter family who found me here so i never quite got the customs."
He downs one of the shots and grins delightfully at the taste.
"This IS good!"
He downs the other without hesitation, only then does he realize that salt and lime was brought as well.
"Oh... I'm supposed to use those too." He chuckles lightly as he motions at the salt and lime.
"I was double crossed by a rather seedy..." he hesitates "business partner. Long story short I'm stuck here without a ship and only enough credits to buy enough drinks for one night."
Khaos opens his coat and reaches for his wallet, briefly revealing a Crete Ground Troop Pin attached to his undershirt, and throws some credits on the table plus tip.
"I guess now I'm just looking for a way back into a ship."

Planet Crete, Tequila Lodge - Jaika - 09-12-2011

Look hombre, you can keep your credits, you're gonna need them if you really wanna find a way back to space. I believe your story, traitor partners are the worst enemies. Anyway, how long it was when you last slept in a real bed? I'm sure it wasn't yesterday. Here, take this. *He throws two small grey keys to the table.* You see that black door over there? *Points to the back of the room.* Between those two small palm trees. This key opens the door you see, and the other one is for the room C9. We always have some free rooms if someone wants to stay here for longer. Not for free of course, but i can make an exception and maybe when you feel better you can tell me your whole story. *The bartender walks back to the bar counter but after a few steps he turns back for a second to say something.* Hey hombre, nice pinning. *He continues his way to the bar counter.*

Planet Crete, Tequila Lodge - schumacher343 - 09-13-2011

*Khaos looks down at the set of keys in front of him. His gaze warily pans up to the bartender, now once again behind the bar. It's not often a stranger shows this kind of generosity. He reaches out and grabs the keys and stuffs them in his pocket.*
I'm too tired not to take this offer.*He says quietly to himself.*
And if it is a trap of some kind... I'll probably be alright
*Khaos stands up from the table and makes his way to room C9 and closes the door behind him. He was asleep before his head even hit the pillows.*

Planet Crete, Tequila Lodge - Jaika - 09-13-2011

*After the door closed behind Khaos, Senor Tequila calls a guard to himself.*

Listen to me hermano, we have a unusual guest today, he's in the room C9. Go and watch over that room, noone can go in. I want to know more about this hombre, if anyone tries to move in without permission. Well i think you know what to do.

*The guard nods without a word and moves in to the resting quarters. The hall was empty when the guard entered. Khaos is probably sleeping now he thought. He made his way to the door of the room C9 and stayed there as it was ordered. The hall was a big circle room, in the middle with four columns and a fountain between them.*

Planet Crete, Tequila Lodge - schumacher343 - 12-31-2011

Khaos awakens in a daze. Head spinning and aching from laying in bed for far too long.
How long was I out? he thinks to himself.
As silently as possible he grabs his things and puts on his boots and makes his way to the door. Just as he places a hand on the knob he hears the sounds of someone snoring outside.
A guard? So it appears this was too good to be true.
He quickly and quietly makes his way to the window of his room and sneaks out unheard, making his way to the local ships dealer.
I'll have to remember to revisit this place once I have the money for the room.