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The Crossroads - Jam - 09-12-2011

13. September 819 A.S., Planet Cambridge.

It is a chilly morning. Commodore Clay is slowly getting ready for the day which will change his life
forever. He quickly dresses up. Not into uniform, but to a very formal dress, with a flower pinned to it.
Today, he is going to marry his girl, Layla Cooper, Ensign of the Armed Forces...

The room is slowly starting to fill with guests. Clay is standing there, smiling. He has sparkles of joy in
his eyes, he is happy. He greets every guest, member of Her Majesty's Armed Forces, that comes in, offers him a glass of water, and a seat.

The great hour has come...

The Crossroads - Junes - 09-12-2011

Layla is standing next to her wardrobe, two different wedding dresses are dangling on hangers. She can't decide which one to take. She wanted it to be plain and simple, normally she doesn't like to attract everyone's attention, though today it'd be unavoidable. Not that she didn't like it, no, she is just extremely excited, her mind is somewhat messy and disordered.

Understandable, today is going to be the most important day in here life, at least she believes so. She, Layla Cooper, Ensign of the Armed Forces was going to marry John Clay, her boyfriend and supervisor for about a while now.

It has taken her over an hour to dress up completely, like she has wanted it to be. Although she has had two aiders who have helped her preparing every little detail. Now everything is ready. She closes her eyes for a moment, to concentrate and calm here mind. Then she waits until the sign is given.

The Crossroads - Mychalitzo - 09-12-2011

Captain Michael Clay woke up to some noise aboard Derby. "Those munition chaps..." He turned to other side to continue sleeping, when he realised: "Today is Johnnys wedding!" He rushed out of bed to check the time, "I hope I can make it..." He turned on comms console and while taking his formal uniform from the closet he said: "Sinclair, Woodrow, are you ready for the surprise? We need those templars polished for the flyby..." He rushed to get some food from fridge and began hastily eating while waiting for reply.

The Crossroads - Matthews - 09-12-2011

Sinclair's hearing Captain Clay's voice through the loudspeaker in his quarters on the Derby and sighs. Then he loudly replays "Yeah, I knew it was around this week the marriage's taking place" he thinks for himself. "Yeah Clay, I know. I told the crew to clean my Templar. It should be ready" and he goes to the wardrobe and puts on his formal uniform.

The Crossroads - Aingar - 09-12-2011

Lieutenant Clarke was in his cockpit as usual, shooting down one kusari patrol after another, while talking to himself "No, Commodore had to *sound of released mine* make his wedding right in the middle of *explosion several feets away* biggest counter-offensive so far, of course, we can't even *splitters fire* relax now that the wedding will start in..." *quickly looks at his clock* "DAMN IT, I'LL BE LATE"

"Lieutenant Clarke reporting to control, withdrawing, commodore's *cough* orders, scratch 223 kusari fighters from the board if you can please."

And his templar cruised on 110% of standard speed toward the Derby

"I knew I shoulda set up an alarm clock *sigh*"

He landed in almost emergency-landing fashion, where the mainteinance crew started yelling at him for being late

"Sorry! My bad! You can complain after the fly-by, please?

And he ran to his personal locker for a change.

The Crossroads - Pacific - 09-12-2011

[Image: 318265-40338-moff-jerjerrod_large.jpg]

Charles Davis was at the Derbys Hanger bay all of the Templars were stored. He kept working on his on improve and modify it. Sence he got out of the Hospital from that Fight with the Gallic pilot he din't sleep at all but was working on his fighter. He saw most of the men were in official uniforms he wondered what the hell is going on. He looked around but didn't find anything he guessed it was some kind of celebration he checked his private comm channel nothing no invitation.

He went around the Derby and went to his quarters and he put his official uniform on so he wont be different from the others as he putted it on he went down to the Equipment Manager to argue about miss mach between the targeting computer and and Razor cannon on his ship.

The Crossroads - Rubber_Duck - 09-13-2011

A half-darkened office, aboard the Battleship Grimsby.

Commodore Finlay O'Dukes was putting the last pieces of paper aside, some classified documents that had to be signed. He glances at the clock shortly, mumbling to himself: "Pretty much time to leave, it's Clay's great day."
So he went to his chamber, taking on the gala dress including the blank silver sabre. It was the first time he weares it since the meeting on her majesty's royal liner.
O'Dukes quickly went to the hangar bay, where as scheduled, his Paladin fighter was already awaiting him.
He quickly flew to Cambridge, nothing unusual happening during the flight.

Once his fighter was set upon the landing platform, he moved to the ceremoy room, it was pretty nice decorated. Clay came up to Finlay, shortly greeting and offering him a glass of water, as to all other guests.

"Hm, he seems to be a little bit stressed" he thought to himself and chuckled. "I will have a few words with him later on." He glances at the glass of water in his hands. "Water" he mumbled. "Water. I hope I can get some dublin whisky here later..."

The Crossroads - Jam - 09-13-2011

"Dublin Whisky is only the beginning, Finnie." Clay chuckled and continued. "Wait for the party to start!" Clay then returned to his job - greeting all guests.

The Crossroads - Mychalitzo - 09-13-2011

Michael Clay finished his breakfast and seeinf no response from Woodrow, he sighed. "Seems he is bashing slanty skulls..." He taps the console, "Clarke, you have time for doing a flyby on Commodore Clays wedding? We need a third guy. But keep it a surprise." After that he began putting on his uniform.

The Crossroads - Junes - 09-13-2011

Layla paced up and down the slightly shaded chamber. "They should actually be ready now." she thought, feeling the upcoming nevousness, being forced to wait before a great event was truly a pain for her. She occasionally glanced into the mirror, adjusting her hair or thumping the little oak table with her fingers. "*sigh* The boys are always popping up in the very last minute."