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Transmission to the Artisan Farmers Alliance and the Black Dragon Society - Printable Version

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Transmission to the Artisan Farmers Alliance and the Black Dragon Society - Ceoran - 09-13-2011

[Image: marusatop.png]

Konnichiwa honourable friends and valuable business partners,

It has been a while since we last communicated outside the halls of the Council. I hope your businesses are still going well and life is blessing you.

The reason I have to contact you on separate channels however is a sore one. It's not the first time, yet again we have a rogue corsair vessel disturbing Samuras business. This one bears the call-sign Empire|Preliator and I'm transmitting you the entire communication log of the incident in the attachment.

However, in short she reduced the profit of the transport in question by 3 million credits. While it might not be much, the Samura board of directors is offended by the boldness of said incident taking place within the Honshu system and as such within Kusari space.
We are hereby asking you to assist us in keeping him out of our house. Should he not be willing to comply, we are offering you the same 3 million credits for each forceful removal of the vessel in question until he understands.
Admittedly hopes are low he ever will. Baka wa shinanakya naoranai, Unless an idiot dies, he won't be cured.

Marusa Ryo

' Wrote:---Incoming Tranmission---

Comm ID: Samura|-Manasikatuma
Location: Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo


Please find attached a report of an event occuring during a recent trade run with the Manasikatuma.


After filling the fresh Bumblebee with supplies, I was offered a load of Niobium Ore by the Samura|-Fuji. The good captain provided me with to ore for a splendid price! I set course for New Berlin.

Once I arrived at the Sigma-13 Jumpgate I encountered a corsair by the name of Empire|Proliator. After stopping me, he requested that I paid him 3.000.000 credits to pass into Sigma-13. Since I was not in a position to argue, I handed over the money and proceeded my journey.

Having long range contact with the Fuji, I was adviced to make a notification of this, since it is not the usual way for corsairs to pirate Samura.

Here's a pair of recordings I had in my communication database to provide proof of the deed:

[Image: screen76.jpg]


Kenzo Watanabe
Samura Industries

---Tranmission Ends---
[Image: marusabot.png]

Transmission to the Artisan Farmers Alliance and the Black Dragon Society - Artisan Farmers Alliance - 09-13-2011

Ryu Nakata, The Artisan Farmer`s Alliance

Location: Shibukawa Depot

[Image: ryunakataklein.png]

Konnichiwa Ryo-san,

it`s indeed a while ago that the Artisan Farmers Alliance, the Black Dragon Society and Samura Heavy Industries had business without the unwanted prying glances of the Council. I wish the circumstances were better.

So let`s get straight to your problem with this Corsair. We all know that the Corsairs are very addicted to Alcohol. Maybe he was drunk and forgot about the laws of the Corsair Elders? *cough* But nonetheless, this is no excuse at all. He demanded 3 million Credits from a Samura Transport in Honshu. This is unacceptable.*angry* So when we met him here again, well, we show him where the door out of Kusari is. Maybe he is not that stupid to deny our escort service to the next Jumpgate or Jumphole. Otherwise we remove him by force.

Of course it would be wise to inform the Corsair Elders about this lost soul. We don`t want to disturb our good relationships with them. But i am sure a message is already sent. And i guess they are not very amused about this inciedent.

I hope you are satisfied. The Alliance is proud to help one of our business partners. Now let`s wait for an answer of the Society.

Ryu Nakata