Discovery Gaming Community
need help.... - Printable Version

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need help.... - Tomtomrawr - 03-02-2008

I have recently found a demo for a Stargate freelancer server. It has like all the ships from Stargate, like Ha'taks, Permetheus, and all those other ones. I can activate the demo fine, but when i try and go onto Multiplayer on it, the Global server is still down and can't see it on the list, and it isn't on EOA.

Is there anyway i can get to it? It's version 2.0 by the way incase that helps.

need help.... - Othman - 03-02-2008

You will probably need to learn their server IP. Subscribe to their forums, if any?

need help.... - Tomtomrawr - 03-02-2008

there forum is in the progress of being made, i have joined it, but when i try and log in it says wrong password or username, when they are right.

need help.... - Asymptotic - 03-02-2008


need help.... - Tomtomrawr - 03-02-2008

i don't think it is, because it says wrong username or password, and it didn't say that i would need to be validated before i could log on and post.