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Blackheart - Gabriel Logan - 09-18-2011

edited - see 20th September post.

Blackheart - Cavaliere - 09-18-2011

Ask corsair official faction with good RP story, they might allow you to use correo

Edit : welcome back......bro????

Blackheart - Jaika - 09-18-2011

Yup, Junkers do smuggle i have a smuggler Junker too. Cardi-Slaves FTW!!!

Blackheart - SMGSterlin - 09-19-2011

' Wrote:Yup, Junkers do smuggle i have a smuggler Junker too. Cardi-Slaves FTW!!!
Counterfeit Software-Blood Diamonds > Cardi-Slaves. 8-|

Blackheart - Pancakes - 09-19-2011

Welcome back, and you can with permission of the official faction but I have to warn you it's highly unlikely you will get that permission with the new corsair tech policy.

Blackheart - Gabriel Logan - 09-20-2011

Thanks for all the replies guys but I have decided to go down a totally different path.

Years ago on the server I used to play on I created a pirate char that followed a sort of"old school" pirate code. I recieved much praise for my RP from my fellow players and I had built up quite a reputation with this char.

Basically I pirated in an old freighter that was weaker than any decent fighters. I had to choose my targets carefully and I excelled on preying on the weaker unescorted traders out to make a quick buck. I deployed a sort of hit and run tactic. I lived off of hunting weaker ships and selling the goods or by looting wrecks etc. I never really traded in bulk so it was hard to make the credits sometimes but it was wellworth it, for all the great RP I had and chases through Sirius by BH and Navy pilots. (My old server never had any restricted systems and players could enter any systems they wished).

I will need to read up on the exact rules of pirating and will also need to learn about the different player factions here.

I have created a Corsair char and have started to set him up with some weps etc.

A couple of quick questions.
I noticed that Corsair pirates can smuggle goods into Bretonia and Kusari, can we pirate there to or is that too close to enemy territory. Also if I am attacked or feel threatened and I engage my cruise engines, does that mean I have lost the battle and must leave the system or can I cruise to an asteroid field and hide in thereuntil i feel it is safe and then resume my business without having to leave the system.

Cheers, BH.

Blackheart - Hielor - 09-21-2011

' Wrote:I noticed that Corsair pirates can smuggle goods into Bretonia and Kusari, can we pirate there to or is that too close to enemy territory. Also if I am attacked or feel threatened and I engage my cruise engines, does that mean I have lost the battle and must leave the system or can I cruise to an asteroid field and hide in thereuntil i feel it is safe and then resume my business without having to leave the system.

Cheers, BH.
I don't see a problem with Corsairs pirating in Bretonia. Kusari maybe.

As for cruising away--fleeing a battle no longer counts as a pvp death, unless you dock on a station or planet within range of the person you were fighting. If you just cruise away (and the person lets you get away) and hide in an asteroid field, you're fine to stay in the system. Note also that once you're out of scanner range of the people you were fighting, you're also fine to dock.

Blackheart - Gabriel Logan - 09-21-2011

Cheers for clearing that up for me.

Blackheart - blubba - 09-21-2011

Honshu is ok I think but no further than the first lane in for a Corsair character as it may upset the locals (Corsair allies).
Most of Bretonia is fair game believe but I'm sure there are others here who know better than I.

Blackheart - WildBill - 09-21-2011

As far as Bretonia, I personally wouldn't try Dublin. Lots of BAF and Mollys just itching to kill Corsairs. Plus large gunboat patrols throughout the system.