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The Gaian Underloch - Nature's Last Hope - 09-19-2011

[Image: GUnderlochFaclogos.png]
Faction Tag:  [U]
ID: Gaian Guard
Home System: Faroe, Bretonia (Restricted)

Once,  Gaians were a terrorist cell in Bretonia, fighting for simply goal: preservation of nature. Their connections were strecthing from Kusari bosses in Hogosha and Farmers Alliance to Cambridge university intellectuals, Green front and Bretonian working class. They were a flaw in universe, a force that could not be stopped, an enemy of those who do not praise nature. 

Drastic changes occured 818.A.S, when Gallic Royalists advanced and marched trough Lewis with one goal: to conquer Sirius. Many Gaians died, many survived. But they all have one thing in common. They lost their ideology, their goal, their reason to fight. Planetform Incorporated and Orbital Spa & Cruise were both booted out of Edinbourgh, which is now a frontline in a never-ending war, planet Harris is a Bretonia Armed Forces stronghold, and Lewis is captured by Royalists. Two forces that are surrounding Gaians, Royalists and BAF, are tough nut to crack, so Gaians don't give much attention to them. 

Without their ideology, home and everything they lost, Gaians took path of less effort and put down roots in a desolated system called Faroe, regenerating themselves, and forging a new strategy. 

Faroe was found before the attack on Glendale. It consists of four uninhabitated planets, and few asteroid fields rich with water. Gaians knew what's comming, so they prepared themselves. Alongside IMG, they built three bases in Faroe, namely: Torshavn Space Port, Klaksvik Outpost and Sandur Base. Those bases, and the system itself is top secret, known only to ranks of Gaians. From there, Gaians have jumphole access to Gallic systems, so when they are ready, they shall make their move. 

But like some say "Peace is for woman and weak, war creates true alliances." Gaians had benefit in this war. Because of Non-Aggression Pact with Royalists, Gaians could establish a transit of goods from Gallia towards Bretonia, and even to Rheinland where they strenghten their relations with a Rheinland's leading faction cares about preservation of nature, Landwirtrechtbewegung.

...We were strong once, we will be strong again... 

Our primary goals:

[Image: UnderlochLogoX.png]

[color=#000000]Continue ongoing fight

To continue fighting insects that were trying to devastate flaw of universe, Gaia. Bretonian government, Planetform and all their puppets must be purged... With fire.


To expand Gaian infrastructure in Faroe, make a safe haven for all Gaian generations, ones who live, and ones who are yet to be born. 

Strenghtening our relations

Both in Gallia and Sirius. With our current position, we are able to gather intelligence, supplies and whatnot from almost all sides in this godforsaken war. We should use, and even abuse this position as mush as we can.

Our secondary goals:

To keep Gaia and the rest of Bretonian enviroment secured, even under hands of Royalists. 

Approved ships:
[color=#000000]Farmers Alliance
[color=#000000]Approved weapons:
Farmer's Alliance

[color=#000000]The Underloch Zone of Influence:

Underloch Diplomacy:
[color=#006600]Farmer's Alliance

[color=#CCCCCC]Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Kusari State Police
Kusari Naval Forces
Independent Miner's Guild
Unione Corse
Gallic Royal Navy
Gallic Royal Police
Colonial Renmant
Kusari Exiles
Ile-de-France Shipping
EFL Oil & Machinery

[color=#990000]Planetform, Inc.
Bretonia Armed Forces
Bretonia Police
Bounty Hunters Guild
Blood Dragons
Golden Chrysanthemums
Lane Hackers
Liberty Navy
Liberty Police Incorporated
Liberty Rogues
Liberty Security Force
Ageira Technologies
Border World Exports
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Gateway Shipping
Independent Neuralnet Department
Interspace Commerce
Orbital Spa & Cruise
Slomon K'Hara
Das Wilde

[color=#000000]Ranking Information:
[color=#000000]Warloch- [color=#999999] Faction leader.
[color=#000000]Sergeant At Arms- [color=#999999] Second in command.
[color=#000000]Guardsman- [color=#999999] Full Member who has reached 'Gaian Guard' status.
[color=#000000]Watchman- [color=#999999] Member who is tapped and within the process of completing the Guard trials.
[color=#000000]Prospect- [color=#999999] Raw, probationary member.

[color=#000000]Active Member Roster:
[color=#FFFFFF]Annora Ash (Warloch) — [U]-Annora.Ash; [U]-Talon's.Embrace
Jacob Fade (Sergeant at Arms) — [U]-Man.o'.War; [U]-Praying.Mantis
Thomas Webb (Guardsman) — [U]-Thomas.Webb
Samuel Chandler (Guardsman) — [U]-Samuel.Chandler
Dan McKay (Guardsman) — [U]-Windbirds.Refuge.II; [U]Midsummer.Drought|HL; [U]-Midwinter.Gale|HL
Patrick Halquist (Prospect)

The Gaian Underloch - Goddess Astra - 10-22-2011


::SOURCE: Talon'€™s Embrace [Claymore-class, Dublin System, Sector E3]::

[font=Arial Narrow]To those whom it may concern:


Having heard of this new movement under the Gaian banner, the Underloch, I cannot help but express my interest. Our activities have seemed muted for quite some time now, and I had thought that perhaps our leadership had been permanently suppressed in the wake of some manner of strife. Clearly not. It brings me great satisfaction to know that events are in process once again, even if it is merely the plan and intent to carry out actions.

I have felt the need to turn to some form of more coherent leadership for some time now, as it is increasingly difficult to operate by oneself, without any form of support. As such, I now send you my regards, and my promise that should you become established, then I shall be the very first to spring up to my feet and pledge my loyalty; with any luck, many more Gaians will follow. I can only imagine that the presence of the Gaian Underloch will provide respite for many of us who had felt alone and unguided.

Should you so choose, I would much like to initiate communications with you in order to more properly affix myself within your numbers; that is, of course, providing that you are open to doing so. I would not like to force the matter. It would be unbecoming of me. But, regardless, this is an opportunity that I could not overlook even if I so desired, and as such, I must present myself to you. I eagerly await your reply.

Annora Ash
Captain of the Talon'€™s Embrace


The Gaian Underloch - Shamus - 10-22-2011

Comm ID: [U]-Mad.Fishmonger
To: Capt. Ash, Talon's Embrace

Ahh.. "Annora".. what a fine Gaelic name, lass!

If ol' Shamus be readin' 'tween the lines here, ye're ready t' rip some Bretonian throats in Gaia's name.

As Sergeant at Arms, 'n "actin'" Leader at t' mo, I'd be happy t' accept' ye inter the 'lochers, Annora.

We'll put ye inter "Watchman" status fer the time, lass.

Welcome t' the Underloch!

Shamus O'Shaunessy,
Sergeant at Arms

The Gaian Underloch - DarkMatter - 10-23-2011


Source ID: Colin Harrison

To the Underloch,

I'm not a guy of many words, I just want to say this: I'm a Gaian, I've worked alone until now, disrupting Planetform and Orbital Spa and Cruise activities on Edinburgh, but I realized that I would accomplish nothing alone. So my desire is, if possible, to officially join you.

Waiting for a message back, I'm on my way to Syke on my Spatial class ship.


The Gaian Underloch - Col_Lodden - 10-24-2011

**** Incomming Transmission ****

Conmm ID: [U]Red.Sunset
To:Colin Harrison

Well mate! Thanks fer getting in touch....You'll be welcome to join the gang I'm sure, but you've not let too many hints out with regard to why you want to join us.... Maybe we can meet in space? Bring yer spatial along too.

We'd be pleased to talk. Let us know your time zone.

Red Out
**** Transmission Ended ****

The Gaian Underloch - DarkMatter - 10-24-2011


Source ID: Colin Harrison

I'd be happy to meet ya in space.. these subspace channels are not so secure! We can meet near one of our.. er.. your bases, I'm still docked at Syke.

I'm usually swimming in da stars around 21 - 23:30, Sirius time GMT+1.


The Gaian Underloch - Shamus - 10-25-2011


Source ID: Colin Harrison

I'd be happy to meet ya in space..

To: Squire Harrison
From: Shamus, Sergeant at Arms, the Underloch

Oy, Colin,

It would surely help if we knew who t' look for, mate.

Give us yer shippy name, eh?

To: You lot!

Free drinks at Level 66 fer the first 'locher t' find the lad, eh?


The Gaian Underloch - purplejuice - 11-10-2011

.::Incoming Transmission::.

.::Sender: Michael Hall::.

.::Message Encrypted - Decrypting::.

Hey. Glad to see that a new division has been created within the Gaians.

Until now, I have been working alone, making some money with 'mugging' the corporations. A few brave Navy pilots even tried to kill me, but I sent their ships into orbit, or back to their bases with a grave warning.

I've been feeling a little depressed lately, that no body could join me in the fun. Now that I see the Gaian Underloch becoming in action, it's filled me with warmth and comfort, and I wish to join your team to do something we all can accomplish together.

Michael Hall, signing out.

.::Ending Transmission::.

The Gaian Underloch - Dino - 11-12-2011

::_Incoming transmission_::

::_Sender's Identification_::

Michael Jones

Islay base, Edinbourgh

To: Michael Hall.

A man appears on screen, carrying some sort of animal in his hands, and walking around room. His face wasnt visibile, but you could heard he's young, by his voice. After few seconds, he stopped, sat on a chair infront of camera and started talking: 

Oi lad. First of, who the heck are y'a? Second of, how the hell did y'a find about us?

He looks angry, and he takes a shot of whiskey.

Okay, okay, let's say you're cool, and you aren't Baffie spy. So, you shot a Baffie down. And you didnt sent me a present, like few guncams? Laaaaame!

He lights up a cigarette.

But here's important part. You are bored, so you want to join us? Boy, you gotta be kidding me. We arent ones who accept sone random people into our ranks because they feel lonely. But you have a chance... Tell me something about you. Not about your name, origin and stuff like that, but why you chosen us. You could fly with Mollies, 'Casts, 'Sairs and many others, but still, you came to us, so-called "Terrorists" abd "Tree-huggers". Stuff like that are just creation of brainwashed Baffies and Bretonia corporations. So, I want to hear you what you think about us.

He takes remote, and turns off camera.

::_Transmission over_::

The Gaian Underloch - themikeruler - 11-14-2011

:::::Incoming Transmission:::::

:::::Sender: Phoenix Hale:::::

[Image: GAIAN.jpg]

:::::Opening Message:::::

If only they hadn't started the terror on Cambridge.... if only. This all wouldn't have happened. Do I want to take the lives of innocent people? No. But whatever it takes to save the nature that existed before us.

My name is Phoenix. Last, Hale. And I am dedicated to the salvation of the lost. I will sacrifice my life if it is not in vain. As long as I can die knowing that I have partaken in the events that will eventually fix our organic crisis, my spirit will be satisfied.

I think that is all that needs to be said.

:::::Ending Transmission:::::