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First Post - Cawdor - 03-03-2008

Hey guys,

as i saw your site on the moddb, i thought this mod could be interesting. seeing the RP rulez later, i thought you all must be mad. but after reading severals posts and reading the news in openSP, i became an addict without even taking the drug =/

however - if i finaly get internet in my new "residence", you guys will definitively remember me making some waves in a RP-way on the server (ok... maybe next year - until then il do the regular thing =))

see you in a month on the server. and never forget: blast the outcasts! =D

First Post - Etaphreven - 03-03-2008

Blast the Outcasts? How dare you?! We've got the Orange!:P

First Post - Xing - 03-04-2008

Well, welcome if you ever get here.
However, I strongly suggest you fix your speech pattern. Avoid using "u", use "you", etc. Not being a grammar nazi (we have a bunch and I'm not one of them), but we'd appreciate you make an effort.

Otherwise, enjoy the mod, the server, and of course, beware communist penguins, and if the other will stop drooling at that new female on the server, you might receive a more warm greeting soon ~

First Post - Reverend Del - 03-04-2008

I think you underestimate the average drool content of a geek, Xing.

Gotteshand, Welcome to the forum, I am not one of our resident grammar nazis, but I will reiterate Xings point of fixing your typing habits.

More importantly however, Welcome to Disco! Read the Rules, enjoy yourself and always turn your cargo over when requested to by the Xenos, we stay friendly that way:)

First Post - Eppy - 03-04-2008

Quote:and never forget: blast the outcasts! =D

You realize that I now have to bounty your ass before you even log on?:P*points at Signature*

Anyways, welcome to the party, mate, and I will blow you out of the sky before you're halfway out of the Gamma-Theta jumphole:P

First Post - shadowjman - 03-04-2008

so eppy how much is that bounty gunn go for?

First Post - Cawdor - 03-04-2008

edit done. im not that stubborn about that tbh. my mother never spoke english to me. so if you have some _real_ gramma corrections, you are welcome to send me a PM;)

and .. um .. we will see about that cargo thing. EAT COUTERMEASURES!! ;D
but dont worry. i consider my life as pretty valuable. so chances are good to get payed of after eating my counters ^^'

@Epyon ... we will see my friend ... we will see. even cardamine-addicts have to sleep. this will be the time when i am going to slip through and reunite with my fellow corsairs to ... um ... you know ... blast some guys like you:D

First Post - Malaclypse 666 - 03-04-2008

I hardly think we will have to concern ourselves with Herr Gotteshand's grammar, considering his posts regarding RTS, Microsoft, and... what was it again?

At least no more than we must worry about Xing increasing his spammage levels...

Welcome, sir. You have the makings of a shiney Pineal for Eris.


First Post - BULLDOGNK - 03-04-2008


as long as you read the rules and never come against my Faction, you will be ok, if you do decide to take on the NovaPG we will beat you up till hell freezes over then we will beat you more on the Ice:P


First Post - Cawdor - 03-04-2008

well, thanks for the cordial welcome and all the threatening. made me feel special:D

see you in space