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Join beta-testing of the new Global List Server - Printable Version

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Join beta-testing of the new Global List Server - majkp - 03-04-2008

Hello, if you want to help with testing the new GLS, follow these instructions:

Quote:For joining the public beta you just need to modify your freelancer.ini in your EXE folder.

You’ll find the following line:
hostname = ; GUN server in Redmond (DNS entry)

Replace that line with the following lines:
;hostname = ; GUN server in Redmond (DNS entry)
hostname =

This works for servers and clients. Feel free to add your server.

Known issues till now:

* The “update” button won’t work
* You won’t get a list after leaving a server

Feel free to report any bugs etc.

I updated it on our server so it should be listed on the new GLS as well.

For any updates, read the news on this page:

Thanks to Crazy for running this beauty for the FL community!

Join beta-testing of the new Global List Server - Eppy - 03-04-2008

Ooooooh! Shiiiiiny! Fixing my .ini now:D

Join beta-testing of the new Global List Server - DBoy1612 - 03-04-2008

Works well, easy too. ^_^

Join beta-testing of the new Global List Server - Malaclypse 666 - 03-04-2008

' Wrote:Works well, easy too. ^_^

Umm.. for you maybe..

Help an old man out.. I assume this requires the use of wordpad or some obscure tool i hardly ever use.

We ain't all sixteen and geniuses..

Join beta-testing of the new Global List Server - Boss - 03-04-2008

Mal, I'd explain, but I'm not at my home PC right now. I'll put it all together when I get home.

Join beta-testing of the new Global List Server - Malaclypse 666 - 03-04-2008

' Wrote:Mal, I'd explain, but I'm not at my home PC right now. I'll put it all together when I get home.

Shiney.. cause what I tried didn't work.. got nothing but 24/7 RP in the list.


Join beta-testing of the new Global List Server - Vape - 03-05-2008

my precrious....i just fixed my precious....
I love htis work around

Join beta-testing of the new Global List Server - ioha - 03-05-2008

' Wrote:Umm.. for you maybe..

Help an old man out.. I assume this requires the use of wordpad or some obscure tool i hardly ever use.

We ain't all sixteen and geniuses..

In case nobody has PMed the solution to Mal...
  • Open your Windows Explorer and go to your Freelancer Installation folder, then the subfolder "EXE". (e.g. "C:\Programs\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE")
  • In that folder, there is a data file called "freelancer.ini" (the ".ini"-part of the name might not be displayed, but there are only two "freelancer" files: the .exe that starts the game and the .ini, with the editor/cog wheel-symbol) that - as you suspected - can be opened with the text editor.
  • Once you open the file, you'll see the fifth paragraph, "[ListServer]". That is where you find the line makjp mentioned above.
  • Replace said line with the ones makjp has listed, close and safe the .ini and try out if it works.
I hope I could help, and thanks to makjp for the awesome update:)

Join beta-testing of the new Global List Server - Sayne - 03-05-2008


Join beta-testing of the new Global List Server - Boss - 03-05-2008

Umm, dang. I get nothing, might be my firewall...