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Silmathien Jirent - Silmathien - 09-26-2011

The stranger looked up, as the Woman with the purple, spikey hair took her seat next to him in the bar. It wasn't exactly the woman but more the ship she walked away from. A kusari ship with a dragon statue in the middle of don't see that quite often.

"You know..your glass is full.."
He winced a little, as she speaks directly to him. But she smiled lightly.
"Uhm, yeah..i know." Of course it was full. He was a miner from BMM and his life was the same all day. Not much he could hope for gettin better in times like this.
"And still you keep starin at me!"
"I didn't stare!"
She laughed. "You seem pretty honest. I like honesty if it is friendly enough for a peaceful talk." She takes a sip from her glass and raise and eyebrow. "Ain't that bad. Heh. So..what's your story?"
"My story? Who the hell are you anyway?"
"Ah, me? Hmm. Who am i huh..." She thinks about it and shrugs her shoulders. "Maybe i just am who i wanna be, or maybe i'm just not what i was, or maybe.."
"Alright, i get it! Why should i tell you my story then, Lady?"
"Oh, you don't need to. You just seems like the adventure type." She took off her black shaped glasses and look him straight in his eyes. "You look like a kindred spirit."
"If your lookin for 'company' you're on the wrong station, i'm not interested. You maybe even are a spy from Kusari." His face darkend.
"You're a miner and i need someone with such abilities. And like i said; you look like a man who's life is pretty..messed up!"
"You may talk about you then, if you really meaning what you're saying!"
"My story, eh?" She sighs and looks up to the golden glow around Graves Station. "Sure, i cannot ask something i'm not telling myself, can i?"

"My roots lies in Kusari. My father is quite the traditional farmer and works also in the Alliance. I also joined the Farmers Alliance, but my way was one of the scientists. My curiosity and peaceful nature led me to that point. I thought i could take Sirius to a global state of freedom, but of course that will not happen. Or not again. After all there was once a time Sirius Sector was at peace...before we came. Uhm, back to my story; my mom was different, as i inherit her peaceful nature. My dad always wanted me to be a farmer of the Alliance, but it was mom who 'set me free' to believe in my own way i had to go. And so i did. Let me tell you about the wonders of Sirius. I can even show it to you, if you decide to come with us."
"Us? What you mean? You're not alone?"
She laughed again slightly. "You really think i would do that alone? To travel through the Omicron systems by my own?"
"Omicron systems? I heard from something like that."
"Well, yeah. Of course they exist. So where was i? A right; as a teenager i studied in Kyushu but i didn't managed to end them successfully. I brought my parents shame and tried to build up my own little workgroup, but to find people without a degree in something at least is not easy, especially in Kusari. I lived together with my parents a few weeks before i tried and settle up things on my own. As soon as i got the money from the Samura temporary employment, i buyed a little ship and began acting on my own to reach my goal. At that time i just wanted to do some science. I didn't care for the dangers and the outcome of my actions. So i tried to make some money with illegal goods. Never got caught, lucky me, but more and more i drag myself deeper in the abyss of piracy and corruption, as i needed the money for better equipment and such."
"So you were a pirate then?"
She smiled boldly. "Not really. You see i just wanted to make a better world, but you can't do that with 'bad' money, can you? I realized that and after 2 years i had enough of this 'sickening lyieng to pretend something i never was'. I left Samura and go back to the Alliance. Then i managed to get a good ship and a custom produced A.I. specially made for me. I then began to search for scientists, since i'm not really are one. But that's fine.."
"Your not a scientist and want to do some science!? That sound damn crazy! Like i'm not a miner who's mining for BMM!"
"Well, to be honest i'm just a Girl with a ship..and a will to see the wonders of Sirius. But there is no 'job' with such a description you see? I need to make a livin myself, so i tried to hire people with the knowledge i never have. There was a freelancer who helped me reach that achievement."
"Poor soul. Bet you just told him the same story as you do now to me."
"He wasn't in my 'team'. So he never heard that story. But you have some doubts. That's good. There are enough lies in the galaxy, so i'm just used to it. Anyway; after i had some scientists onboard, we immediately set of for the Omegas and Omicrons, since we were eager to see if the rumors about these nomads were true. Alien lifeforms; of course most of us were curios enough to go straight forward to the target." She sighs and take another sip.

"We run from Honshu trough the Sigmas i believe and from there somehow to the Omicrons..or was it from Liberty? Can't remember. So much i can't remember since that day. It was a terrific sight to see all these systems. But to be honest, we just had once the chance to look at the Nomad Xeno and that was one catched by some Order agents. They brought it to Toledo and i was given the 'honor' to do some research on it, before i just send it back to them. Was too short to get some significant information about it. And few days or weeks after it happened. We were in a strange Nomad system, i don't remember the name. It was all in a green nebula. This nebula somehow must had take over the crew. We weren't prepared for this and i felt weary. Unable to move and short after that i felt asleep. I don't know what happend.
I woked up on Betlhehem Station in Pennsylvania, in the middle of the Liberty system. My ship was gone, i couldn't find my crew and i was alone and without any money again. This was quite the right stuff you need when you decide to end your life. Really, i just lost crewmembers and scientists. I was responsible for them after all and i thought they all died. Until much later till i realized that my A.I. was still programed in my belt. Somebody saved us out there, but i lost my ship. Either it was a pirate stealin it, or it just get lost within the rescue. I dont know and i dont care. Well..not much. I was in a coma for some weeks. I had to start from the beginning again, without some of my memory. Still i'm not givin up. Right now i already have my ship again. Hard work over a year brought me this day to you, mister. want to be a part of explorer and adventurer? You tired of seeing that golden glowing minefields? You do not have a family here do you?"

"And how do you know that?"
"A man like you can't..afford that. Am i right?"

He stared in his glass. Her story was a pretty good tale for a spy. But maybe she is right. The glass was empty after all. Good stories deserve a chance, dont they?
"I dont look like a big fish, do i?"
"I dont look like a hook, do i? You give me your skills as a miner and i give you a home and a chance to look at things beyond your eyes can see and even greater things your mind can behold."
"You should've worked as travel agent for Orbital Spa and Cruise. You would be rich in no time." He stands up and grab his jacket lookin at the fine lined kusari ship. "What is that ship? I guess it's yours?"
"The Geisha? Yeah. Hope you like it."
"It's not made for mining you know."
"There is an answer for every question, as there is also a solution for every answer."
"Huh! You can be quite funny."
"Thanks. Humor is the first concept for peace."
"Too bad humor differs from individuals."
She stretched out her hand. " wanna fly with us? I'm Silmathien, you may call me Sil. Nice to meet you!"
"I'm Riley Ceylsen. Nice to meet you, Sil." A slight smile show up in his face. This could be fun after all.

Silmathien Jirent - Silmathien - 09-26-2011

Logfile 1

1 Year after Rileys' entry.

Normal day. At least compared to the last year, where i started my 'hunt' after the other members of my crew. Especially the scientists. I can proudly say; i've found them all and they again are willing to travel with me once more. That was such a relief for me, to see them alive and in good health. I just started to stock up my ship with all the necessary goods and items we need for another trip. Of course we won't take another ride to the omicrons as fast as possible. I think we just need to gather information and therefore i maybe should contact some local factions to help us with small things like information and more important; the goods we require. So we passed Planet Harris and watchin Planetform doing their work there was pretty interesting. Later i decided to take the jumphole to Edinburgh. Perth was my next intended destination. I just thought i could ask about some rumors between the house war (which is stupid by the way, as if pirates and terrorist weren't enough!). We just take a short notice from the beauty of Gaia. This had to wait until my vessel was fully operational. Beauty is good, but we simply can't enjoy it at the moment.
I checked mylist of goods next to make sure we have all we need.
I just saw some poor little fellas trapped in a cage. They simply listed them under 'Gaian Wildlife'. I like how Planetform want to make worlds for humans, but i don't like how they treat animals. Maybe i can persuade some of the employees to hand me over some of these creatures, so i may find a save and good place for them to live. I hate cages. No wonders the Gaians get more sympathisers.

For my last thing to do this day i go to the Cambridge Research Station. Cryer are some good and bad people. Good for medicine, bad for drugs. I'm just interested in medicine tho. They still the best out there, if you need some of this sort of stuff. Funny how they made people sick sometimes just to cure them. Well, as long as they keep their needles away from me, it's good enough.

Silmathien Jirent - Silmathien - 09-27-2011

Logfile 2

Interesting things happened to occur today, as we are get about to do some serious researching. No..really. Let me tell you about those two men who thought mining some earthly substance from the orbit is a darn good idea. Good no company or securities saw this. As i appeared on the bridge, they of course denied it. Good i always have cameracontrol. Can't believe Frank persuaded Riley to help him steering the mining laser. The scientists are in the labs most of the time and as my Co-captain, Frank did know damn well what he was doing there. Gosh these people...
I met a Zoner earlier in Bering and ask him 'bout the Deuterium he was transporting within the hold of his ship, since i was looking out for that stuff. I meant it actually comes from the far away omicron systems or so, but i managed to get some from a zoner base in Yukon. Wasn't cheap but hey, bet these zoners made a good deal this day. Everybody wins, nobody loses, always one of my first mottos.
After that i was looking for bribes and some reputation. No luck though with the junkers. These hardy metalgluttons sure give me headache these times. Well, i'm sure i can go for that soon enough.
I docked at Ames Research Station shortly after, to get rid of some oxygen. I was near the house systems so i thought i don't need that much carryieng around with me.

After that was done, i just want to get some sleep and decided to head to Pennsylvania. Wasn't there for some time and Bethlehem was also a neutral station. At Bethlehem i thought of checking the goods there and dock on Planet Eerie..uhm..Erie i mean. That Outcasts undocked before me and cut off the tradelane to catch some fish i guess. He was pretty cool and smart too, obviously knowing that he wouldn't gain much from shooting at a freelancing researcher. Had some nice talk with him and - curios as i am - i asked him for some 'knowledge exchange'. Since i'm not interested in spreading secrets and never would support some kind of war, i'd try to 'negotiate' (don't want him to changing his mind and shooting harsh projectiles to my ship) and ask him for some info about Outcast researchers. He talked about some permission requests and maybe i even get escorts, but i dont hope for that much..we'll see.

For own security reason i made some recordings of the audiovideo files. He also mentioned a friend of him (a researcher working with terraforming gas and cardamine) was last seen in sector a2/b3 (i believe it was) in the coronado system. I said i will go look for him. Maybe he got some juicy infos i can transcribe to projects our labrats are researching.

Conclusion: Science is wonderful. Brings even people together they don't know eachother. It's all about interests. If just the Universe could be so easy.

Silmathien Jirent - Silmathien - 09-30-2011

Logfile 3

Before i go to bed i thought i should do some log recording. I was in need of some Prometheum and so i flew to Gallia, to buy some in Marne (i remember the place from the last time i was there), asking the Council for permission. In retain i brought them software of all kind; movies, videogames, commercials, documentations and such, about the other houses. Our technician, Ormataana, said we should buy some Oil for the machines and repair - you never know. So after we did that we just hang around in Dauphine a bit longer. I was fascinated by the 4 suns, but since i don't like to attract attention like a cake to flies, we headed for Villefontaine and explored the rings.
In Edinburgh i saw a Corsair undocking from the Gaian base and he followed me for a few minutes. I already thought he's out for another hunt and i immediately headed for Perth. He might had given up and so i proceed to Leeds, where the KNF was seemed to launching an attack in near future. I headed for Newcastle next. I don't want to be near to any kind of war in the slightest. In Newcastle i flew to Sunderland. They do mostly some Research there for a new weapon purpose; it's quite disgusting, but i just put a good face to the matter and left shortly after. You can't call things there seriously anyway. I found out something interesting tho. Particle Beams are going through that shield and are able to hit the structure within. I will study this matter further, but for now the black hole matters more. Some books may be helpful. I docked at Scarborough for the rest. The travel to Gallia and the war in Leeds has the crewmembers a bit worried. I will give them time to rest. You can't fly around with a bunch of lazy pilots, can you.

Silmathien Jirent - Silmathien - 10-04-2011

Logfile 4

Made a little trip to the Coronado system. I will go there more in future times, as the science team had asked for it. They're showing much interest in Planet Yuma. Too bad DSE and Synth Foods go for the competition. All this Commerce ruins whole system just for money. Spa and Cruise is also on their way, since they have a foot in Cortez already. Heard DSE killing plants there with fire (they're still regrowing in one day) just for space i guess. I don't try to be unlawful, but seriously this ain't lookin good for some reason. I thought Coronado was an independet system but it seems Liberty reaching its fingers out for it. Maybe Zoners will do something against it. The Barrier Gate Station stands for free trading and Liberty don't want that within their controlled zone i'm pretty sure. Good i noticed that IMG there sells Deuterium. At least i can resupply there if, for unknown reason, something bad happens in the Barrier. I think we have mapped the whole system for now. It's really beatiful, the crew were nicely motivated by just the look of it. The Crew sorta is halfed - meaning they're acting sometimes like two sides of a coin. But it's all good since nobody tries to put up a fight. They behave mannered and civilized..well..sometimes they don't, but at least there is no hate.
There are 2 crews on the ship: The 'normal' ship crew (10 people at the moment), which keeps the things running and the science crew (consisted of 5 people). I'm still looking for more to join our little adventure, but it doesn't need to hurry. The ship itself is very comfortable. We even have kokin gumi - a zen garden for relaxing. Of course there are pools, sauna and much more for the team. It's a yacht after all.
The shipcrew have light weaponry for secure purpose, but i hope we never have to use it. And there are isolated rooms for chemical or toxic waste. In the near future i will also trying to get some infos to build a 'mindbarrier' around the ship. Hearing of mindcontrol just made me think about it. Maybe a lane Hacker could do that..or i ask Benno Hadram, our Neurologist about it, we'll see.
We entered the orbit of Planet Baja. We will check the surface and stay there for few days, before we continue our glorious, discovery adventure to Cortez.
See you next time, little diary.

Silmathien Jirent - Silmathien - 10-05-2011

Logfile 5

Back from the Omicrons. Wow. I met Nomads. 'Talked' with them and they're not as 'bad' as i thought. Well, my own fault - if you only listen to others, how can you improve yourself? I won't put up any files which will involve the Nomads and the crew, since i'm not looking to get in some sort of 'alienish' trouble. Uhm, so..i just refused to work with the Order. The war made them like Mercenaries i think, so i just don't bother and will not take my way to Minor, as intended. I'm not sure about contacting the LSF. They seem more interested in security and if i knock on their door for some science requests, i bet they want to see weapons. I sure try it, but not now. Sirius is so ****ed up i think. Nomads are talking to me, telling me stories about old days and previous events, while the colonies just keep warming the war. Rheinland is like Liberty to me. Only Bretonia and Kusari seem to remain for a freelancing science team like us to give some further progress. Bretonia sure has a library of some kind, where i can gather more knowledge. I'm sure the science team will love the variety. I will continue my research about black holes. If i'm right, there should be a connection to some of the white ones. This will maybe leave greater distances behind as jumpholes do now. Maybe they can lead you through whole galaxy clusters. I'm interested how it affects time tho. Bretonia will be my next 'try'. Gosh, nowadays it seems like you need for everything a green light. Good thing we have toilets on board you don't need a permission to use.

Silmathien Jirent - Silmathien - 10-06-2011

Logfile 6


This is for sure a nice day. I resupplied my stock of Medicals at Atka. Heard they had a docking restriction for non-Cryer vessels before. We took the way through Tau 23 and headed for Cambridge. Of course i avoided the warzone and was taking the jumphole to Edinburgh. There i read some data about the black hole anomalies, but i couldn't figure out much..the little silly i am. Always found learning difficult. Good i have scientists on the ship.
We scratched Omega 5 next and surprisingly, after cruisin around a bit of a time, we found a new jumphole. It lead to an (to us) unknown system. We eagerly explored it and found a Planet. The system itself seems to be a home to some unidentified species. There was a base in the asteroid field, but since it was hostile we didn't dare to go close. Long range scanners also detected another jumphole. As we did go through that, on the other side we were taken under fire. The exit was obviously watched by weapon platforms. We dodged the missiles easely tho.
Now about this was a hell of a sight. It was so unbelievebla that the whole team just kept staring out the windows. Of course we made some pictures, as the Geisha danced through the asteroid fields and showed her real grace between the nebulae of the rings.

Shot 1
Shot 2
Shot 3
Shot 4
Shot 5
Shot 6
Shot 7

According to the information gathered by our ship a.i., this should be the Omega 58 system, and short researches showed that the alien jumpgate could be the cause, why planets are attracted to some point. The gravitational aspect must have been pretty big. I wonder how they could control such a field.
Since we weren't alone and those vessels we met (as any other living being in there) seem to just want to destroy us, we left the way we came. Near the jumphole that leads us out, we took cover in the rings and then headed straight for the ticket. We also disovered a way to the Omega 11 system, where we landed pretty save. We quickly took then the way over Dresden near Bautzen Station to the Frankfurt and Sigma 13 system.

I think we have seen enough to make another trip there, but for the moment we need to analyze all the data. Many is unclear and we sure need time for all this new stuff. Also there sure are gaps in the records/reports which we need to fill out.

In the next Log i will show a bit of my ship, as it is not only the beauty outside that counts, but more the inside. See you next time.

Silmathien Jirent - Silmathien - 10-14-2011

Logfile 7

Time for the right sound.

Sooo, we're now talking about the ship eh? Let me think..of course i can't tell all about the 'habits' and functions it provides. Our technician could do that better. Well i will upload some pics and give some explanations. *she takes a sip from the gloomy green stuff* You see, since this is my ship i have the last word in saying how it should look like and such, but as a captain you should not ignore the crew. An unwritten law every captain of a crew should know about. Especially color is a matter of taste after all. But enough of that. First of all i buyed the Geisha in the standard design and then slowly we modified it into a superior vessel which can surpass any spacetravel adventure and research to say. Of course it isn't perfect and there's still alot of work to do, but we will keep going to do what should be done. Huh, how sentimental!
The ship has its own modes of 'workout'. So i thought i shall show you the most spectacular; the 3 combined modes 'party, energy-saving and powered'. There's 2 or 3 more but since they mostly haven't that much effect on the eye outside i will not explain them furthermore.

[Image: geishaf.png]

As you can see, the ship has some nice 'tattoos'. We call it a 'layer'. It can disappear underneath its hull to bring the standard boring colorizing of Samura forth. This is the first 'cloaking' mode. The outfit was designed from Yumi, the..uh..driver like i tend to say (i will introduce some of the personell in the next log (if they cooperate - quite the shy guys here onboard). So, secondly; partymode - self explanatory i think. This mode sets the neonlights on and brings the ship a nice little glowing. We have sometimes guests on board who share our peaceful nature. We have nothing against a little nice party with foreigners sometimes; we're all the same on the inside eh? Hm, just asking me if..can nomads dance? Wait a sec..
*you hear some paper rustle* They know the song, i'm sure they know the dance. Hahahaha..f*** i forgot to take the record out. *hrm* Third mode i will talk about is the energy saving. The back wings contain solar cells. In this state they can gather solarenergy and act as a thermal energy conversion. They also have the standard layer for cloaking purpose and in addition they can fap around and are then shielded plating against emp and electromagnetic waves (they are of course not active when the energy saving mode is on).

So here's the legend and little explanation to it:

1. The rudder has not exactly any function by now besides a 'sonar'. It can detect sound impulses in most frequencies at an impressive range (nope i don't reveal that).
2. I don't know what exactly this was before, but now it serves also the purpose of detection. Mostly this is the reason we found anything in the solarsystems. Long and big antennas. Now..that sounded weird. Let's move on..
3. Ah yes, the cultural convention, where we meet all the 'outsiders'. This are the guest quarters. I guarantee; our guest never had any complaints about the accommodation. And if they do..they risk to get kicked out by the co capt'n, cause this is a frikkin luxury yacht - there's nothing to complain about..except colors maybe.
4. The underdeck, or machine room. Machines and technics, you will it all find there. And one crew member also lives there. Guess his girlfriend probably is a 4 ton heavy thing of a machine by now. But he love it being there problem for me.
5. A dragon. No really. Sometimes his eyes' glowin in the darkness and he also spits fire onto enemy pirates who dare to board. Hey! Actually i think that's a cool idea. Hmm...
6. First floor, or ground floor. In Kusari the ground is also the ikkai (first floor), so it's the first deck to us. There is the ship entrance. You want to go anywhere to meet people you have to come through this door. You will find the big lounge there, a conference room, a bar, the bigger living room, a pool and more fun places for gamers and dancers alike.
7. Yes. The 'infamous' second deck. Where the two worlds of facts and fiction meeting eachother. The second deck is shared between crew and scientists. They get along pretty well, but our science gents and lads are more the silent type. You see them study more than having fun at the bar. Don't ask me, i'm just the owner of this ship. On the backside of this deck is also the zen garden. Most scientists relax there.
8. The famous third deck. Here you meet the brilliance of the mind mixed with science labs and alientech. This is a high security zone. Honestly - you don't want to see some radiating areas without any protective cloathing, do you? Of course they have their own nice comfort zone up there.
9. Uhm actually there is much stuff in there, but i heared only about the superconducting coil, which is needed for the speed and longterm reliability in space exploration. Walk over the sun, baby. I was never there, it's the empire of our mighty mastertechnician. Ask him if you want to know more.
10. The backbone wings. I've explained their mechanism earlier. Rewind if you wanna hear that again.

Well that's it for the moment. And..oh! We have also libraries. That's how we roll. I prefer the electronic library but hey - our scientists like this old books. The 'reading wheel' as we call it.
Have a nice time. See you in space...
Yay, zoner party in Baffin? Doesn't sound too bad. We shall see if the amulets are worth the price.


Silmathien Jirent - Silmathien - 10-19-2011

Logfile 8

On this ship, nothing goes without some nice music.

So..i guess you want to know more about the people i got on board and the amazing work they do. Let me first get to the point what we are, what we standing for and what we try to accomplish.

***Picture uploaded***
[Image: largefz.jpg]

Humankind always dreamed of reaching out to the stars, to explore new worlds, contacting new lifeforms and find new ways to live.

What we are:
We are a freelancing group of individuals, who try to accomplish these things without doing harm to anyone. Of course we reserve the right of self defense, if harm against us is of intentional meaning.

What we stand for:
First of all; Peace. I know that must sound a bit weird for sirius folks, since science there almost in every way leads to somekind of war interests. We are proud of not to fight. We are proud of believing in a better world, where no harm can be done and everybody has understanding to the nature of others, so negotiations possibly can have positiv aspects for all sides. 'Sil ma thien' is a greeting in our own language which means 'Peace beyond brethren'. It means everybody is equal and should not fight or rule over others.

What we try to accomplish:
This is kind of hard to answer, 'cause the universe is changing all the time and we have to adapt. Means not we go to war or something of course. But if for example you want to explore a planet on the nightside, the sunrise can cancel that out. So you need other ways to find a solution for new problems. Meaning you have to adapt to nature, use technology and so forth.
We don't have specific goals, they come when we are at a point we could use them or just want to do so. In general it's; exploring new systems/worlds, seeking new form of life (do to all the hostility in sirius this goal has no high priority), research technology/new worlds for peaceful reasons.

[Image: silteam.png]

A few words before i introduce the other crewmembers:
These people are under my personal protection and have therefore nicknames (as do i of course). They're not anymore registered in any of the five houses. Identifications are deleted in databases. If they're still alive after you should receive this Logfiles, you should know i stand surety for them.

Silmathiens Research Team

For now on the Silmathien there are just Crewmembers and Scientists.

Let's start with the obvious:

Frank Cass - The Vice Captain. When i was young and stopped working for Samura i want to buy a new shiny ship. My income wasn't bad, but i hadn't enough for the Bumblebee. It was then when Frank came by and saw the situation. Coincidentally he was searching for the same. So we pooled our money together and buyed the Bumblebee. This was a big ship for me. Way too big to fill all the empty places in it by me alone. Frank himself was a security pilot for trading companies in Kusari and Liberty. He's a bit 'crazy' sometimes and has an actionlike nature, which works amazingly good together with Yumis explosive character.

Yumi Kahana - The Pilot. Yumi is full of beans the whole time if not asleep. Whatever you do - don't let her get near the mic. First and last time i did this, she yelled around in an Order system where the exit is. I decided to forbid her the mouth to outgoing transmissions. Still she commentate everything. I 'found' her in front of a college in Honshu. Said she had enough, hated the place and had no parents. I investigated a little and it seems true, so i just took her with me. She's pretty happy now since then.
She's not very expirienced in flying but a fast learner and best friends with Frank.

Riley Ceylsen - Our newest member. Well, he's pretty tough and most interested in money. But i had change his views a little and he has agreed to stay with us. His job is the extraction from Minerals and Organisms, additionally he is good with weapons and works as a lead in security on the ship. Well can't say that much more i'm afraid. He's quite the loner and don't talk that much with others.

Martin Rehnfeld - On the com you will find Martin. He's responsible for any 'sound interaction' if i should be absent - what not happens often. Funny enough i found him on a junker base in Rheinland. He was a military communication assistant before he deserted as the war with Liberty kept going on.
He's the politest person on board and tries to suit everybody. He just is a bit nervous next to Yumi, but Frank is the binding factor here.

Yarimi Ishii - Yarimi was a fighter pilot who was driving around in his escape pod in the open among the stars. He has had some bad shooting in Kyushu. He never wanted to tell me for who he worked for. The tattoos look Dragons like, but since it is of no importance to me, i just let him be. He feel quite comfortable with all the strangers around him and feel obligated to stay as compensation for his rescue. Since he gave me his word not doing harm to anyone on my ship, i assigned him to security.
He's secretive and hangs sometimes around with Riley.

Solome Kaisiris - The Princess. If we have blue blood on board, it would be her. She was lost in Orkney. Said something about she came with a friend from Bretonia, to 'see the sights' in Gallia and such. Guess what; her 'friend' was gone next day and left her at the IMG base. She was there for about a year, before i came by. She's tried to make a living as a secretary and her knowledge about 'desk jobs' kept her head above the water. Anyway, she quickly agreed as i asked her for an other opportunity to see the stars.
She's a good cook and knows alot about house system. Oh and if she meet her friend again, he will probably die. Else shes a quiet and nice person. She don't like Frank and Yumi and wishes we have some pets on board. Well, i will see what i can do, but normally pets are like i don't want have little kids running around here. The big ones can cause already bigger problems then some can imagine.

Simon Hampshire - Money Manager par excellance. If you want to trade something and whatever it has to do with credits - he is the man for that. Guess he was just bored enough with his job. He originate from Bretonia noble society and therefore has always a good chat with Solome. He is very eager when it comes to money. He does plans and redivide funds for the whole crew. Scientists are angry of that most of the time, cause they can't proceed with the research if the money is not given, so we're unable to buy the needed materials.
Simon likes the traditional roastbeef. I'm always annoyed if he comes to the bridge an starts to give me lectures about money ration.

Amberro Ormataana - The chief of tech. He's incredibly talented. He designed parts of our ship A.I. and there was not a single problem he couldn't solve. He joined the crew in earlier times when Frank and i were driving around with the Bumblebee. As he was with us, we could sell parts of own technology which improved our money gain by five time the amounts it would give us normally. I owe him about half of the ship i got now.
He likes sport and machines. He's the guy i mentioned in an other log, who lives in the machine room. Just kidding about his girlfriend (i hope *unsure look*).

Amelle Coralee - Our software expert. This lady scares me a bit to be honest. You ever had that feeling a friend of yours can read minds? She's like that friend. She has many secrets for sure. I didn't find her - she found us. I had no idea what she was doing, but she somehow managed to communicate with our A.I. Said she were fascinated by 'her' and want to know her better. Our A.I. isn't exactly female (she's a machine, doh) - we just call her 'Mary', a name given long before i cruised around in the geisha (what a horrible way to say things like this). So this young girl however managed to get in contact with us. More interestingly she seem to be good friends with Mary. She talks alot with Amberro about her. She told me she was a Lane Hacker once, but she needed to 'get out' and 'break free' to meet with 'systematics'..or so. No clue what she intends to do. I'll admit she has her 'uses' and do not harm our little group, but also has a head of her own. Most of the time she hangs around in her room and live her own dreams in cyberspace. She tries to convince me (and some others) to join her and playing games in there, but i'm not so sure about all the new stuff. Man, i guess i missed alot of the time while i was in coma.
Amelle has a flavor for all sorts of mixed up colors. And don't be fooled by her clean looking body; she has tons of implants underneath her skin. Saw them myself, i think she's half a cyborg. Creepy, heh. Nah, i think she's okay. *smile*

So there we are for now. Tomorrow i shall describe the other part of my lovely crew. Need to check some reports. See you in space. Sil ma thien. Hihi.


Silmathien Jirent - Silmathien - 10-20-2011

Logfile 9

Disco is up to awake the dead.

Welcome to part 2 of the little crew introduction. The second part will show you the scientist crew. There are lot of knowledge gathered within walls and brains and i do not count myself to that, which means i can't exactly 'define' what they're up to. I just will point out what they were registered as.
The scientists and researchers are (mostly) the workaholics on this ship and they do love their job. Since they have their own workspace, you may see them not often on the first floor.

Let's start with Sai Guon - Sai was the youngest of a four-member family. He worked under illegal conditions on planet Kurile in the Sigma 17 system. Since this system is near the Omicrons, i doubt someones do actually cared about that. He was bored in a world he had seen so many times and signed a contract with me. So simply said he work for me now not under illegal conditions. As Biochemist he is trained in the field of microbiology, molecular biology, cell biology etc. Exact definition i've found: Biochemistry, sometimes called biological chemistry, is the study of chemical processes in living organisms, including, but not limited to, living matter. He's not a doc, but if there are big alien plants on a planets surface, he can do stuff which will help us understanding such form of life. Mostly biochemists frequently work in the pharmaceutical or biotechnology industry. Sai feels comfortable enough in biotechnology and shows most interest in plant tissue/remains. He takes care of the zen times i need to hold him back making a mess there just to research some plants.

Sally is the Archaeologist and pretty young for that work, but i kinda like this. There's more motivation to some less expirienced people. That's why i didn't hesitate you 'recruit' this girl, as she did her certificate in Cambridge.
Sally is a glowing soul of goodness in the dark. If you feel lost she's the one who can bring you back on the feet. She clearly can place her nature within our search for freedom. Archaeology was a 'must have' for me, so of course i was looking in cambridge. Many graduates i know came from there. Archaeology mostly refers to human society, but for me it's all the same. So of course Sally also is interested in xenoarchaeology, alien artefacts and structures. Archaeology is about the past; you learn about past events and development. Every scientist on my ship gets his own lab, where he/she can grow within his/her own little world. Sally is the most folksy scientist we have here. You see her most on the dancefloor on deck 1 in her free time. There's no timelimit actually, so our researchers are not bound to any law written by me - except for the before mentioned perhaps (do not harm others etc.)

Let's have a look at Benno Hadram. He was actually an orbital miner at Pittsburgh, before i 'managed' to persuade him to work for me. He seems not interested in money at all and just loved his job, studying asteroids, stones and metals. He operates in geophysics. He and Mitchell often pooling their efforts together for the sake of space exploration..and explanation. A great help in analyzing asteroid rings/fields, he always finds time to take protocols on our journey (more than others i should say). Gravity, magnetism, mineral physics, radiation, electromagnetic waves - if you need detailed reports, he can give. What else could i tell...oh yeah: He actually likes cocktails and is also good in mixing them. Benno don't meet much with the other crew (except Riley).

Mitchell Gillain - He was our mathematicien, before he decided to study further into astrophysics. Astrophysics is huuuuge. I mean it's really damn huge. You ever looked into the sky at night and tried to count the stars? That's how big this science is. And since we don't know where the universe ends, it's quite limitless. Mitchell has made it his hobby as i did. But generally he studies why i just look, hehe. He works with Owen on this matter. Well, of course all science is linked together somehow. Mitchell originated from the Omegas. I don't know exactly where he comes from and he's to 'busy' to remember such things for longer as he likes to. He's quite the teacher and always nice to other people. So the description to that field of science is correctly: Astrophysics is the branch of astronomy that deals with the physics of the universe, including the physical properties of celestial objects, as well as their interactions and behavior.
He likes to know the Gallic system a bit better, but i fear the navy and police forces there are on our red list. But we always gladly travel to Champagne and meeting with the Council for refreshment and supply.

Owen Sanders - Owen is astronomer and the lead scientist on the ship. Thought i do not try to make differences between people, i wanted an expirienced life for 'leading the pack'. So Owen got my vote.
Owen is..a bit hard to describe, since he's the pure studying type. His rooms are full of paperwork and coffee..sorta. His wife died and he has no children, so he may thought before he dies he can see at least Sirius in full and the universe in half, or so. On the contrast to Mitchell, Owen is the man who thinks about things, while Mitchell brings them to logic reason on the board. Of course Owen also uses reason, but in a more theoretical way. Owen studies foremost the formation and development of the universe.
Naturally i am the one who tries to keep things together here, but the crew can be enough headache and i'm not a scientist to understand the other part, so this is where Owen helps me out with. He is not really shy, but he isn't in need for much contact. His background information is closed to me. So i don't know where he came from. He just signed in at a station. I believe it was in the Taus somewhere. He spend his free time in the garden.

So. That's it. No others left..what you say? Me? Oh..darn! Now that you mentioned.. *smirks*

Silmathien Jirent - The foundress of the ship. Yay. That's me...almost..hihi. Since i had alot of help, this is not quite right but i did spent the most part of the money. Also i putting in a whole lot of motivation to satisfy others to follow our path and explore the world around and inside you. I was raised in Kusari on Honshu. As a little naive girl i joined the Farmers Alliance and shortly afterwards i 'getting up' working for Samura. Dad was proud at that time, but i wanted more; to see the stars, to be where no one dares to step, to search freedom in times of war. Of course i couldn't accomplish goals like that bond to a single house, so i left the branch and make preparations for a new life. Actually it was going pretty well. I met Frank first. We got that Bumblebee and startet to buy some installations for researching purposes. It was really hard to find people willing to join. Oh, it was not the part in finding them, just convincing them to freedom. Sirius is a damn jungle out there! And this wasn't a mission in 'surviving at all cost'. So i managed to convice Mitchell, Simon and - later on - Sally. So we were a bunch of peaceseeking lunatics on the road you could say. Later the things going easier as we had establish new contacts. The more people you know, the more people will know you. Easy as that. Uhm, about me..well i'm the honest type. Like i always say, i'm rating honesty higher then politeness. So, if you want something from me, you should speak clearly and not act like a slimy snitch on fertilized soil. I had some training in security - i can handle a weapon if i have to. Still..weapons are for the weak, so if you're strong you can solve problems in another way. My parents live in Nagano now i believe, not sure of that. Dad didn't wanted to see me so soon again, since he meant i disgraced him by leaving the Alliance. Mother is the kind person and always supported me, but she won't leave dad of course.
So what else?..Oh right - i never had a diplom or graduation. Funny eh? That's what i love about freelancing: You can get something up yourself without the needs of such useless papers. That's what they are in my eyes. Anyways, after Amberro joined we managed to get us the Geisha. Took us about a year to give her all the nice upgrades. Also the Mary, the A.I, was implemented. Mary is a remarkable intelligence. I don't know who did it. I recovered her from a wreck, i don't tell that. Mary is a taboo for outsiders, sorry. I just wanna say that i can carry her always with me. She has many forms and i don't risk losing her easily.
The reputation to other factions is changing most of the time (for the better i still hope). This is the repsheet at the moment.

[Image: screen2nn.jpg][Image: screen3di.jpg][Image: screen4ws.jpg][Image: screen5pn.jpg]
[Image: screen6nf.jpg][Image: screen7d.jpg][Image: screen8c.jpg][Image: screen9s.jpg][Image: screen10ey.jpg][Image: screen11p.jpg][Image: screen12l.jpg][Image: screen13d.jpg]
[Image: screen14v.jpg]

Guess since Mollys are just warjunkies we can't afford a peaceful relation. Same goes for the Wilds and Phantoms. I will not have Nomads on the red, but i only manage to get the Keepers on a 'slight' note on my green list, since they're trying to preserve knowledge and therefore should act defensively (means attacking if they get provoked). Well at least that's my theory. But there was also some info to me, that Sirius times before human arrival belonged to Nomads, so they may seem to 'guard' the whole sector which further means, they can attack in order to defend themselves. This is very dangerous to me, since i don't know how i should act when meeting them, especially while they share one identity. If the nomads tend to attack, maybe even the keepers won't hold back. But since they were here not directly to engage fights, i may get a lucky talk some other time.

A little more to the living here on the Silmathien. You may have noticed, that the ships name is the same as mine. Reason is simple: I named myself Silmathien. But the ship had no actual name (besides geisha number blah blah blah) and so i just give her mine. It's also easier to identify if the house police should ask about person or ship ID cause the actual person represents this ship, right? The last name should exclude a misconception of the ship and its captain.
Also there are the rules, that no one gets any information about any of my teammember. This ship offers you a new life and a new start. As long as you behave properly (no intentional hurting others, not try to bring dangers to the crew and such) there is no need to send you away. Also were suspicious of drugs, since it's forbidden to carry them in most of the systems. Slaves are a no-go. No deals are being made with such guys.
Also i want to mention that we don't deal with military directly. We always try to make out a research institution first, because honestly - we don't deal in weapons! And for a research purpose i will talk with researchers. Military is all about war. I can get along better with police forces, but still the ignorance behaviour that the scientific research is ranked under the military force shows clearly how less humanity has improved. This was the reason i cancelled the request to the Order guys. If the research section gets her directive from the military staff, i simply won't work with them.
Most of the factions don't trust indipendents, this specially happens to researchers. Of course we can get along with it, since we're quite capable of doing things ourselves, but also to show others that progress isn't depending on whole armies and numbers. To reach out means to see from many views, so i can understand why they do what they do, but that doesn't mean we have to agree with this. We research for progress, for peace and for harmony to other beings. If others looking for the same we gladly are interested in working with them.

[Image: 00000035.png]

So i feel i'm ready for the whirlpool on deck 1 now. See you in space. Take care and godspeed.
