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To: Rika Ito; Golden Chrysanthemums - Printable Version

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To: Rika Ito; Golden Chrysanthemums - jammi - 09-29-2011

To: Rika Ito; Golden Chrysanthemums
From: Andrew Peterson, ExSec, Bowex.
RE: Strengthening ties.
[Image: ClyBrig3.png]
Konnichiwa, esteemed sisters of the Golden Chrysanthemums. I have been elected to contact your honourable organisation as a representative of the Bowex corporation, the Exploration and Security division in particular. I was given this net address by the freelancer Ozei Ruousha, who spoke warmly of the Sisterhood.

Bretonia has always had sympathies for the Golden Chrysanthemum movement, with Queen Carinia even going so far as to endorse your movement as just. I myself feel the same, and find Kusari's stance toward the female gender to be base and barbaric. In light of this - among other things - the Bowex corporation wishes to strengthen its ties with the Sisterhood.

As you may know, ExSec wings of Clydesdale freighters have been launching 'trade-raid' missions deep into Kusari core space at my command. The KNF has taken our presence poorly, and now reacts with extreme aggression to see us off, much to our amusement. We would like to launch some joint operations with the Chrysanthemums. Docking rights on your installations would be a great boon, but we'll take these things one step at a time, yes?

Of course, it would be extremely rude of us to come to negotiations empty-handed. My own Clydesdale is standing by with a shipment of Luxury Consumer Goods, and the name plate of the Hogsha transport, [|]Purotekuta stashed safely aboard. You see, we, uh... 'forcefully salvaged it'. Consider these gifts to the Sisterhood. We can throw in choice symbolic bits and pieces from the two Samura transports we've recently brought down too, if it pleases you.

I will leave it to your good selves to decide what you would wish of us, in return for your good will. We are a shipping corporation of substantial expertise and reach - the Clydesdale Brigade especially so. We can obtain many of the supplies or luxuries you would find it difficult to attain by yourself. I pray we can forge a long lasting and mutually benificial relationship from these negotiations.
Yours sincerely,
~Andrew Peterson.

To: Rika Ito; Golden Chrysanthemums - Jansen - 09-30-2011

Incoming Transmission

Comm ID:Office of the Okasan

Konnichwa Andrew,

You did a good thing with the termination of this Hogosha, so you and your men will be welcome at our Ainu Depot, if you help to supply it with all necessary goods.
We need 2000 units of Food, 5000 units of Water and as many Luxury goods as you can get.

I am sure we could arrange joint operations as well once Ainu's supply has been secured.

-Okasan Ito

To: Rika Ito; Golden Chrysanthemums - jammi - 09-30-2011

To: Rika Ito; Golden Chrysanthemums
From: Andrew Peterson, ExSec, Bowex.
RE: Strengthening ties.
Well, we thought we'd best pounce on this order immediately. Myself in the BES Leeson, and Mr Trevena of the BES Darwin got it done. You'll find 5,000 units of water, 2,000 units of food rations and 3,497 units of luxury consumer goods. You'll also find the name plate of the Hogsha transport [|]Purotekuta, the captain's chair from the Samura|-Regent.Seven and some kind of odd looking restraining frame that must have come from the captain's cabin of the Samura train .:.Mexon.:.. There were some unusual rubber suits that were salvaged with it, but we were frankly uncomfortable with having them on our ships, so they were airlocked.

Here's pictorial evidence of the deliveries. You'll find the goods stowed in Deck Warehouses E2 and Storage Depot 2. For the second leg of our journey, we were actually accosted by some of the AFA. Or rather, I was. I'd been causing trouble in New Tokyo, y'see, and... Well, I digress. I'll leave you a log for your viewing pleasure. You'll find the Brigade is an extremely useful tool when it comes to shattering enemy morale. Here you are.

With that little condition out the way, it seems we can do business.
Yours sincerely,
~Andrew Peterson.

To: Rika Ito; Golden Chrysanthemums - jammi - 10-04-2011

To: Rika Ito; Golden Chrysanthemums
From: Andrew Peterson, ExSec, Bowex.
RE: Strengthening ties.
If you're requiring more proof that we shan't be a burden on your supplies, we can provide more proof of our prowess. Several more Samura and Hogsha transports have fallen under our guns. Your dockmaster also appears to be allowing us to dock, ever since we delivered those supplies. We thank you for this, but we are interested in further developing our two groups' ties.

If I may be so bold, I would like to station a liaison officer on Aniu in order to facilitate coordination between our two groups. You would of course be entitled to the same privilege on Scarborough or Lancaster - we would be more than happy to permanently house one agent of your choosing. So far as I understand, you require a certain, ah... 'commodity', to facilitate day-to-day survival.

Your agent would have to bring it with her. Bowex will not have it aboard our ships. No more than five units at a time may be transported through Bretonia, either. We would request that such supplies were kept locked in a secure container, where they could not be tampered with, too.

This is of course, depending on your interest in this proposal. We would very much like to hear back from you.
Yours sincerely.
~Andrew Peterson.

To: Rika Ito; Golden Chrysanthemums - Jansen - 10-05-2011

Incoming Transmission

Comm ID:Office of the Okasan

Konnichwa Andrew,

I will send an agent to Scarborough later today, she is aware of the restrictions she will have to follow on board of your bases. You are welcome to send your agent to Ainu, but bear in mind that Ainu's air is filled with Cardamine and that your agent should be using it as well, so that we will not have to worry about security leaks.

-Okasan Ito

To: Rika Ito; Golden Chrysanthemums - jammi - 10-05-2011

To: Rika Ito; Golden Chrysanthemums
From: Andrew Peterson, ExSec, Bowex.
RE: Strengthening ties.
I had heard from one of your sisters that Cardamine was diffused into the air supply. I was assured that the concentration was low enough as to have no effect on me and my staff when we were using the outpost as a staging ground. That said, even a small dosage would prove problematic if there was exposure over a long period of time.

You must understand that I cannot sanction the unwilling addiction to Cardamine of one of my staff. It would be frankly, inhumane. I doubt any would agree to it willingly, either. Optimistically, the problem of security should not be an issue. We are certainly not going to give information to any of Kusari's lawful (or unlawful, for that matter) authorities, who happily kill us on sight. Bowex has a long history of discretion, so we won't be slipping the Chysanthemum's secrets to anyone. You won't even have to worry about our liaison being captured and tortured into leaking details - she'll be staying on Aniu under your protection.

Should you be willing to graciously wave aside your request for addiction, I may have a way around the issue of the Cardamine present in the ventilation systems. When working in certain industrial areas of Planet Leeds, Bowex staff are issued with an 'OxyLung'. This is a small machine that is worn as a choker around the neck. It is, in effect, a tiny shield generator that creates an air-tight barrier bubble that covers the mouth and nose. A tube feeds this space with oxygen from a tank that can either be strapped to the thigh, or hung from a belt. It doesn't impede speech, and provides 6 hours of shallow breathing.

My liasion would also be able to sleep in her own Clydesdale's cabin, which uses its own internal atmosphere anyway. We would of course dispatch her with the necessary supplies of oxygen required to keep her ship fresh. We would not want to place a burden on your own supply chain, nor cause you additional hassle. I will prep a room on Scarborough, ready for your agent's arrival too.

As it happens, when the station was renovated 15 years ago, the medical bay was moved. We could place your sister in one of the old quarantine rooms. You see, these had their own seperate atmospheric systems due to the previously pressing need to contain airborne contagions. It was considered cheaper to maintain these systems as they were, so they're still functional. I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this. Well, I've said too much already. I'd best see what you think, before I ramble any further.
Yours sincerely,
~Andrew Peterson.

To: Rika Ito; Golden Chrysanthemums - Jansen - 10-08-2011

Incoming Transmission

Comm ID:Office of the Okasan

Konnichwa Andrew,

You convinced me, I will allow your agent to stay on Ainu with this 'OxyLung', but I am sure that you will be able to understand that we can not grant her access to all sections of the base. Sleeping in her own ship seems to be a good solution to avoid an addiction.

We will await your agents arrival.

-Okasan Ito

To: Rika Ito; Golden Chrysanthemums - jammi - 10-09-2011

[Image: ClydeDock.jpg]
To: The Office of the Okasan; Andrew Peterson, ExSec.
From: Claire Browning, ExSec liaison.
RE: Operations.
I arrived on the station a short while ago, aboard the BES Pankhurst. I've placed it in a temporary holding pattern, as indicated by your dockmaster, until it can be stored somewhere slightly more permanent. My Clydesdale has been refitted to include both an office and an extended cabin, so my living arrangements will not be a problem. I have been equipped with sufficient Oxygen and Food Rations as to not drain your own reserves. I will require a supply of Water, however. I brought a shipment of Luxury Consumer Goods with me, as a gift from the Bowex corporation.

[Image: Agentsupplies.jpg]
I also wish to know which sections of the station are open access to me, and which are restricted. I am sure this will remove the possibility of misunderstands later on. That said, I am greatly anticipating serving alongside the Chrysanthemum movement. The sexist discrimination prevalent in Kusari is, frankly, criminal. I can begin my role of liaison immediately. I will forward you news of inbound Brigade convoys. Should you wish Bowex support in any of your operations, I will also be able to send your request home, too.
Should you wish to brief me in person, simply say the word.

To: Rika Ito; Golden Chrysanthemums - Jansen - 10-09-2011

Incoming Transmission

Comm ID:Office of the Okasan

Konnichwa Claire,

Its good to see that you were able to arrive here this fast and most of all safe.
You will be allowed to enter everything onboard of this base, except the commanding area, the fighters flight deck and our sisters rooms if they did not allow you to enter them.

You will be informed about possibilities for joint operations by our squadron leaders.

-Okasan Ito