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To: Doctor Holliday - Printable Version

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To: Doctor Holliday - Adam_Spire - 10-02-2011

Incoming Transmission
Transmission Origin: Relayed from Munich
Vessel ID: [FL]-FireHawk
Sender ID: Adam Spire

[Image: spire3.png]

To Doctor Holliday.

To be honest I'€™ve only started hearing about you when your name was mentioned in the talks between Bretionia and Rheinland, so I decided to look you up. Only recorded things I could find about you were that you have a bit of experience in negotiations as well as helping with the plague that was aboard the cruise liner Hawaii some months ago. Only positive things.

I commissioned a liner OSC-Perth-Rescue when Orbital Spa and Cruise was in its prime. It was an agreement I had with one of the freelancer working with me to help evacuate the people of Leeds to be free the war torn system. Captain Richard Wills, who has commanded the OSC-Perth-Rescue has evacuated approximately 56,700 residents of the planet Leeds to the developing planet Holstein in Frankfurt. He places the lives of the people above all else and the liner is capable of defending itself as a last resort.

With the untimely war between those two nations, it was impossible to see to the evacuation of those people until now.

As a result, I'€™d like to also extend the services of the OSC-Perth-Rescue to you Doctor, for the time you'€™ll be arbiter in these handling negotiations. If you need any supplies or transportation, contact Captain Richard Wills and he will divert to your location.

It'€™s the best way I can thank you for putting yourself in the middle if a situation that most would just turn a blind eye to. Thank you for helping us.

Transmission timed out

When a person trades freedom for stability, in the end, they will loose them both.

To: Doctor Holliday - Adam_Spire - 10-13-2011

Repeat Transmission