[Archived] The Liberty Surplus Requisitioning Center - The Republic Of Liberty - 10-05-2011
All applicants;
Welcome to the Liberty Surplus Requisitioning Center.
Current Status: Open.
FOREWARNING: The Forces of Liberty will repossess any and all equipment leased here if it is found to be used against the code of conduct.
Restricted Items
The following items are unavailable due to high demand from actively serving members of the Forces of Liberty:
- none
Available Guns and Turrets:
Pricing will be arranged on a case-by-case basis.
Available Small Vessels:
Pricing will be arranged on a case-by-case basis.
Available Capital Ships
Pricing will be arranged on a case-by-case basis.
Code of Conduct
• Items must not be used to damage or destroy any civilian, government or lawfully allied property.
• Items must not be used against the interests of the Republic of Liberty.
• Items must not be traded, loaned or given away to any other entities.
• Items must not be disassembled, backwards-engineered or in any way analysed for the purposes of reproduction.
• All items are loaned and not sold. They remain the property of the Liberty Navy until destruction. They cannot be decommissioned or left abandoned whilst in the possession of the loanee.
• Under special circumstances, the Liberty Navy has the right to immediately requisition any and all loaned items back for use at their full disposal.
Due to the following:
' Wrote:* Once equipment is approved, then it stays approved, no matter what happens in roleplay or in the personal situation between the involved parties, unless terms and conditions on it are explicitly stated BEFOREHAND and agreed by both parties.
This means that factions cannot withdraw permission to use white cell technology and then submit a violation report because the player suddenly has unauthorised technology.
If appropriate, in role play, concerned player(s) can be killed, FR5'ed by faction(s). But the equipment rights remain.
All participants must fill out the following form. This in order for the Republic to obtain the required explicit agreement for the enforcment of the removal of granted equipment:
Code: [color=#66FFFF]Full name:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]---[/color]
[color=#66FFFF]Callsign of ship in question:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]---[/color]
[color=#66FFFF]Equipment requested:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]---[/color]
[color=#66FFFF]Reason for request:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]---[/color]
[color=#66FFFF]Proof of good standing with the forces of Liberty:[/color]
[color=#66FFFF][b]I consent to having the equipment requested above removed upon breaking the Code of Conduct.[/b][/color] [color=#FFFFFF][][/color]
If your application is successful, your form will be quoted in the response you receive from the Surplus Requisitioning Centre. Please note that, generally speaking, the more you wish to apply for, the better the reason you must have. A pair of Magma Hammers is much less of a deal than a Liberty Siege Cruiser, for example.
Here is an example of a form submission:
Quote:Full name: James O'Brian
Exact callsign of ship in question: Facemelter
Equipment requested: Two (2) Magma Hammer V's
Reason for request: My current weaponry is inadequate for the tasks I wish to complete. Those tasks are usually security enforcement for parties willing to pay for a helping hand, an example of which is escort services for trade vessels or bounty hunting criminals in the service of Liberty.
Proof of good standing with the forces of Liberty:
• http://i54.tinypic.com/24pw65u.png
• http://i56.tinypic.com/b7dlpd.png
I consent to having the equipment requested above removed upon breaking the Code of Conduct. [x]
Please make all communications to the head of the Liberty Surplus Requisitioning Center, Andrew Brown.
[[[[ Due to the changes in the rules governing the server, it is imperative, to prevent our technology being used against us, that we retain the rights to have our technology removed at our discretion. However, this does not mean a return to the previous status quo, where you could find your technology grant removed for personal reasons that are not relevant to the roleplay currently in motion.
For the Republic to remove your granted ships or equipment, we will attempt to contact you by the communications section to either discuss the current arrangements, or notify you of a repossession. In the case of the latter, we will present the necessary information and evidence (if applicable) as to why your technology grant is being revoked. If you do not respond to attempts for us to contact you on the communication channel, unless there are extenuating circumstances (such as real life injury, illness, family issues or schooling responsibilities) that we recognise later, your equipment will be revoked. An example of why permission for equipment is being revoked could be that you were found to be in breach the laws of Liberty while within her borders, and consequently your ship was shot down, suicided or otherwise exploded. It wont simply be a superfluous reason or a stealth retraction of a grant as it may have been with other factions in the past. This means that if your equipment is repossessed, it will happen with roleplay backing.
However, just because we can remove technology grants, does not mean that we will in all cases. If you wish to continue your roleplay in a particular direction that may conflict with the agreed terms, contact one of the six factions that lead the Republic of Liberty; that is, the Liberty Navy [LN], the Liberty Security Force =LSF=, the Liberty Police Incorporated LPI-, Deep Space Engineering DSE), Ageira Technologies Ageira| and Universal Shipping Incorporated [*USI*]. You should find your way to their leaders, who are participating in the Liberty Government, and we will discuss the situation. Alternatively, you can PM one of the faction leaders of the six factions to inquire about a continuation of your RP.
The important thing is to get into contact with somebody in the Liberty Government so that we can discuss it. Of course we would like to know who is asking to continue their RP in such a way, because we may want to contact you about it and ask you for more details before coming to a decision. This is by no means a guarantee of being able to keep the technology you had in the past, but it at least puts the question up for debate.
By requesting tech and ticking the box indicating your consent to have your equipment removed, you recognise the above out of roleplay addendum, its meaning and its spirit. This means that you are recognising that your requested technology can be removed for roleplay reasons as explicit agreements have been made, as specified by the rules as they are written.
If you have any questions about it, please contact one of the six factions listed above. ]]]]
The Liberty Surplus Requisitioning Center - Helo - 10-08-2011
Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Jeffrey Parker, Director of Defense, ICMG
Quote:Full name: Jeffrey Parker , On behalf of ICMG fighter wing.
Callsign of ship in question:
Equipment requested: Twenty four (24) Magma Hammer Mk.V plasma cannons
Reason for request: As you might be aware of the situation in Taus, Outcasts are frequently attacking Guild ships within Tau 23 and Tau 37. We are forced to fightsuperior numbers and ships. Weapons currently used by our pilots aren't enough to defend against such a threat. Magma Hammers have much better potential then tachyon cannons. We hope that they will help us against this threat.
Proof of good standing with the forces of Liberty:
I consent to having the equipment requested above removed upon breaking the Code of Conduct. [X]
Transmission Terminated
The Liberty Surplus Requisitioning Center - The Republic Of Liberty - 10-11-2011
Jeffrey Parker;
From what I can see from your request, those weapons will not serve the interests of the Republic directly or indirectly due to the territorial proximity of the Tau systems. In addition, you are asking for a large consignment of Magma Hammer weapons.
The above factors lead me to conclude that each weapon will cost the ICMG 6 million credits. This is a very high number, especially when you multiply it by 24. In addition, I've heard that the Magma Hammer is a weapon which is most commonly used to supplement the firepower output of a VHF which also mounts very rare codename weaponry. If you wish to mount six magma hammers on each craft, this seems a little counterproductive to the effectiveness of your vessels that you wish to boost.
Does your request remain the same? If so, please provide the 144 million credits to the account Ferris.Dufresne and then provide proof of that transaction here. I will then reply confirming the receipt of credits and will present a quote of your original request and a quote of the equipment permissions to be added to the database.
- Andrew Brown, Head of the Liberty Surplus Requisitioning Center.
The Liberty Surplus Requisitioning Center - Helo - 10-11-2011
Incoming Transmission
[color=#FFFFFF][font=Century Gothic]Comm ID: Jeffrey Parker, Director of Defense, ICMG
[font=Century Gothic]Mister Brown,
We have discussed the case and our request remains valid.
The credits should be already on the account.
[font=Century Gothic]Jeffrey Parker , ICMG.
[font=Century Gothic][color=#FFFFFF]Transmission Terminated
The Liberty Surplus Requisitioning Center - The Republic Of Liberty - 10-11-2011
Jeffrey Parker;
Mister Parker, you must know something I don't.
Regardless, you've agreed to abide by the code of conduct and paid out the requested amount of credits to the relevant account.
Here is your receipt.
' Wrote:Full name: Jeffrey Parker , On behalf of ICMG fighter wing.
Callsign of ship in question:
Equipment requested: Twenty four (24) Magma Hammer Mk.V plasma cannons
Reason for request: As you might be aware of the situation in Taus, Outcasts are frequently attacking Guild ships within Tau 23 and Tau 37. We are forced to fightsuperior numbers and ships. Weapons currently used by our pilots aren't enough to defend against such a threat. Magma Hammers have much better potential then tachyon cannons. We hope that they will help us against this threat.
Proof of good standing with the forces of Liberty:
I consent to having the equipment requested above removed upon breaking the Code of Conduct. [X]
Quote:Exact Player/Group Name(s): ICMG[SL44A]Sapphire
Exact Technology Granted: 6 Magma Hammer V guns
Exact Player/Group Name(s): ICMG[SL27M]Rubidium
Exact Technology Granted: 6 Magma Hammer V guns
Exact Player/Group Name(s): ICMG[SL69D]Magnesite
Exact Technology Granted: 6 Magma Hammer V guns
Exact Player/Group Name(s): ICMG[SL78A]Backalite
Exact Technology Granted: 6 Magma Hammer V guns
Good to do business with you.
- Andrew Brown, Head of the Liberty Surplus Requisitioning Center.
The Liberty Surplus Requisitioning Center - Ageira Technologies - 10-16-2011
To: Andrew Brown; Liberty Surplus Requisitioning Center.
From: James Lewis, head of Materials & Acquisitions Department, Ageira Technologies
Callsigns of ships in question: Valhalla|Erebus; Valhalla|Andrus; Valhalla|Overlord.
Equipment requested: 17x Liberty Gunboat Primary Turret, 2x Liberty Gunboat Missile Turret. (5/1, 5/1, 7.)
Reason for request: Valhalla Solutions is a private security firm, operating as a subcontractor of Ageira Technologies. We are currently in the process of refitting their Gunboat-class vessels, and require the highest standard of equipment for these ships. The gunboats in question are often deployed as heavy escorts for large convoys, or as pirate interdiction in the more lawless areas around Liberty and the surrounding independent worlds.
Proof of good standing with the forces of Liberty:
I consent to having the equipment requested above removed upon breaking the Code of Conduct. [X]
The aforementioned Valhalla vessels have been absorbed into Ageira Corporate Security.
Their identifications are as follows:
- ATG-Erebus
- ATG-Andrus
The Liberty Surplus Requisitioning Center - The Republic Of Liberty - 10-16-2011
James Lewis;
The Republic of Liberty has always been grateful for the level of knowledge that Ageira technologies has provided the house. In particular, we also appreciate the favourable and long-term contract that you and the Republic have concerning armament supplies to the Liberty forces.
Therefore, it is my pleasure to grant you the weapons you seek free of charge. Ageira technologies' interests are always in line with those of the Republic, and we would be shooting ourselves in the foot were we to levy fees or other additional services in exchange.
Here is your receipt.
Quote:From: James Lewis, head of Materials & Acquisitions Department, Ageira Technologies
Callsigns of ships in question: Valhalla|Erebus; Valhalla|Andrus; Valhalla|Overlord.
Equipment requested: 17x Liberty Gunboat Primary Turret, 2x Liberty Gunboat Missile Turret. (5/1, 5/1, 7.)
Reason for request: Valhalla Solutions is a private security firm, operating as a subcontractor of Ageira Technologies. We are currently in the process of refitting their Gunboat-class vessels, and require the highest standard of equipment for these ships. The gunboats in question are often deployed as heavy escorts for large convoys, or as pirate interdiction in the more lawless areas around Liberty and the surrounding independent worlds.
Proof of good standing with the forces of Liberty:
I consent to having the equipment requested above removed upon breaking the Code of Conduct. [X]
Quote:Exact Player/Group Name(s): Valhalla|Erebus
Exact Technology Granted: 5 Liberty Gunboat Primary Turrets, 1 Liberty Gunboat Missile Turret
Exact Player/Group Name(s): Valhalla|Andrus
Exact Technology Granted: 5 Liberty Gunboat Primary Turrets, 1 Liberty Gunboat Missile Turret
Exact Player/Group Name(s): Valhalla|Overlord
Exact Technology Granted: 7 Liberty Gunboat Primary Turrets
The Republic owes much of its good fortune to Ageira technologies, and with this we make clear our long-term commitment to its prosperity, and the prosperity of the house in which it resides.
- Andrew Brown, Head of the Liberty Surplus Requisitioning Center.
The Liberty Surplus Requisitioning Center - SMI-Great.Fox - 10-18-2011
Full name: Pope Brettonias ---
Callsign of ship in question: [TAZ]The.Maverick.I ---
Equipment requested: One Guardian class Fighter ---
Reason for request:Due to the aging nature and unavailablility of a suitable replacement vessel, I have decided to look into the surplus center of Liberty, hoping to find a replacement to my Charon. Although faced with the stable option of choosing a Sabre or such, I felt it was within rights to look abroad into other available options, most notably within reach is the designs given by Liberty. ---
Proof of good standing with the forces of Liberty:
---File 1---
I consent to having the equipment requested above removed upon breaking the Code of Conduct. [x]
The Liberty Surplus Requisitioning Center - The Republic Of Liberty - 10-23-2011
Pope Brettonias;
First of all, nice ears.
More importantly, I was wavering about your request and very likely to question you further as to your intentions, especially as the TAZ are a group I wouldn't normally think to be in need of military hardware. However, I made some inquiries as to the thoughts of various people of importance and the LPI expressed to me their concern about you, specifically the part where you were once an attendee at the prison station that they maintain in Illinois.
They were unwilling to give me details, but that isn't something I particularly care about. It's not exactly a tourist destination.
Due to this, your request for a Guardian is unfortunately denied.
- Andrew Brown, Head of the Liberty Surplus Requisitioning Center.
The Liberty Surplus Requisitioning Center - Syrus - 10-26-2011
>> Comm. ID: IMG|Erzengel (Mina Juliana Irrlicht)
>> Source: Planet Honshu, Honshu
>> Target: Andrew Brown, Liberty Surplus Requisitioning Center, Liberty
>> Encryption: VERY HIGH
Greetings mister Brown,
I would like to submit the following weapons request.
Quote:Full name:
Mina Juliana Irrlicht
Callsign of ship in question:
Equipment requested:
2x "Magma Hammer" Plasma Gun Mk IV
4x "Magma Hammer" Plasma Cannon Mk V
1x "Magma Hammer" Plasma Turret Mk V
Reason for request:
The weapons would be very usefull for me, because I am flying a heavy fighter which does
not have a powercore strong enough to support energy hungry weapons and from what I heard about the
details of those Magma Hammers, they have a very high energy efficiency. The slow refiring does suit my
combatstyle of "hit-and-run", rather scoring one hard hit than many small ones. Thanks to Liberty's fine
engineering skills those weapons are also significantly more powerfull than the Vampires we have available,
even though those are not bad. Statistics say they, being plasma-based weapons, are a more usefull
against the widely used Graviton-shields.
Now, you probably wonder how me being granted those weapons would help Liberty.
As you might know, we, the IMG, are very close to the Outcasts homeworld or core systems, as it seems.
We are in a constant struggle with them, fighting even bigger battles almost on a daily basis. We know that
you have problems with them as well - mainly with the drugs they spread throughout the houses. Those
transports often try flying through our space - and of course we stop them and destroy the dangerous
poison whenever possible. It seems we sit on one of their major supply lines, but being so close to them
also has the downside of their quick response with defense forces, when we target their transports. Maybe I
would not help you directly with those weapons, but indirectly our pressure on the Outcasts in the Taus
should influence their strength in the houses.
Proof of good standing with the forces of Liberty:
I consent to having the equipment requested above removed upon breaking the Code of Conduct. [X]
I look forward to your response.
Yours respectfully,
Mina Juliana Irrlicht