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It was, mostly, a pleasant run. - Printable Version

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It was, mostly, a pleasant run. - Snak5 - 10-05-2011

So, my regular letter and stuff.

Thanks to all guys and girls I had fun with, to people, who supported me, to people who I had honor to work with.

To mom and dad.

& stuff.

Since I don't feel like participating in most of the discussions, due to negativity, aggressiveness and general jerk-ness, I decided not to do it anymore.
I feel like I am subject to various, less than wanted, discussions, flames, trolling etc. Thus I do not wish to disturb your communication on the internet.

I will keep on roleplaying my characters, developing and improving factions I'm in, which shouldn't draw much of negativity from, around or to me anymore.

Thanks for the fun when and while it lasted.

Apologies to people I kept disappointing.

Best of luck to all of you.

Special thanks to:
Avalanche, for being the most awesome person in Disco;
Cannon, for being FLhook pro;
Marcus, for having so much fun out of Disco gameplay;

sadtranslation, for being who -it- is;
Vitaly, for being the best lagnom ever.

I have spoken and that is all.

It was, mostly, a pleasant run. - Ophiuchi - 10-05-2011


See you tomorrow, then.

It was, mostly, a pleasant run. - McNeo - 10-05-2011

Did you just FIST yourself off the forums?

It was, mostly, a pleasant run. - Dane Summers - 10-05-2011

Whatever you plan on doing, dude, have fun and enjoy.

Take care out there

It was, mostly, a pleasant run. - Enoch - 10-05-2011

' Wrote:Did you just FIST yourself off the forums?
That was, oh so clever.

It was, mostly, a pleasant run. - Alley - 10-05-2011

You are taking the section of a gaming forum that is made for having fun seriously, on the internet.


It was, mostly, a pleasant run. - dodike - 10-05-2011

' Wrote:Okey.

See you tomorrow, then.

It was, mostly, a pleasant run. - jxie93 - 10-05-2011

gg no re kthnxbai

It was, mostly, a pleasant run. - Avalanche - 10-05-2011

Shame to see you go kid, I know we had a moment of anger towards eachother in the IC-Leadership moment but you're a good egg and well the folks on here aren't really worth paying any real attention too. Three quarters of them are losers anyway. Stay safe man and hope you enjoy your time away.

Also if you do come back, just give me a nudge and I can help you out and I have just some questions:

Who is IC leadership now? (I don't want it back anymore, just for personal curiosities sake)

It was, mostly, a pleasant run. - Febreze - 10-05-2011

Little babby charlie will miss the SWAT 4 games...