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New activity in Gallia - Printable Version

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New activity in Gallia - Jam - 10-06-2011

If you are interested in being involved in some new kind of activity in Gallia, with interaction with other specific sirius organisations, and RP and PVP opportunity (mostly RP), PM me. People already in Bretonian, Gallic, or Outcast factions may have special interest.

New activity in Gallia - Loken - 10-06-2011

You'll get more interest if you tell us more about it.

New activity in Gallia - Jam - 10-06-2011

You will recieve further information via PM.

New activity in Gallia - Loken - 10-06-2011

I'm just saying people are more likely to PM you if they have a vague idea of what you have planned.

New activity in Gallia - Dieter Schprokets - 10-06-2011

Jam just doesn't wanna ruin the surprise.

Not that this is a big deal.

Not surprise like "I got a Porche for Christmas!"

No, more like "Yup. Thanks for the socks."

Well, better than socks...

New activity in Gallia - Malaclypse 666 - 10-06-2011

It would at least be nice to know which side of the Gallic fence we're talking about here...

New activity in Gallia - xjohnnywrath - 10-06-2011

Interested, but only if the price is right.

New activity in Gallia - SpaceTime - 10-06-2011

My freelancer character is currently there. If he receives a proposition, he might be interested in accepting it.

But ye, Loken is right. You just need to give us a clue.

New activity in Gallia - Mallory & Lambert Logistics - 10-06-2011

What's so difficult? PM him. And get the information, if you are interested in the rp idea. *shrugs* =) I did, it's interesting. =)

New activity in Gallia - Narcotic - 10-07-2011

*sends PM and imagines how this RP idea could look like*