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To the Outcasts - Printable Version

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To the Outcasts - Corsair - 10-07-2011

Incoming Audio-Video transmission.
Transmission source: Tau Space
Decrypting data...

Redirection to transmission

Manuscript of transmission:

Greetings to the Outcast humans of Omicron Alpha, planet of Malta. We, the ExMortis, bid you welcome. I am the Speaker. I communicate on behalf of my people. The ExMortis contacted you a year ago for Cardamine. You graciously and generously provided some. Shortly after, however, we were almost wiped out. We only just recovered. Now, we seek your help again. Our peoples can aid one another. We still require Cardamine and a place to repair our ship: A Kusari Naval Forces Destroyer. In return, we pledge to support you in battle and to give you the classified information stored on our computers. They contain Kusari patrol routes, ship specifications, and political developments. And, of course, any debris we find.. Or create, will be towed back to you to recycle. We will exempt you and your allies from becoming potential hosts. We expect the same courtesy in return..

We eagerly await your reply.

To the Outcasts - Patrician - 10-08-2011

...Incoming transmission...encryption Ibiza Purple....matched....transmission begins
Comm ID: Brandon Garrison, Admiral 101st Ghosts of Razgriz
Location: Charbydis Naval Base, Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha

Buenas dias, Senor. You are of course welcome to our Cardamine, but I do not know if we CAN fix your ship. Oh, we can repair hull damage and the like, but without the dedicated parts made by the KNF I do not know if we can match your internal systems. I will have to get in touch with Valetta and see what we can do. Before we do anything however, we would need to know more about you. The part about 'hosts' is particularly disconcerting. Also, as we are hostile to Kusari, I wouldnt bring your ship near our space unless we escort you in. Our system defenders tend to be zealous in their duties and it wouldnt be the first time a KNF destroyer came to Alpha.

Garrison, Brandon Adm.
101st Ghosts of Razgriz

...transmission ends...

To the Outcasts - Corsair - 10-08-2011

Of course, honored friends in the expanse of space.. We will tell you of ourselves. We are the ExMortis, and to be explained simply.. We are a viral machine life form. A year ago, a group of Corsair and Order scientists on board the Osiris-class battleship 'Jelkanar' attempted to reverse the aging process using nanobots. Long story short, the experiment failed and the crew died. The nanobots were re-activated by a virus that was also being developed on board the Jelkanar, and the corpses re-animated. The walking corpses proceeded to infect the rest of the crew in any way possible, primarily by biting and spitting.

I, the Speaker, watched the Jelkanar be destroyed by Bounty Hunters. I survived and now seek to re-build my species. On the Jelkanar, I was not the leader. I was merely a communicator. But now I am responsible for the lives of my people.

But enough about the past. The present is what's important. We will not trespass into your space yet. If it is possible, we would meet a freighter or transport at the Freeport outside your space. We will bring whatever payment you feel is necessary. While we no longer require Cardamine to live, we need it to manufacture new viruses to infect new hosts.

And when I say infect, this is what I mean: the ExMortis virus attacks the nervous system of the victim, and completely takes it over. Once the victim is dead, the virus manufactures nanobots inside the victim's body using materials from the surrounding tissue. Within a few minutes of death, the nanobots reanimate the body, under the control of the virus.

We realize this is a grotesque and horrifying method of procreation, but we give you our word that neither you nor your allies are in danger from us. If we should find one of your pilots in space, we will return them to you unharmed.

For the matter of acquiring parts for our ship, we have several spare parts in storage that were to be used in emergencies. By our estimates, they are enough to protect us from five catastrophic injuries. After that, we will have to find some other method. Unfortunately, we do not possess the design specifications to manufacture the parts in question. Until we do, we are quite vulnerable.

We shall be ready to make the exchange of Cardamine in a few hours; we have some last minute preparations to complete. We eagerly await your next transmission.

To the Outcasts - Corsair - 10-08-2011

We are in position near the Freeport to perform the exchange. We stick out like the proverbial sore thumb, so we would appreciate a more official declaration that we are not to be hassled by your allies. We do not wish to see this friendship die over a misunderstanding..

To the Outcasts - Patrician - 10-09-2011

...Incoming transmission...encryption Ibiza Purple....matched....transmission begins
Comm ID: Brandon Garrison, Admiral 101st Ghosts of Razgriz
Location: Charbydis Naval Base, Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha

Given the way you....reproduce Im even less comfortable with the idea of letting you land on one of our stations. Still, we may be able to set up EMP pulse generators around a repair dock to sterilize the area and make sure no nanobots go...missing. That is a question for the engineers.

I will have a ship load up with Orange and head to Freeport Ten. We can make a trade in that vicinity. This gets you the cargo you need and keeps you safely out of Alpha. I trust this will be acceptable.

Garrison, Brandon Adm.
101st Ghosts of Razgriz

...transmission ends...