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The Time of Truth - Printable Version

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The Time of Truth - Jam - 10-09-2011

It was getting late. Falling towards the desk, only thing he could see was bright light reflected from the papers on desk. Papers, many papers, too many papers. Schemes and drawings, mathematical solutions, reports. All written by himself. After the long work, he fell asleep....

"Hey, wake up. Do you hear me? Wake up." These words passed his ears. He got up to see his colleague standing next to him. "We need to pass the results to the Armed Forces." "Oh, damn. Did I fall asleep?" He shruged, and grabbed all the papers lying on the desk. "Let's go, then."

They left the room, and walked into a long corridor with windows facing Planet Cambridge. After a while, they entered the hangar. "Wait here, let me inform them." Said one of them, heading to comms office to send out this transmittion:

Quote:Honourable Admirals of the Armed Forces,
Everything goes as scheduled, we are now moving to Winchester Station in Salisbury. Please, inform some more important pilots of the fleet to come along aswell, it might interest them.
We are looking forward to meeting you.

Dr. James Collins


Collins came back to the hangar to his colleague. "Is the Shire ready?" "Yes, it is. We are loading up now." "Good, we are leaving in 10 minutes." He looked around to see the progress of his work. The time of truth arrived. Everyone entered the Shire, which took off shortly after.

The Time of Truth - Jam - 10-09-2011

Commodore Clay was in his chambers on board of HMS Sovereign, when he caught this message. He immediately contacted the rest of the fleet: "We got some action going on in Salisbury, Winchester Station. You're welcome to join." He then quickly dressed up unto his uniform, and left for the hangars to leave.

The Time of Truth - stardust47 - 10-09-2011

James Barett had just got off patrol when he heard of the event in Salisbury. Interested, he headed back out to see what was going on.

The Time of Truth - Junes - 10-09-2011

Exceptionally, Layla returned to the residence in Cambridge while John spent the night onboard the Sovereign. She had been extremely weary from the last week, especially from the grand fight in Dublin which had occured the other day. She was roused by the brash ringe tone of her multifunctional datapad. Rubbing her eyes she grumbled: "Huh... action in Salisbury, at this time of the day?!" she said slightly moodily. "I won't miss that, no I ain't." She jumped out of her bed, suddenly being of good cheer, looking forward to be part of the entertainment.

The Time of Truth - Gruffalo - 10-09-2011

Lucas was just entering his apartment on New London, after taking some shore leave for the weekend. Glad to be out of the perpetual rain, Lucas was just out of his jacket and settling down for a nice day in when his BAF issued pager shrieked at him, bestirred, he stood up and fished it from his jacket pocket. "Action in Salisbury!?". Quickly standing up, he retrieved his still wet jacket and mumbled "Well, duty calls", Stepping outside his apartment, he hailed a hovertaxi and it sped of towards the Shuttleport, where a Armed Forces shuttle was standing by to take him to BAF Kenley, where his Templar awaited.

The Time of Truth - Jim.Solo - 10-10-2011

Lieutenant James '€œJimbo'€ Barnes stepped off the Armoured Transport that had just docked with the Essex. This was going to be is 2nd tour aboard the Essex, but somebody has to keep an eye on the Mollys!

He walked through the hanger deck and reported to the Deck Officer:
'€œNothing going at the mo'€™ Jimbo; might as well go and get your head down for a bit'€

Jimbo meandered through the ships corridors, to the quarters he was assigned. His roommate wasn'€™t about so he got into his bunk and started reading through some research his daughter had sent him ( she's a Market Researcher for Cryer Pharmaceuticals) most of it didn'€™t make sense but it looked like her suspicions of the LSF having agents within Cryer are true and it would appear some of them are on Cambridge; this concerned him.

Suddenly the video screen lit up

*Incoming Transmission*

Sender: Classified

"We got some action going on in Salisbury, Winchester Station. You're welcome to join."

*End Transmission*

He jumped from his bunk and dropped the iPad XIV on the floor; and without a word he left the room and headed straight for the hanger bay.

The Time of Truth - Dieter Schprokets - 10-15-2011

[Image: James_Layton_Ralston.jpg]

Fleet Admiral James Ralston looked at his watch.

The Bridge of the Harlow was lousy with boffins. He was interested in boffins' accomplishments only in the sense and to the extent that one day he would not have to be interested, after they helped win the war. Other than that, he could not abide their techno-babble. Give us the tools. Show us how to use them. Get out of the way.

It was after noon. A trip to the mess for a snifter was justifiable.

The Time of Truth - Rubber_Duck - 10-19-2011

Commodore Finlay O'Dukes was sitting in his command chair, on the bridge of the HMS-Conqueror.

The intercom beeped.

"Sir? We have an incoming message, high priority" the comm officer turned to O'Dukes. "It's adressed to you, personally, Sir."

"Let me see, comander." Finlay answered. He took a look on the message, it was a carbon copy, directed to him by the admiralty. "Dr. Collins ..." he mumbled. "I just heard rumours of what he was doing. Could be worth to have a look upon." He turned to the navigational officer. "Lieutenant, set coruse to Salisbury. Maximum impulse, I want to have a look what's up there."

The Conqueror began to move.

The Time of Truth - Pacific - 10-19-2011

[Image: jerjerrod1.png]

Commander Charles Davis was on the Bridge of the Leeds a Bretonia Destroyer class vessel. He was on the command bridge and keep t staring at a data pad that god knows what had on it when his Communication Officer called him.

"Commander Davis we have a priority massage from fleet command the Leeds is to head to the Salisbury imidietly once there we will receive out next orders !"

Davis looked at the the comm officer and after that looked towards the Navigation officer. "Helm get us to Salisbury as fast as possible. " Although he figured this will probably end being just another training.

The Time of Truth - Jam - 10-30-2011

The Shire made its way to one of the Winchester's hangars, making ready to load out its valuable cargo. Very busy moments; people were running all around, every one of them knew exactly what to do, like ants in anthill.

After all this mess, a Templar landed in the same hangar. Commodore Clay showed up, looking around. He checked his watch, and patiently awaited his knights to come...