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To: The Liberty Navy HQ - Printable Version

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To: The Liberty Navy HQ - Pancakes - 10-09-2011

>>>Incoming Transmission<<<

Source:La Fierte Redemption Battleship
From: Colonel Refaello Sanzio

[Image: refaellobeforeafter.jpg]

Bonjour messieurs, mesdames, mademoiselles.

My name is Refaello Sanzio and I am the executive commander of the La Fierte and a Colonel in the ranks of the Council.

This week, I plan to tour several systems, 2 of which are bordering Liberty space - Magellan and Cortez.

While I am not aware of Liberty's policy in that area, I wish to know if there is any problem with La Fierte entering that space along with snub-craft escort.

Refaello Sanzio Head Of Intelligence.

>>>Transmission End<<<

To: The Liberty Navy HQ - Sonja - 10-11-2011

Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Planet Manhattan, Fort Bragg
Encryption: Secure

Colonel Refaello Sanzio;

All I have to ask is that, is a battleship truly necessary?

But you have your own reasons, and it would be a pleasure to welcome the Council once again to the heart of Sirius. Well, not quite the heart, but close enough. Unfortunately, the Liberty Forces do enforce the foreign warship restrictions in Cortez and Magellan, so you are required to gain permission at the point of entry, rather than beforehand. However, I'm sure that this won't be an issue, as Fleet Admiral David Hale expressed great interest in your visit.

I'll not be able to meet with you in person, but I'm sure that the Fleet Admiral and the entourage he chooses to bring along will make your journey through those two systems safe and enjoyable.

Transmission Terminated

To: The Liberty Navy HQ - Pancakes - 10-11-2011

>>>Incoming Transmission<<<

Source:La Fierte Redemption Battleship
From: Colonel Refaello Sanzio

[Image: refaellobeforeafter.jpg]

Bonjour Commodore Robinson.

When the Council looked in Sirius, we saw Liberty as a source of inspiration, an regime we wish to turn alike - or at least very much similar. Once again I am not disappointed.

Liberty has always shown a great support - and thus I feel that you should know the reason for the visit. The situation in the Languedoc system is groom. Our forces flee a little bit back with each day passing and the Royals advance, a bit by bit. We decided to evacuate the system when the time for it comes, and built a base inside Sirius. That base is in the proximity of the two said systems - which is way we have to survey the area ourselves - to see how our own equipment works in areas similar to that system. At the moment the system's location is still secret, very few even among the Council know it's exact location, but rest assured that the location will be delivered to you soon - we simply can't even trust that the transmission will be intercepted somehow and decrypted, oui secret to that level.

As for the fleet admiral, I can not wait to meet him in person - It will be a great honor for me to meet the great man that leads the forces of freedom.

In the name of democracy, freedom and human rights!

Refaello Sanzio Head Of Intelligence.

>>>Transmission End<<<

To: The Liberty Navy HQ - Sonja - 10-11-2011

Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Planet Manhattan, Fort Bragg
Encryption: Secure

Colonel Refaello Sanzio;

I'm glad to see that you hold the Republic in such high esteem. Unfortunately, there are some who do not share your views, and instead feel that the universe owes them a debt of gratitude. I hope that the Fleet Admiral and yourself will have a very productive conversation about the future of the Council and her relations with the Republic of Liberty.

I am sure that he will be very interested in this new system of yours and the implications it could have on the mandate of the Liberty Navy. Nothing is more secure than a face-to-face conversation.

The Fleet Admiral should be replying to you shortly in order to formally organise your tour of the independent worlds to the galactic south-west of the Republic of Liberty.

Transmission Terminated

To: The Liberty Navy HQ - Jihadjoe - 10-11-2011


COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Fleet Admiral David Hale
TARGET ID: Refaello Sanzio
SUBJECT: A meeting

Hale here.

I'll warn you now Monsieur Sanzio, I'm not very good at taking compliments.

Aside from that, a meeting can certainly be arranged. I would suggest the space around Freeport 4 in the Magellan system to be an ideal meeting location. That can of course be changed if it seems unsuitable. I have also been in contact with the Liberty Security Force, who may or may not send a delegation.

The LNS Durango and escort group will meet your forces as and when they arrive. I will require details of the composition of your group, as well as estimated times of arrival. I'm aware it's a long journey.

It's been a long time since we last had direct contact with the Council. A large part of the Dupont family lived within our borders for a period of some months. I believe Fleur Dupont later went on to serve a short term as the Council's president (if that's the right term) before what I understand was something of a reorganisation in your government.

Anyway, There's plenty that will need to be discussed, I'm sure.

Good luck on the journey, Colonel.

Hale out.

[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

To: The Liberty Navy HQ - Pancakes - 10-12-2011

>>>Incoming Transmission<<<

Source:La Fierte Redemption Battleship
From: Colonel Refaello Sanzio

[Image: refaellobeforeafter.jpg]

Bonjour monsieur Hale.

Freeport 4 in Magellan would suit for an official meeting, however we plan to use the Baffin-Coronado-Cortez path, thus avoiding attracting too much attention to ourselves. We will arrive at Coronado in approximately 17:00 two days ahead, Sirius standard time of course.

If La Fierte entrance in Liberty's space would be too much of a problem, I will leave it in orbit of some planet in Coronado, and will move on with fighters only.
At any rate, the Council forces would not surpass 5 vessels including me in a fighter or La Fierte.

Refaello Sanzio Head Of Intelligence.

>>>Transmission End<<<