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To: Red Hessian Army, Rot Front. - Printable Version

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To: Red Hessian Army, Rot Front. - Dino - 10-10-2011

--| Incoming transmission

--| Sender: Alexander Diaz
--| Location: Freeport 1, Omega 3.

Greetings, comrades.

You might heard about me, since I am working for your comrades from Rot Front, and helping you fight agains common scum in Omegas.

Anyways, let's go to the point... You see, as usual, I was on random patrol 'round Omicrons and Omegas, wanted to shoot some 'sairs and stuff like that. Heh.. And guess what? I found something much worthy than 'sair heads. An information.. And guncams.. Loads of them.

That's right.. I have an information about your enemies and, as it seems, their new allies. Now.. Since I risked both my life and my ship to obtain some proofs about this, I wont just give it to you.

You see, Im a mercenary, and I live from cash I earn by doing this. So.. What are you ready to offer me to get this information? Cash would be prefered, eh..

And trust me, you wont regret 'bout this one. That's all, Im awaiting your answer.

[color=#ffffff][font=Lucida Console]--| Transmission over

To: Red Hessian Army, Rot Front. - Schwarzengel - 10-13-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Major Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]

Alexander Diaz, der oberkommando hab received your message, und despite how promising your klaim ist, ve sadly kan't trust your vord. Basikally, all you've told us about zis 'precious piece ov intel' you have ist, vell... Nothing! So, hereby ze oberkommando ist demanding a rough outline ov zis intel you say you have so ve kan diskuss vhether or not it ist vorth ze kredits ve vill be sending your vay fur zis deal.

Major Friedrich Dresner ov die Rote Hessen Armee over und aus!

[Transmission Terminated]

To: Red Hessian Army, Rot Front. - Dino - 10-13-2011

--| Incoming transmission

--| Sender: Alexander Diaz
--| Location: Freeport 1, Omega 3.

Greetings again,

Well, finally decided to answer, eh? And I already started worrsing that you forgot 'bout me.

So, eh.. Where were we? Ah, yes. Ofcourse, never trust mercenaries. Sure, sure. I understand all that. But well, you'l gotta trust me this time, because all you can have are my words... For now.

You want a piece of this info? No problem. You see, me and a freelancer called Zweihander were on usual patrol 'round Omicrons. And who did we met? Zoners.. OSI, to be exact.. And what were they doing? Now, that's interesting part. 3 zoner transports brought supplies to Crete, took some cargo from Tripoli and left to Omegas. Now, there's obviously some deal with 'sair council and zoners you dont know.

But just what you said, you cant trust me. All you have is my words, but you can get more. Im talking 'bout guncams. I have every single shot in my database. You want them? Let's negotiate...

[color=#ffffff][font=Lucida Console]--| Transmission over