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To: 13th Active Pilots - Printable Version

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To: 13th Active Pilots - r3vange - 10-11-2011

[Image: SamTransmission-3-3.png]

[color=#FFFFFF]Text and Video only

Quote:Hello guys, I'm finally awake, though by the looks of it I won't be back for a while...if I'll ever be back, there
are some bits missing...The Doc doesn't know I'm sending this transmission, also sorry for the text only but
I can't physically speak, some of the heat must have done a number on my vocal chords. Anyway I am
being transferred to Med Force One or whatever the name is to get some more surgery done...

To the point. If standard procedure took place Allen must have taken command, if anything is to happen to
him, Carlos you know what to do. Fernando should be available too if he's not too busy getting stupidly
drunk on Malta. One final thing if you happen to meet Anna Prentice do whatever you wish, she is of no
importance to me, if you meet that slime ball Nick Demnon, you are NOT to hurt him, if you see him say hi,
be nice and leave but do not do anything that might compromise his integrity. Well that'€™s it the nurse is
coming, I have to hide the PDA now, take care and hopefully I will be able to get in touch with you again

To: 13th Active Pilots - SeaFalcon - 10-11-2011


Ө Pilot: Carlos Franco
Ө Location: Thunder Bay Depot, Ontario

Ө To: Samantha Marquez; Allen Walker
Ө CC: 13th
Ө Subject: Re: Recent events
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[font=Century Gothic]─────────-------------------- - - - - - - -
| Good to hear from you again, and I wish you well on your upcoming
| operations. Let'€™s hope everything will go as planned and that you'€™ll turn
| out to be okay.
| The timing of your message was just about perfect. I'€™m here on Thunder
| Bay Depot in the Ontario system, that Junker base. And guess who is
| here too? That'€™s right, Anna Prentice.
| Sorry for my curiosity about this subject. But I'€™ve been doing my own little
| research on Anna. Since I saw her in Alpha last week, she was in a rather
| drunk mood. I overheard tiny bits of what she was talking about with the
| people around her, not that is made much sense at all, since she was
| pretty drunk. And that is a understatement.
| Anna and I exchanged a few words here on Thunder Bay. But it seemed
| like she turned scared when she noticed the little '€˜13th'€™ emblem on my
| suit. So I let her ran off. And by looks of it you don'€™t mind me asking her
| a few questions that I have for her. And I know shouldn'€™t ask, but I still
| what this all is about.
| Once again, I wish you the best with your recovery and hope to see you
| soon again. I'€™ll get back to work after Anna cleared up my questions.
| Carlos
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[font=Agency FB][color=#FFCC33]Ө Ө Ө END MESSAGE Ө Ө Ө